CAT Machynlleth Centre for Alternative Technology
by George Miles
9 Mar 2020
Eco Refurb course at CAT Machynlleth CAT 's report on Zero Carbon Britain was updated in October 2019.
There's a new Zero Carbon Britain Hub and Innovation Lab at CAT to help communities, local authorities and policymakers to create Zero Carbon Action Plans, and to provide support for the development of innovative solutions.
They hold many great weekend courses, Architecture, EcoRefurb, Permaculture, Buiild a Bird Box ,Build a Shed, etc, and are open for day visits with many exhibits and a bookshop.
They are a centre of excellence in the fight against the Climate Emergency.
When calculating a super insulated building's heat flow a pussy cat is a 15 watt heater. Ceiling hatches , doors, windows and cat flaps must be draught proofed, but some regulated airflow is necessary.
George Miles
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From GLD Challenge magazine 2019-20