Introduce an Emergency Insulation Programme Now
Welsh families are buckling under the pressure of huge energy bills and our planet faces a climate catastrophe, but Welsh Labour are asleep at the wheel.
An analysis of Welsh Government figures shows their insulation programme is so slow it would take 135 years to insulate every fuel poor home in Wales.
By contrast our emergency insulation programme would:
- Save families £600+ a year
- Generate £2.2 billion for the economy
- Create 10,000 jobs
- Tackle climate change
- Reduce our dependence on fossil fuel dictatorships like Russia & Saudi Arabia
- Reduce the £67 million per year that NHS Wales spends on cold-related illnesses such as pneumonia.
Back Our Campaign to Introduce an Emergency Insulation Programme Now
Sign below to call on the Welsh Labour Government to back the Welsh Liberal Democrats' emergency insulation programme as a step towards ending fuel poverty in Wales.