Lib Dem Community Land Trust proposals snubbed by Tories
Image: Cllr Gareth Wilson (Lib Dem, Haddenham) at the new CLT development at Ovins Rise Haddenham Proposals by Liberal Democrat councillors to increas...
Image: Cllr Gareth Wilson (Lib Dem, Haddenham) at the new CLT development at Ovins Rise Haddenham Proposals by Liberal Democrat councillors to increas...
Mark Inskip and Lorna Dupre with Witcham Parish Councillor Julia Bibby, and Vanessa Kelly from the County Council out yesterday looking at potential l...
Local Liberal Democrats were celebrating 20 years since the opening of Jubilee Gardens in Ely this weekend
Good news may be on the way for a safer crossing at the BP roundabout on the A10/A142 at Ely – judged the most dangerous in the district for pedestri...
Last October East Cambs District Council rejected Lib Dem calls to investigate civil parking enforcement to address the problems of illegal parking wh...
The County Council’s Environment & Green Investment Committee, chaired by councillor Lorna Dupré, will receive the county’s latest carbon footprint re...
The Mepal bridge on the A142 between Mepal and Chatteris will be closed for three weekends in February and March
The East Cambridgeshire Community Fund grant application window will be open between Monday 17 January and Monday 21 February 2022
The demolition wrecking ball was taken to Mepal Outdoor Centre last month by East Cambs District Council even though their crematorium planning applic...