Alison Whelan
Alison Whelan Alison is a County and District Councillor for Ely North. She first became a City of Ely Councillor in 2014, a District Councillor in 2019 and a County Councillor in 2021. County…
Alison Whelan Alison is a County and District Councillor for Ely North. She first became a City of Ely Councillor in 2014, a District Councillor in 2019 and a County Councillor in 2021. County…
Hi, I’m Christine Whelan, and I’m your Liberal Democrat candidate for the City of Ely Council in the by-election on 2 May 2024. I’ve lived in the district since 2000. I work part time as a teaching…
Hi, I’m Will Novick, and I’m your latest Liberal Democrat Councillor for the City of Ely Council. Thank you for your support in Electing me to the City Council. The result of the election…
New figures released by the Environment Agency have shown that Anglian Water which covers Ely & East Cambridgeshire discharged sewage a staggering 31,623 times last year, a 97% rise compared to in…
About Charlotte I’ve lived in East Cambridgeshire for thirty years. It’s a place I love, and for whose residents I want the best. As a child, we moved home often with my Army father. My mother, a…
Our priorities for Ely West On Thursday 18th April there are two by-elections in Ely West, one to elect Ross Trent to Ely West Ward on East Cambridgeshire District Council and the other to elect…
A budget amendment from the Liberal Democrats on East Cambridgeshire District Council was voted down by Conservative councillors yesterday (20 February).
The Liberal Democrats today announced that their candidate for the 2024 Police and Crime Commissioner election in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough is to be Cllr Edna Murphy.