Affinity Publisher
Affinity Publisher is the desktop publishing (DTP) software that both the Campaigns & Elections Team and ALDC recommend for artworking campaign literature.
All template campaign literature from the Campaigns & Elections Team and ALDC is now produced in Affinity Publisher.
Affinity Publisher is produced by a company called Serif and is the successor DTP to Page Plus - which for 10 years or more was the recommended software for campaigners in the Liberal Democrats. Page Plus was discountinued by Serif in 2019 and can no longer be purchased.
Affinity Publisher can be bought and downloaded direct from Serif here. It is available in both Windows and Mac versions.
Publisher is one of three programmes in Serif's "Affinity" range. The other two are Affinity Designer and Affinity Photo. You do not need to buy Designer or Photo to make use of our campaign literature templates.

Training Videos
Find a series of short 'How To' videos on the basic tools in Affinity Publisher from the Campaigns & Elections Team