(From our GLD October 2018 newsletter) Real-time electricity tariffs to increase use of renewables and reduce prices As intermittent renewables are increasingly used to generate electricity for the grid, and as demand will continue to vary hour by hour and day by day, balancing supply and demand gets harder. If demand could be shifted away from when it is higher than (easily produced) supply and towards when available supply is more than demand, this would be a big help. More renewables could be used by the grid, and electricity would be cheaper, because less rarely-used generating capacity would be needed. Time shifting can be achieved by real-time tariffs that follow the varying price paid by the National Grid (to balance supply and demand), as described in the paper: http://www.aldes.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/ALDElectricityRTTs215.pdf (I am down as the author, but the editor, Richard Balmer, was heavily involved.) It was written over 3 years ago. Reading it again, I would add: A guar