newly elected Liberal Democrat councillors for Ely North Alison Whelan and Simon Harries at the MOD site in Ely
newly elected Liberal Democrat councillors for Ely North Alison Whelan and Simon Harries at the MOD site in Ely
Cambridgeshire’s notorious Mayor, James Palmer, is to employ two extra spin doctors at taxpayers’ expense
Our Candidates We are delighted to announce our candidates for the elections to East Cambridgeshire District Council on Thursday 2 May
Edge of town sites are hurting the City Centre “An attractive city centre like ours could flourish if given the right help,” said city centre residen...
“East Cambs Council is shirking its responsibilities to local people,” says Kevin Wilkins of Market Street
PROPOSALS ARE BEING DRAWN UP by Sutton Parish Council for a 20MPH speed limit along Church Lane, the High Street asfar as The Brook, and roads off inc...
In breaking news this week, East Cambridgeshire district council has announced it is set to abandon its ill-fated draft local plan
Many people understandably assume rural Cambridgeshire is Conservative but elections in South Cambs last May saw years of Toryrule brought to an abrup...
One of several empty shops in central Ely which is suffering both from the general crisis on our high streets and from the effectsof council policies