Struggling Southwark Labour Council Fails to Apologise for Putting Responsibility on Residents for Mould
Labour failed to apologise for putting responsibility on residents for mould and damp issues, at Wednesday evening’s council assembly.
Labour failed to apologise for putting responsibility on residents for mould and damp issues, at Wednesday evening’s council assembly.
Labour Mayor of London Sadiq Khan has announced today a partial rolling back of his controversial plans to cut numerous bus routes.
Southwark Council could provide free period products in its public toilets after councillors voted to pass an amended Liberal Democrat motion on Wednesday evening.
Southwark Labour voted down a Liberal Democrat amendment at Wednesday’s council assembly that would have boosted affordable housing and restricted new empty homes.
The Southwark Liberal Democrats brought a motion to Wednesday’s council assembly which called for free school meals to be extended to all secondary school children.
Two inner London councils failed to fine any litterers after the government eased its covid rules and guidance, the Southwark Liberal Democrats disclosed on Friday.
Councillor Maria Linforth-Hall of St George’s ward wrote to the CEO of Southwark Council to request an emergency response to address black mould in homes.
During this cost-of-living emergency the council must provide radical solutions to help residents who are choosing between eating and heating.
Southwark Council will vote on whether to extend the provision of free school meals to secondary school pupils at the council assembly this November.
A recent survey from the Local Government Ombudsman has revealed that Southwark is the 8th most complained about council in England.