Southwark Labour Vote to Keep Golden Goodbyes for Second Time
Southwark Labour voted to keep its ‘golden goodbyes’ for a second time in a row at a council assembly on Wednesday evening.
Southwark Labour voted to keep its ‘golden goodbyes’ for a second time in a row at a council assembly on Wednesday evening.
Southwark Labour has set out proposals for redesigning key parts of Dulwich Village’s traffic infrastructure and public spaces, but without any opportunity for local residents, businesses and organisations to have their say.
Southwark Liberal Democrat members of the council’s main scrutiny body grilled TfL staff on bus cuts on Wednesday evening after the London Mayor failed to attend.
Liberal Democrat councillors have demanded more ambition in Southwark Council’s plans to tackle air pollution in the borough.
Southwark Council overcharges leaseholders and takes years to send over final bills for major works, according to data the Liberal Democrats publicised on Thursday.
The London Mayor has not responded to official Southwark Council requests for his attendance at a scrutiny meeting, the Liberal Democrats revealed on Wednesday.