Green Party and Lib Dem Merger - Nonsense or Not?
The Lib Dems and the Green Party famously joined an alliance in the 2019 General Election to stop Brexit and prevent a Tory majority government. As we know, this wasn't successful.
The Lib Dems and the Green Party famously joined an alliance in the 2019 General Election to stop Brexit and prevent a Tory majority government. As we know, this wasn't successful.
The Vice-Chair of Communications, Joe Dodd wrote a blog post this week for the environmental think tank, Green Alliance's Inside Track blog. The blog post analyses how green issues have risen up the agenda in the Liberal Democrats during the leadership election between Layla Moran and Sir Ed Davey.
Coherent or simply banal? As I said in my recent Op Ed piece on the website, one of the things that changed my day on Friday last week was that I had eventually seen the motion that caused our GLD motion to be bumped from consideration at the Lib Dem Online Conference at the end of September. If you recall, the letter sent to me from the Federal Conference Committee (FCC) indicated that the motion that was chosen was supposedly "more coherent" than the GLD submission.
Pippa Heylings MP becomes Liberal Democrat Energy Security and Net Zero Spokesperson with vow to take take green issues to the heart of Westminster
Pippa took part in the Commons debate in Westminster Hall on UK priorities for COP29, the UN climate change conference, on Sep 10th
In one of their first votes in Parliament, the new Liberal Democrat MPs for Cambridgeshire have voted in support of an amendment to the King's Speech which would see action taken on sewage dumping, cost of living and the NHS
Pippa Heylings joined with Cam Valley Forum campaigners on Sunday 19th May for a swim to celebrate Sheep’s Green in Cambridge receiving a Bathing Water Designation
On Wednesday, Conservative MPs including South Cambs MP Anthony Browne voted against a new law which would have seen water companies in court for sewage spills.
The 2024 ENDS Power List for politicians who have championed environmental causes has been published. It is a list of 50 politicians in the country and Pippa is honoured to be part of that list!