Challenge Magazine
The political journal of the Green Liberal Democrats
This journal brings quality articles from members, experts, the executive and MPs of the Liberal Democrats. You will receive one printed version every year in Autumn and one PDF in Spring.
Please reach out if you want to contribute to our next issue.
Our most recent version was Autumn 2024. The issue includes a letter from Chair, Cllr Keith Melton who will be finishing his term in January, on Politics and the 'Art of the Possible.
It also features Wera Hobhouse MP former Spokesperson for Climate and Energy, on the Green Transition, a letter from Ed Davey from pre-General Election times titled, ‘We Can’t Afford More Climate Failures' criticising the multitude of shortfalls of the Conservative government.
Also featured: Plastic Pollution on our Beaches, a Message of Optimism, and a message from now MP Roz Savage, who is championing the CAN Bill, on changing our lifestyles for the better.
And much, much more!
Read the PDF version of Autumn 2024 below!