Southwark Council ranked 3rd worst for housing complaints in the country
Southwark has been ranked 3rd on Housing in the country, beaten only by Birmingham and narrowly by Lambeth, the Local Government Ombudsman has revealed.
Southwark has been ranked 3rd on Housing in the country, beaten only by Birmingham and narrowly by Lambeth, the Local Government Ombudsman has revealed.
The council is to shift new council housebuilding to the "development agreement" model, rather than building homes themselves
It is the first council to be put on the "gradings under review" list, and the 6th to be investigated.
Local shops that were facing rent hikes from the council of over 120% brought their case to Wednesday’s council assembly.
At last night’s council assembly, the Liberal Democrats moved to declare a housing emergency, which would make it the first to do so in London.
Council admits failings in electrical safety standards and apologises to residents, but can’t explain why failing occurred.