2022 AGM - Motion to alter the Constitution
Proposer - Jason Billin
To separate out the roles of Treasurer and Membership Development Officer.
As follows:
6) Executive Committee
a Membership of the Executive Committee shall consist of seven elected officers [Chair, Vice Chair-Political, Vice Chair-Organisation, Vice Chair-Communications, Vice-Chair Campaigns, Youth Officer and Honorary Treasurer]; six elected ordinary members; and up to four additional co-opted ordinary members, in addition to those co-opted to fill any vacancies. Any vacancies occurring on the Executive Committee through resignation shall be filled by recounting the election in which the candidate was elected, redistributing his / her votes to their second preferences at the first stage. Any vacancies occurring through a lack of candidates may be filled by the Executive Committee by co-option.
To (changes in bold):
a Membership of the Executive Committee shall consist of eight elected officers [Chair, Vice Chair-Political, Vice Chair-Organisation, Vice Chair-Communications, Vice-Chair Campaigns, Youth Officer, Membership Development Officer and Treasurer]; six elected ordinary members; and up to four additional co-opted ordinary members, in addition to those co-opted to fill any vacancies. Any vacancies occurring on the Executive Committee through resignation shall be filled by recounting the election in which the candidate was elected, redistributing his / her votes to their second preferences at the first stage. Any vacancies occurring through a lack of candidates may be filled by the Executive Committee by co-option.
Election Regulations
1) Responsibilities and Authority
To (changes in bold):
a) The Honorary Treasurer shall be responsible for providing up to date membership information to the RO
a) The Membership Development Officer shall be responsible for providing up to date membership information to the RO
Further - change all reference to 'Honorary Treasurer' to 'Treasurer.'