Supporting Refugees and Asylum Seekers
The Labour group on Bromley Council decided to wreck the Lib Dem motion to improve liaison between Council, statutory organisations and voluntary groups to work together to support asylum seekers…
The Labour group on Bromley Council decided to wreck the Lib Dem motion to improve liaison between Council, statutory organisations and voluntary groups to work together to support asylum seekers…
"There's no such thing as an LGBTQ+ Community" says Conservative Councillor Marlow. Political posteuring was the only winner at a heated meeting of Bromley council on 17th July.
19th July 2023 was the 47th birthday of the Churchill Theatre. We are passionately committed to making sure it's not the last. But the future of the Theatre seems to be at risk, due the delapidated…
In June 2023, the Bromley Lib Dems commissioned a survey to listen to residents' concerns around road safety in 4 roads in central Bromley - this article outlines the results of the survey and the…
During a debate on road safety, Lib Dem Chloe-Jane Ross said the Council had failed to provide any aspirational goals. “You are depriving an entire generation of children of lifetime habits of…
Bromley Lib Dems have submitted their formal response to the consultation on the Bromley Local Plan highlighting the need for affordable housing, protecting our environment, safeguarding what is good…
John Lewis has held their final consultation session for local residents about their plans to build tower blocks for rental flats on the site of Waitrose at Bromley South.
On the morning of Saturday 10 June over 100 trees were illegally felled in a local field that is widely used by dog walkers. The field contained many 20-year-old oak trees and was a haven for bats…
Bromley’s air quality monitors have turned red today, indicating that pollution levels are particularly high and will remain high for the next three days.
Many residents have contacted us concerned with the tree felling along the Hayes Line.