Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) explained by Felix Dodds, ex-Chair of the Young Liberals

Forty-Five Years Since Stockholm, Twenty-Five Years Since the Earth Summit and Five Years Since Rio+20
In an article for the Interpress News Service Felix Dodds reviews where we are and the state of the discourse on sustainable development.
"In the same way that banks succeeded at privatizing the profits and socializing the losses as they led the global economy to the brink of collapse, my worry going forward is this: are we allowing the same to happen to the environment? Humanity has taken a huge leap over recent decades that has made us more interconnected than ever before - we need to behave as a global civilization as to not face catastrophic consequences.
The implementation of the SDGs and the Climate Agreement are the world's best and perhaps last hope for creating a just, equitable and sustainable world."
The article is at:
The UN's 17 goals are at:
Felix's blog is at: