GLD day at the National Liberal Club, Westminster. Wednesday 29th November 2023, Green Liberal Democrats workshops
Tickets £35 at:
09:30 Venue opens - Coffee, Tea and Juice available
10:30 Speech and programme for the day
Chair: Cllr Keith Melton with Hina Bokhari
Welcome from London Assembly Member & leader of London Lib Dems
11:00 Climate Cluster (hybrid - on Zoom too)
Chair - Wera Hobhouse MP
Speaker: Todd Smith from Safe Landing - On the greening of the aviation industry and jobs. How can we facilitate a just transition to net zero in the aviation industry? Todd Smith is an ex-pilot and ...
12:00 - 12:45 Climate Change - Cities and Towns - DISCUSSION - using UN SDG model
Chair: Keith Melton with Cllr Steve Mason
GLD Chair, Keith Melton & Cllr Steve Mason will lead a discussion about empowering Local Authorities to follow the guidance of the UN Sustainable Development Goals to inform Local decisions on Clim...
12:45 Lunch & Networking - Guest Speaker - Lib Dem Parliamentarian (tbc)
14:00 - 16:00 Tackling the Nature Crisis - Cities and Towns
Chair: Cllr Jules Ewart
Pippa Heylings & Richard Benwell
Panel: Cllr Pippa Heylings & Richard Benwell, Chief Exec of "Wildlife & Countryside" will review how to promote best practice in maintaining and enhancing the URBAN natural environment using the ...
16:00 Workshop Closes
Tickets £35 at: