Federal Policy Committee

ERS97 STV Count for Contest Federal Policy Committee in Event Federal Internal Election 2022

Count requested by : greg.foster
Number of positions to fill : 15

Count configuration
Alyssa Gilbert
Belinda Brooks-Gordon
Ben Rich
Christine Cheng
David John Barnsdale
Duncan Brack
Elizabeth Jewkes
Frances Kneller
Helen Cross
James Baillie
James Bliss
Jamie Dalzell 
Janey Little
Jeremy Hargreaves
John Shreeve
Julie Adnams Hatch
Keith Melton
Kevin Langford
Luke Richards
Mark Johnston
Martin Horwood
Michael Kilpatrick
Mohsin Khan
Oliver Jones-Lyons
Philip Alexander
Rachelle Shepherd-Dubey
Richard Cole
Richard Gadsden
Robert Harrison
Sally Burnell
Steve Mason
Susan Juned
Tara Copeland
Tom Parkin
Will de Peyer

Lucy Nethsingha (disqualified by greg.foster)

                    Stage : 1
                StageType : First

                Candidate|     Tally|   Surplus|   Elected|  Excluded|
           Alyssa Gilbert|     83.00|      0.00|          |          |
    Belinda Brooks-Gordon|    195.00|      0.00|          |          |
                 Ben Rich|    183.00|      0.00|          |          |
          Christine Cheng|    248.00|      0.00|          |          |
     David John Barnsdale|    162.00|      0.00|          |          |
             Duncan Brack|    319.19|    181.81|         X|          |
         Elizabeth Jewkes|    141.00|      0.00|          |          |
          Frances Kneller|     50.00|      0.00|          |          |
              Helen Cross|    186.00|      0.00|          |          |
            James Baillie|     92.00|      0.00|          |          |
              James Bliss|     68.00|      0.00|          |          |
           Jamie Dalzell |     67.00|      0.00|          |          |
             Janey Little|    236.00|      0.00|          |          |
        Jeremy Hargreaves|    171.00|      0.00|          |          |
             John Shreeve|    159.00|      0.00|          |          |
       Julie Adnams Hatch|    130.00|      0.00|          |          |
             Keith Melton|    164.00|      0.00|          |          |
           Kevin Langford|     64.00|      0.00|          |          |
          Lucy Nethsingha|      0.00|      0.00|          |          |
            Luke Richards|    117.00|      0.00|          |          |
            Mark Johnston|    283.00|      0.00|          |          |
           Martin Horwood|    319.19|     79.81|         X|          |
       Michael Kilpatrick|     45.00|      0.00|          |          |
              Mohsin Khan|    125.00|      0.00|          |          |
       Oliver Jones-Lyons|    112.00|      0.00|          |          |
         Philip Alexander|     45.00|      0.00|          |          |
  Rachelle Shepherd-Dubey|     51.00|      0.00|          |          |
             Richard Cole|    152.00|      0.00|          |          |
          Richard Gadsden|     90.00|      0.00|          |          |
          Robert Harrison|     92.00|      0.00|          |          |
            Sally Burnell|    104.00|      0.00|          |          |
              Steve Mason|     91.00|      0.00|          |          |
              Susan Juned|     72.00|      0.00|          |          |
            Tara Copeland|    216.00|      0.00|          |          |
               Tom Parkin|     96.00|      0.00|          |          |
            Will de Peyer|    117.00|      0.00|          |          |

Quota calculated as 319.19
Duncan Brack was elected with 501 votes.
Duncan Brack has a surplus of 181.81.
Martin Horwood was elected with 399 votes.
Martin Horwood has a surplus of 79.81.
13 position(s) remain to be filled


                    Stage : 2
                StageType : Transfer

                Candidate|     Tally|   Surplus|   Elected|  Excluded|
           Alyssa Gilbert|     85.64|      0.00|          |          |
    Belinda Brooks-Gordon|    206.88|      0.00|          |          |
                 Ben Rich|    199.72|      0.00|          |          |
          Christine Cheng|    260.32|      0.00|          |          |
     David John Barnsdale|    163.76|      0.00|          |          |
             Duncan Brack|    319.19|      0.00|         X|          |
         Elizabeth Jewkes|    151.56|      0.00|          |          |
          Frances Kneller|     50.44|      0.00|          |          |
              Helen Cross|    194.36|      0.00|          |          |
            James Baillie|     95.96|      0.00|          |          |
              James Bliss|     68.88|      0.00|          |          |
           Jamie Dalzell |     70.52|      0.00|          |          |
             Janey Little|    241.72|      0.00|          |          |
        Jeremy Hargreaves|    196.08|      0.00|          |          |
             John Shreeve|    163.40|      0.00|          |          |
       Julie Adnams Hatch|    130.88|      0.00|          |          |
             Keith Melton|    172.36|      0.00|          |          |
           Kevin Langford|     65.76|      0.00|          |          |
          Lucy Nethsingha|      0.00|      0.00|          |          |
            Luke Richards|    119.20|      0.00|          |          |
            Mark Johnston|    294.88|      0.00|          |          |
           Martin Horwood|    319.19|     79.81|         X|          |
       Michael Kilpatrick|     45.44|      0.00|          |          |
              Mohsin Khan|    129.40|      0.00|          |          |
       Oliver Jones-Lyons|    112.88|      0.00|          |          |
         Philip Alexander|     46.32|      0.00|          |          |
  Rachelle Shepherd-Dubey|     51.00|      0.00|          |          |
             Richard Cole|    159.04|      0.00|          |          |
          Richard Gadsden|     92.64|      0.00|          |          |
          Robert Harrison|     97.28|      0.00|          |          |
            Sally Burnell|    110.60|      0.00|          |          |
              Steve Mason|     93.20|      0.00|          |          |
              Susan Juned|     76.40|      0.00|          |          |
            Tara Copeland|    219.96|      0.00|          |          |
               Tom Parkin|    100.84|      0.00|          |          |
            Will de Peyer|    121.40|      0.00|          |          |

Transferring surplus from Duncan Brack
13 position(s) remain to be filled


                    Stage : 3
                StageType : Transfer

                Candidate|     Tally|   Surplus|   Elected|  Excluded|
           Alyssa Gilbert|     88.17|      0.00|          |          |
    Belinda Brooks-Gordon|    212.40|      0.00|          |          |
                 Ben Rich|    205.47|      0.00|          |          |
          Christine Cheng|    264.69|      0.00|          |          |
     David John Barnsdale|    164.45|      0.00|          |          |
             Duncan Brack|    319.19|      0.00|         X|          |
         Elizabeth Jewkes|    154.78|      0.00|          |          |
          Frances Kneller|     51.82|      0.00|          |          |
              Helen Cross|    197.81|      0.00|          |          |
            James Baillie|     96.42|      0.00|          |          |
              James Bliss|     70.03|      0.00|          |          |
           Jamie Dalzell |     70.75|      0.00|          |          |
             Janey Little|    246.78|      0.00|          |          |
        Jeremy Hargreaves|    202.29|      0.00|          |          |
             John Shreeve|    166.62|      0.00|          |          |
       Julie Adnams Hatch|    132.49|      0.00|          |          |
             Keith Melton|    177.19|      0.00|          |          |
           Kevin Langford|     65.76|      0.00|          |          |
          Lucy Nethsingha|      0.00|      0.00|          |          |
            Luke Richards|    121.04|      0.00|          |          |
            Mark Johnston|    298.10|      0.00|          |          |
           Martin Horwood|    319.19|      0.00|         X|          |
       Michael Kilpatrick|     46.36|      0.00|          |          |
              Mohsin Khan|    130.78|      0.00|          |          |
       Oliver Jones-Lyons|    114.49|      0.00|          |          |
         Philip Alexander|     46.78|      0.00|          |          |
  Rachelle Shepherd-Dubey|     51.00|      0.00|          |          |
             Richard Cole|    161.80|      0.00|          |          |
          Richard Gadsden|     94.02|      0.00|          |          |
          Robert Harrison|     97.97|      0.00|          |          |
            Sally Burnell|    113.13|      0.00|          |          |
              Steve Mason|     96.42|      0.00|          |          |
              Susan Juned|     78.47|      0.00|          |          |
            Tara Copeland|    221.57|      0.00|          |          |
               Tom Parkin|    101.99|      0.00|          |          |
            Will de Peyer|    123.70|      0.00|          |          |

Transferring surplus from Martin Horwood
Threshold recalculated as 318.97
13 position(s) remain to be filled


                    Stage : 4
                StageType : Elimination

                Candidate|     Tally|   Surplus|   Elected|  Excluded|
           Alyssa Gilbert|     88.17|      0.00|          |          |
    Belinda Brooks-Gordon|    215.40|      0.00|          |          |
                 Ben Rich|    206.47|      0.00|          |          |
          Christine Cheng|    264.69|      0.00|          |          |
     David John Barnsdale|    164.45|      0.00|          |          |
             Duncan Brack|    319.19|      0.00|         X|          |
         Elizabeth Jewkes|    159.78|      0.00|          |          |
          Frances Kneller|     51.82|      0.00|          |          |
              Helen Cross|    198.81|      0.00|          |          |
            James Baillie|     97.42|      0.00|          |          |
              James Bliss|     72.03|      0.00|          |          |
           Jamie Dalzell |     71.75|      0.00|          |          |
             Janey Little|    248.78|      0.00|          |          |
        Jeremy Hargreaves|    203.29|      0.00|          |          |
             John Shreeve|    167.85|      0.00|          |          |
       Julie Adnams Hatch|    134.49|      0.00|          |          |
             Keith Melton|    177.19|      0.00|          |          |
           Kevin Langford|     65.76|      0.00|          |          |
          Lucy Nethsingha|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
            Luke Richards|    121.27|      0.00|          |          |
            Mark Johnston|    303.33|      0.00|          |          |
           Martin Horwood|    319.19|      0.00|         X|          |
       Michael Kilpatrick|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
              Mohsin Khan|    131.78|      0.00|          |          |
       Oliver Jones-Lyons|    116.49|      0.00|          |          |
         Philip Alexander|     46.78|      0.00|          |          |
  Rachelle Shepherd-Dubey|     54.00|      0.00|          |          |
             Richard Cole|    161.80|      0.00|          |          |
          Richard Gadsden|     96.69|      0.00|          |          |
          Robert Harrison|     98.97|      0.00|          |          |
            Sally Burnell|    113.13|      0.00|          |          |
              Steve Mason|     97.42|      0.00|          |          |
              Susan Juned|     78.47|      0.00|          |          |
            Tara Copeland|    221.57|      0.00|          |          |
               Tom Parkin|    103.99|      0.00|          |          |
            Will de Peyer|    124.70|      0.00|          |          |

Considering Alyssa Gilbert, Belinda Brooks-Gordon, Ben Rich, Christine Cheng, David John Barnsdale, Elizabeth Jewkes, Frances Kneller, Helen Cross, James Baillie, James Bliss, Jamie Dalzell , Janey Little, Jeremy Hargreaves, John Shreeve, Julie Adnams Hatch, Keith Melton, Kevin Langford, Lucy Nethsingha, Luke Richards, Mark Johnston, Michael Kilpatrick, Mohsin Khan, Oliver Jones-Lyons, Philip Alexander, Rachelle Shepherd-Dubey, Richard Cole, Richard Gadsden, Robert Harrison, Sally Burnell, Steve Mason, Susan Juned, Tara Copeland, Tom Parkin and Will de Peyer for exclusion
No longer considering Mark Johnston due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Christine Cheng due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Janey Little due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Tara Copeland due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Belinda Brooks-Gordon due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Ben Rich due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Jeremy Hargreaves due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Helen Cross due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Keith Melton due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering John Shreeve due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering David John Barnsdale due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Richard Cole due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Elizabeth Jewkes due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Julie Adnams Hatch due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Mohsin Khan due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Will de Peyer due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Luke Richards due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Oliver Jones-Lyons due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Sally Burnell due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Tom Parkin due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Robert Harrison due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering James Baillie due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Steve Mason due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Richard Gadsden due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Alyssa Gilbert due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Susan Juned due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Jamie Dalzell  due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering James Bliss due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Kevin Langford due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Frances Kneller due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Rachelle Shepherd-Dubey due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Philip Alexander due to lead in stage 1
Excluding Lucy Nethsingha and Michael Kilpatrick
Threshold recalculated as 318.47
13 position(s) remain to be filled


                    Stage : 5
                StageType : Elimination

                Candidate|     Tally|   Surplus|   Elected|  Excluded|
           Alyssa Gilbert|     93.40|      0.00|          |          |
    Belinda Brooks-Gordon|    216.40|      0.00|          |          |
                 Ben Rich|    207.47|      0.00|          |          |
          Christine Cheng|    268.69|      0.00|          |          |
     David John Barnsdale|    164.45|      0.00|          |          |
             Duncan Brack|    319.19|      0.00|         X|          |
         Elizabeth Jewkes|    162.78|      0.00|          |          |
          Frances Kneller|     51.82|      0.00|          |          |
              Helen Cross|    200.81|      0.00|          |          |
            James Baillie|     99.42|      0.00|          |          |
              James Bliss|     72.03|      0.00|          |          |
           Jamie Dalzell |     71.75|      0.00|          |          |
             Janey Little|    249.78|      0.00|          |          |
        Jeremy Hargreaves|    204.29|      0.00|          |          |
             John Shreeve|    167.85|      0.00|          |          |
       Julie Adnams Hatch|    135.49|      0.00|          |          |
             Keith Melton|    177.19|      0.00|          |          |
           Kevin Langford|     65.76|      0.00|          |          |
          Lucy Nethsingha|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
            Luke Richards|    122.27|      0.00|          |          |
            Mark Johnston|    307.33|      0.00|          |          |
           Martin Horwood|    319.19|      0.00|         X|          |
       Michael Kilpatrick|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
              Mohsin Khan|    134.22|      0.00|          |          |
       Oliver Jones-Lyons|    117.49|      0.00|          |          |
         Philip Alexander|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
  Rachelle Shepherd-Dubey|     54.00|      0.00|          |          |
             Richard Cole|    161.80|      0.00|          |          |
          Richard Gadsden|     96.69|      0.00|          |          |
          Robert Harrison|     98.97|      0.00|          |          |
            Sally Burnell|    113.36|      0.00|          |          |
              Steve Mason|     99.42|      0.00|          |          |
              Susan Juned|     80.47|      0.00|          |          |
            Tara Copeland|    222.01|      0.00|          |          |
               Tom Parkin|    104.99|      0.00|          |          |
            Will de Peyer|    128.70|      0.00|          |          |

Considering Alyssa Gilbert, Belinda Brooks-Gordon, Ben Rich, Christine Cheng, David John Barnsdale, Elizabeth Jewkes, Frances Kneller, Helen Cross, James Baillie, James Bliss, Jamie Dalzell , Janey Little, Jeremy Hargreaves, John Shreeve, Julie Adnams Hatch, Keith Melton, Kevin Langford, Luke Richards, Mark Johnston, Mohsin Khan, Oliver Jones-Lyons, Philip Alexander, Rachelle Shepherd-Dubey, Richard Cole, Richard Gadsden, Robert Harrison, Sally Burnell, Steve Mason, Susan Juned, Tara Copeland, Tom Parkin and Will de Peyer for exclusion
No longer considering Mark Johnston due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Christine Cheng due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Janey Little due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Tara Copeland due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Belinda Brooks-Gordon due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Ben Rich due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Jeremy Hargreaves due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Helen Cross due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Keith Melton due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering John Shreeve due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering David John Barnsdale due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Richard Cole due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Elizabeth Jewkes due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Julie Adnams Hatch due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Mohsin Khan due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Will de Peyer due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Luke Richards due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Oliver Jones-Lyons due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Sally Burnell due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Tom Parkin due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Robert Harrison due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering James Baillie due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Steve Mason due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Richard Gadsden due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Alyssa Gilbert due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Susan Juned due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering James Bliss due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Jamie Dalzell  due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Kevin Langford due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Rachelle Shepherd-Dubey due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Frances Kneller due to lead in stage 1
Excluding Philip Alexander
Threshold recalculated as 317.97
Threshold recalculated as 317.94
13 position(s) remain to be filled


                    Stage : 6
                StageType : Elimination

                Candidate|     Tally|   Surplus|   Elected|  Excluded|
           Alyssa Gilbert|     93.63|      0.00|          |          |
    Belinda Brooks-Gordon|    216.63|      0.00|          |          |
                 Ben Rich|    208.47|      0.00|          |          |
          Christine Cheng|    269.92|      0.00|          |          |
     David John Barnsdale|    164.45|      0.00|          |          |
             Duncan Brack|    319.19|      0.00|         X|          |
         Elizabeth Jewkes|    163.78|      0.00|          |          |
          Frances Kneller|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
              Helen Cross|    205.81|      0.00|          |          |
            James Baillie|    100.42|      0.00|          |          |
              James Bliss|     72.03|      0.00|          |          |
           Jamie Dalzell |     71.75|      0.00|          |          |
             Janey Little|    252.01|      0.00|          |          |
        Jeremy Hargreaves|    204.29|      0.00|          |          |
             John Shreeve|    167.85|      0.00|          |          |
       Julie Adnams Hatch|    137.72|      0.00|          |          |
             Keith Melton|    179.19|      0.00|          |          |
           Kevin Langford|     65.76|      0.00|          |          |
          Lucy Nethsingha|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
            Luke Richards|    122.27|      0.00|          |          |
            Mark Johnston|    308.33|      0.00|          |          |
           Martin Horwood|    319.19|      0.00|         X|          |
       Michael Kilpatrick|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
              Mohsin Khan|    139.22|      0.00|          |          |
       Oliver Jones-Lyons|    117.49|      0.00|          |          |
         Philip Alexander|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
  Rachelle Shepherd-Dubey|     55.00|      0.00|          |          |
             Richard Cole|    163.80|      0.00|          |          |
          Richard Gadsden|     96.69|      0.00|          |          |
          Robert Harrison|     99.97|      0.00|          |          |
            Sally Burnell|    113.36|      0.00|          |          |
              Steve Mason|     99.42|      0.00|          |          |
              Susan Juned|     81.47|      0.00|          |          |
            Tara Copeland|    222.24|      0.00|          |          |
               Tom Parkin|    104.99|      0.00|          |          |
            Will de Peyer|    131.14|      0.00|          |          |

Considering Alyssa Gilbert, Belinda Brooks-Gordon, Ben Rich, Christine Cheng, David John Barnsdale, Elizabeth Jewkes, Frances Kneller, Helen Cross, James Baillie, James Bliss, Jamie Dalzell , Janey Little, Jeremy Hargreaves, John Shreeve, Julie Adnams Hatch, Keith Melton, Kevin Langford, Luke Richards, Mark Johnston, Mohsin Khan, Oliver Jones-Lyons, Rachelle Shepherd-Dubey, Richard Cole, Richard Gadsden, Robert Harrison, Sally Burnell, Steve Mason, Susan Juned, Tara Copeland, Tom Parkin and Will de Peyer for exclusion
No longer considering Mark Johnston due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Christine Cheng due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Janey Little due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Tara Copeland due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Belinda Brooks-Gordon due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Ben Rich due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Jeremy Hargreaves due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Helen Cross due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Keith Melton due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering John Shreeve due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering David John Barnsdale due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Elizabeth Jewkes due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Richard Cole due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Julie Adnams Hatch due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Mohsin Khan due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Will de Peyer due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Luke Richards due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Oliver Jones-Lyons due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Sally Burnell due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Tom Parkin due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering James Baillie due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Steve Mason due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Robert Harrison due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Richard Gadsden due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Alyssa Gilbert due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Susan Juned due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering James Bliss due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Jamie Dalzell  due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Kevin Langford due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Rachelle Shepherd-Dubey due to lead in stage 1
Excluding Frances Kneller
Threshold recalculated as 316.37
13 position(s) remain to be filled


                    Stage : 7
                StageType : Elimination

                Candidate|     Tally|   Surplus|   Elected|  Excluded|
           Alyssa Gilbert|     96.63|      0.00|          |          |
    Belinda Brooks-Gordon|    217.63|      0.00|          |          |
                 Ben Rich|    209.47|      0.00|          |          |
          Christine Cheng|    271.92|      0.00|          |          |
     David John Barnsdale|    164.45|      0.00|          |          |
             Duncan Brack|    319.19|      0.00|         X|          |
         Elizabeth Jewkes|    165.78|      0.00|          |          |
          Frances Kneller|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
              Helen Cross|    208.81|      0.00|          |          |
            James Baillie|    102.42|      0.00|          |          |
              James Bliss|     73.03|      0.00|          |          |
           Jamie Dalzell |     73.75|      0.00|          |          |
             Janey Little|    254.01|      0.00|          |          |
        Jeremy Hargreaves|    205.29|      0.00|          |          |
             John Shreeve|    168.85|      0.00|          |          |
       Julie Adnams Hatch|    141.72|      0.00|          |          |
             Keith Melton|    180.19|      0.00|          |          |
           Kevin Langford|     69.76|      0.00|          |          |
          Lucy Nethsingha|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
            Luke Richards|    122.27|      0.00|          |          |
            Mark Johnston|    310.33|      0.00|          |          |
           Martin Horwood|    319.19|      0.00|         X|          |
       Michael Kilpatrick|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
              Mohsin Khan|    143.22|      0.00|          |          |
       Oliver Jones-Lyons|    118.49|      0.00|          |          |
         Philip Alexander|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
  Rachelle Shepherd-Dubey|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
             Richard Cole|    164.80|      0.00|          |          |
          Richard Gadsden|     97.69|      0.00|          |          |
          Robert Harrison|     99.97|      0.00|          |          |
            Sally Burnell|    113.36|      0.00|          |          |
              Steve Mason|    101.42|      0.00|          |          |
              Susan Juned|     81.47|      0.00|          |          |
            Tara Copeland|    225.24|      0.00|          |          |
               Tom Parkin|    105.99|      0.00|          |          |
            Will de Peyer|    132.14|      0.00|          |          |

Considering Alyssa Gilbert, Belinda Brooks-Gordon, Ben Rich, Christine Cheng, David John Barnsdale, Elizabeth Jewkes, Helen Cross, James Baillie, James Bliss, Jamie Dalzell , Janey Little, Jeremy Hargreaves, John Shreeve, Julie Adnams Hatch, Keith Melton, Kevin Langford, Luke Richards, Mark Johnston, Mohsin Khan, Oliver Jones-Lyons, Rachelle Shepherd-Dubey, Richard Cole, Richard Gadsden, Robert Harrison, Sally Burnell, Steve Mason, Susan Juned, Tara Copeland, Tom Parkin and Will de Peyer for exclusion
No longer considering Mark Johnston due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Christine Cheng due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Janey Little due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Tara Copeland due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Belinda Brooks-Gordon due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Ben Rich due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Helen Cross due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Jeremy Hargreaves due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Keith Melton due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering John Shreeve due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering David John Barnsdale due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Richard Cole due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Elizabeth Jewkes due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Mohsin Khan due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Julie Adnams Hatch due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Will de Peyer due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Luke Richards due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Oliver Jones-Lyons due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Sally Burnell due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Tom Parkin due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering James Baillie due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Robert Harrison due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Steve Mason due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Richard Gadsden due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Alyssa Gilbert due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Susan Juned due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering James Bliss due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Jamie Dalzell  due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Kevin Langford due to lead in stage 1
Excluding Rachelle Shepherd-Dubey
Threshold recalculated as 315.73
13 position(s) remain to be filled


                    Stage : 8
                StageType : Elimination

                Candidate|     Tally|   Surplus|   Elected|  Excluded|
           Alyssa Gilbert|    100.63|      0.00|          |          |
    Belinda Brooks-Gordon|    218.63|      0.00|          |          |
                 Ben Rich|    211.47|      0.00|          |          |
          Christine Cheng|    274.92|      0.00|          |          |
     David John Barnsdale|    165.45|      0.00|          |          |
             Duncan Brack|    319.19|      0.00|         X|          |
         Elizabeth Jewkes|    169.78|      0.00|          |          |
          Frances Kneller|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
              Helen Cross|    217.81|      0.00|          |          |
            James Baillie|    105.42|      0.00|          |          |
              James Bliss|     73.03|      0.00|          |          |
           Jamie Dalzell |     74.75|      0.00|          |          |
             Janey Little|    258.01|      0.00|          |          |
        Jeremy Hargreaves|    207.73|      0.00|          |          |
             John Shreeve|    168.85|      0.00|          |          |
       Julie Adnams Hatch|    145.16|      0.00|          |          |
             Keith Melton|    180.63|      0.00|          |          |
           Kevin Langford|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
          Lucy Nethsingha|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
            Luke Richards|    126.27|      0.00|          |          |
            Mark Johnston|    316.33|      0.00|         X|          |
           Martin Horwood|    319.19|      0.00|         X|          |
       Michael Kilpatrick|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
              Mohsin Khan|    144.22|      0.00|          |          |
       Oliver Jones-Lyons|    120.49|      0.00|          |          |
         Philip Alexander|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
  Rachelle Shepherd-Dubey|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
             Richard Cole|    164.80|      0.00|          |          |
          Richard Gadsden|     97.69|      0.00|          |          |
          Robert Harrison|    100.97|      0.00|          |          |
            Sally Burnell|    116.36|      0.00|          |          |
              Steve Mason|    101.42|      0.00|          |          |
              Susan Juned|     82.47|      0.00|          |          |
            Tara Copeland|    228.24|      0.00|          |          |
               Tom Parkin|    106.99|      0.00|          |          |
            Will de Peyer|    135.14|      0.00|          |          |

Considering Alyssa Gilbert, Belinda Brooks-Gordon, Ben Rich, Christine Cheng, David John Barnsdale, Elizabeth Jewkes, Helen Cross, James Baillie, James Bliss, Jamie Dalzell , Janey Little, Jeremy Hargreaves, John Shreeve, Julie Adnams Hatch, Keith Melton, Kevin Langford, Luke Richards, Mark Johnston, Mohsin Khan, Oliver Jones-Lyons, Richard Cole, Richard Gadsden, Robert Harrison, Sally Burnell, Steve Mason, Susan Juned, Tara Copeland, Tom Parkin and Will de Peyer for exclusion
No longer considering Mark Johnston due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Christine Cheng due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Janey Little due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Tara Copeland due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Belinda Brooks-Gordon due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Ben Rich due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Helen Cross due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Jeremy Hargreaves due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Keith Melton due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering John Shreeve due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Elizabeth Jewkes due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Richard Cole due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering David John Barnsdale due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Mohsin Khan due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Julie Adnams Hatch due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Will de Peyer due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Luke Richards due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Oliver Jones-Lyons due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Sally Burnell due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Tom Parkin due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering James Baillie due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Steve Mason due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Robert Harrison due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Richard Gadsden due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Alyssa Gilbert due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Susan Juned due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Jamie Dalzell  due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering James Bliss due to lead in stage 1
Excluding Kevin Langford
Threshold recalculated as 315.3
Mark Johnston was elected with 316.33 votes.
Mark Johnston has a surplus of 0.
Threshold recalculated as 315.18
12 position(s) remain to be filled


                    Stage : 9
                StageType : Elimination

                Candidate|     Tally|   Surplus|   Elected|  Excluded|
           Alyssa Gilbert|    102.63|      0.00|          |          |
    Belinda Brooks-Gordon|    222.86|      0.00|          |          |
                 Ben Rich|    211.91|      0.00|          |          |
          Christine Cheng|    277.92|      0.00|          |          |
     David John Barnsdale|    165.45|      0.00|          |          |
             Duncan Brack|    319.19|      0.00|         X|          |
         Elizabeth Jewkes|    169.78|      0.00|          |          |
          Frances Kneller|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
              Helen Cross|    217.81|      0.00|          |          |
            James Baillie|    108.86|      0.00|          |          |
              James Bliss|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
           Jamie Dalzell |     74.75|      0.00|          |          |
             Janey Little|    265.01|      0.00|          |          |
        Jeremy Hargreaves|    208.73|      0.00|          |          |
             John Shreeve|    168.85|      0.00|          |          |
       Julie Adnams Hatch|    147.39|      0.00|          |          |
             Keith Melton|    184.86|      0.00|          |          |
           Kevin Langford|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
          Lucy Nethsingha|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
            Luke Richards|    131.27|      0.00|          |          |
            Mark Johnston|    316.33|      0.00|         X|          |
           Martin Horwood|    319.19|      0.00|         X|          |
       Michael Kilpatrick|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
              Mohsin Khan|    148.22|      0.00|          |          |
       Oliver Jones-Lyons|    123.49|      0.00|          |          |
         Philip Alexander|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
  Rachelle Shepherd-Dubey|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
             Richard Cole|    165.80|      0.00|          |          |
          Richard Gadsden|    105.69|      0.00|          |          |
          Robert Harrison|    101.97|      0.00|          |          |
            Sally Burnell|    118.36|      0.00|          |          |
              Steve Mason|    103.42|      0.00|          |          |
              Susan Juned|     83.47|      0.00|          |          |
            Tara Copeland|    233.47|      0.00|          |          |
               Tom Parkin|    108.22|      0.00|          |          |
            Will de Peyer|    135.14|      0.00|          |          |

Considering Alyssa Gilbert, Belinda Brooks-Gordon, Ben Rich, Christine Cheng, David John Barnsdale, Elizabeth Jewkes, Helen Cross, James Baillie, James Bliss, Jamie Dalzell , Janey Little, Jeremy Hargreaves, John Shreeve, Julie Adnams Hatch, Keith Melton, Luke Richards, Mohsin Khan, Oliver Jones-Lyons, Richard Cole, Richard Gadsden, Robert Harrison, Sally Burnell, Steve Mason, Susan Juned, Tara Copeland, Tom Parkin and Will de Peyer for exclusion
No longer considering Christine Cheng due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Janey Little due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Tara Copeland due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Belinda Brooks-Gordon due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Helen Cross due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Ben Rich due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Jeremy Hargreaves due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Keith Melton due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Elizabeth Jewkes due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering John Shreeve due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering David John Barnsdale due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Richard Cole due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Julie Adnams Hatch due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Mohsin Khan due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Will de Peyer due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Luke Richards due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Oliver Jones-Lyons due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Sally Burnell due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Tom Parkin due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering James Baillie due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Steve Mason due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Robert Harrison due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Alyssa Gilbert due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Richard Gadsden due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Susan Juned due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Jamie Dalzell  due to lead in stage 1
Excluding James Bliss
Threshold recalculated as 314.26
12 position(s) remain to be filled


                    Stage : 10
                StageType : Elimination

                Candidate|     Tally|   Surplus|   Elected|  Excluded|
           Alyssa Gilbert|    104.63|      0.00|          |          |
    Belinda Brooks-Gordon|    227.86|      0.00|          |          |
                 Ben Rich|    211.91|      0.00|          |          |
          Christine Cheng|    284.92|      0.00|          |          |
     David John Barnsdale|    166.45|      0.00|          |          |
             Duncan Brack|    319.19|      0.00|         X|          |
         Elizabeth Jewkes|    170.78|      0.00|          |          |
          Frances Kneller|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
              Helen Cross|    218.81|      0.00|          |          |
            James Baillie|    113.74|      0.00|          |          |
              James Bliss|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
           Jamie Dalzell |      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
             Janey Little|    268.01|      0.00|          |          |
        Jeremy Hargreaves|    213.17|      0.00|          |          |
             John Shreeve|    170.85|      0.00|          |          |
       Julie Adnams Hatch|    148.39|      0.00|          |          |
             Keith Melton|    186.30|      0.00|          |          |
           Kevin Langford|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
          Lucy Nethsingha|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
            Luke Richards|    135.71|      0.00|          |          |
            Mark Johnston|    316.33|      0.00|         X|          |
           Martin Horwood|    319.19|      0.00|         X|          |
       Michael Kilpatrick|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
              Mohsin Khan|    149.66|      0.00|          |          |
       Oliver Jones-Lyons|    126.93|      0.00|          |          |
         Philip Alexander|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
  Rachelle Shepherd-Dubey|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
             Richard Cole|    165.80|      0.00|          |          |
          Richard Gadsden|    108.13|      0.00|          |          |
          Robert Harrison|    101.97|      0.00|          |          |
            Sally Burnell|    119.36|      0.00|          |          |
              Steve Mason|    105.42|      0.00|          |          |
              Susan Juned|     84.47|      0.00|          |          |
            Tara Copeland|    237.47|      0.00|          |          |
               Tom Parkin|    108.22|      0.00|          |          |
            Will de Peyer|    137.14|      0.00|          |          |

Considering Alyssa Gilbert, Belinda Brooks-Gordon, Ben Rich, Christine Cheng, David John Barnsdale, Elizabeth Jewkes, Helen Cross, James Baillie, Jamie Dalzell , Janey Little, Jeremy Hargreaves, John Shreeve, Julie Adnams Hatch, Keith Melton, Luke Richards, Mohsin Khan, Oliver Jones-Lyons, Richard Cole, Richard Gadsden, Robert Harrison, Sally Burnell, Steve Mason, Susan Juned, Tara Copeland, Tom Parkin and Will de Peyer for exclusion
No longer considering Christine Cheng due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Janey Little due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Tara Copeland due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Belinda Brooks-Gordon due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Helen Cross due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Ben Rich due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Jeremy Hargreaves due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Keith Melton due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Elizabeth Jewkes due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering John Shreeve due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Richard Cole due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering David John Barnsdale due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Mohsin Khan due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Julie Adnams Hatch due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Will de Peyer due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Luke Richards due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Oliver Jones-Lyons due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Sally Burnell due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering James Baillie due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Tom Parkin due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Richard Gadsden due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Steve Mason due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Alyssa Gilbert due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Robert Harrison due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Susan Juned due to lead in stage 1
Excluding Jamie Dalzell 
Threshold recalculated as 312.8
Threshold recalculated as 312.78
12 position(s) remain to be filled


                    Stage : 11
                StageType : Elimination

                Candidate|     Tally|   Surplus|   Elected|  Excluded|
           Alyssa Gilbert|    109.07|      0.00|          |          |
    Belinda Brooks-Gordon|    229.30|      0.00|          |          |
                 Ben Rich|    219.79|      0.00|          |          |
          Christine Cheng|    291.38|      0.00|          |          |
     David John Barnsdale|    166.45|      0.00|          |          |
             Duncan Brack|    319.19|      0.00|         X|          |
         Elizabeth Jewkes|    180.45|      0.00|          |          |
          Frances Kneller|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
              Helen Cross|    224.81|      0.00|          |          |
            James Baillie|    113.97|      0.00|          |          |
              James Bliss|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
           Jamie Dalzell |      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
             Janey Little|    271.45|      0.00|          |          |
        Jeremy Hargreaves|    218.84|      0.00|          |          |
             John Shreeve|    171.85|      0.00|          |          |
       Julie Adnams Hatch|    150.39|      0.00|          |          |
             Keith Melton|    191.53|      0.00|          |          |
           Kevin Langford|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
          Lucy Nethsingha|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
            Luke Richards|    137.71|      0.00|          |          |
            Mark Johnston|    316.33|      0.00|         X|          |
           Martin Horwood|    319.19|      0.00|         X|          |
       Michael Kilpatrick|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
              Mohsin Khan|    151.89|      0.00|          |          |
       Oliver Jones-Lyons|    128.16|      0.00|          |          |
         Philip Alexander|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
  Rachelle Shepherd-Dubey|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
             Richard Cole|    168.80|      0.00|          |          |
          Richard Gadsden|    108.13|      0.00|          |          |
          Robert Harrison|    104.97|      0.00|          |          |
            Sally Burnell|    122.80|      0.00|          |          |
              Steve Mason|    106.86|      0.00|          |          |
              Susan Juned|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
            Tara Copeland|    239.47|      0.00|          |          |
               Tom Parkin|    109.22|      0.00|          |          |
            Will de Peyer|    138.14|      0.00|          |          |

Considering Alyssa Gilbert, Belinda Brooks-Gordon, Ben Rich, Christine Cheng, David John Barnsdale, Elizabeth Jewkes, Helen Cross, James Baillie, Janey Little, Jeremy Hargreaves, John Shreeve, Julie Adnams Hatch, Keith Melton, Luke Richards, Mohsin Khan, Oliver Jones-Lyons, Richard Cole, Richard Gadsden, Robert Harrison, Sally Burnell, Steve Mason, Susan Juned, Tara Copeland, Tom Parkin and Will de Peyer for exclusion
No longer considering Christine Cheng due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Janey Little due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Tara Copeland due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Belinda Brooks-Gordon due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Helen Cross due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Jeremy Hargreaves due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Ben Rich due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Keith Melton due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering John Shreeve due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Elizabeth Jewkes due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering David John Barnsdale due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Richard Cole due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Mohsin Khan due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Julie Adnams Hatch due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Will de Peyer due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Luke Richards due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Oliver Jones-Lyons due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Sally Burnell due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering James Baillie due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Tom Parkin due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Richard Gadsden due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Steve Mason due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Alyssa Gilbert due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Robert Harrison due to lead in stage 1
Excluding Susan Juned
Threshold recalculated as 312.01
Threshold recalculated as 311.98
Threshold recalculated as 311.96
12 position(s) remain to be filled


                    Stage : 12
                StageType : Elimination

                Candidate|     Tally|   Surplus|   Elected|  Excluded|
           Alyssa Gilbert|    114.07|      0.00|          |          |
    Belinda Brooks-Gordon|    239.30|      0.00|          |          |
                 Ben Rich|    233.78|      0.00|          |          |
          Christine Cheng|    301.38|      0.00|          |          |
     David John Barnsdale|    166.45|      0.00|          |          |
             Duncan Brack|    319.19|      0.00|         X|          |
         Elizabeth Jewkes|    185.45|      0.00|          |          |
          Frances Kneller|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
              Helen Cross|    233.25|      0.00|          |          |
            James Baillie|    114.97|      0.00|          |          |
              James Bliss|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
           Jamie Dalzell |      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
             Janey Little|    274.45|      0.00|          |          |
        Jeremy Hargreaves|    221.84|      0.00|          |          |
             John Shreeve|    176.85|      0.00|          |          |
       Julie Adnams Hatch|    154.50|      0.00|          |          |
             Keith Melton|    193.53|      0.00|          |          |
           Kevin Langford|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
          Lucy Nethsingha|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
            Luke Richards|    141.71|      0.00|          |          |
            Mark Johnston|    316.33|      0.00|         X|          |
           Martin Horwood|    319.19|      0.00|         X|          |
       Michael Kilpatrick|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
              Mohsin Khan|    152.89|      0.00|          |          |
       Oliver Jones-Lyons|    129.04|      0.00|          |          |
         Philip Alexander|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
  Rachelle Shepherd-Dubey|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
             Richard Cole|    170.80|      0.00|          |          |
          Richard Gadsden|    108.13|      0.00|          |          |
          Robert Harrison|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
            Sally Burnell|    125.24|      0.00|          |          |
              Steve Mason|    111.74|      0.00|          |          |
              Susan Juned|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
            Tara Copeland|    240.47|      0.00|          |          |
               Tom Parkin|    111.22|      0.00|          |          |
            Will de Peyer|    139.14|      0.00|          |          |

Considering Alyssa Gilbert, Belinda Brooks-Gordon, Ben Rich, Christine Cheng, David John Barnsdale, Elizabeth Jewkes, Helen Cross, James Baillie, Janey Little, Jeremy Hargreaves, John Shreeve, Julie Adnams Hatch, Keith Melton, Luke Richards, Mohsin Khan, Oliver Jones-Lyons, Richard Cole, Richard Gadsden, Robert Harrison, Sally Burnell, Steve Mason, Tara Copeland, Tom Parkin and Will de Peyer for exclusion
No longer considering Christine Cheng due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Janey Little due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Tara Copeland due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Belinda Brooks-Gordon due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Helen Cross due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Ben Rich due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Jeremy Hargreaves due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Keith Melton due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Elizabeth Jewkes due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering John Shreeve due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Richard Cole due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering David John Barnsdale due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Mohsin Khan due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Julie Adnams Hatch due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Will de Peyer due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Luke Richards due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Oliver Jones-Lyons due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Sally Burnell due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering James Baillie due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Tom Parkin due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Alyssa Gilbert due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Richard Gadsden due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Steve Mason due to lead in stage 1
Excluding Robert Harrison
Threshold recalculated as 310.81
Threshold recalculated as 310.79
12 position(s) remain to be filled


                    Stage : 13
                StageType : Elimination

                Candidate|     Tally|   Surplus|   Elected|  Excluded|
           Alyssa Gilbert|    115.51|      0.00|          |          |
    Belinda Brooks-Gordon|    242.30|      0.00|          |          |
                 Ben Rich|    234.24|      0.00|          |          |
          Christine Cheng|    306.38|      0.00|          |          |
     David John Barnsdale|    169.45|      0.00|          |          |
             Duncan Brack|    319.19|      0.00|         X|          |
         Elizabeth Jewkes|    186.89|      0.00|          |          |
          Frances Kneller|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
              Helen Cross|    236.25|      0.00|          |          |
            James Baillie|    135.08|      0.00|          |          |
              James Bliss|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
           Jamie Dalzell |      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
             Janey Little|    283.45|      0.00|          |          |
        Jeremy Hargreaves|    226.28|      0.00|          |          |
             John Shreeve|    178.85|      0.00|          |          |
       Julie Adnams Hatch|    156.50|      0.00|          |          |
             Keith Melton|    194.76|      0.00|          |          |
           Kevin Langford|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
          Lucy Nethsingha|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
            Luke Richards|    147.71|      0.00|          |          |
            Mark Johnston|    316.33|      0.00|         X|          |
           Martin Horwood|    319.19|      0.00|         X|          |
       Michael Kilpatrick|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
              Mohsin Khan|    155.89|      0.00|          |          |
       Oliver Jones-Lyons|    130.04|      0.00|          |          |
         Philip Alexander|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
  Rachelle Shepherd-Dubey|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
             Richard Cole|    172.03|      0.00|          |          |
          Richard Gadsden|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
          Robert Harrison|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
            Sally Burnell|    128.47|      0.00|          |          |
              Steve Mason|    112.74|      0.00|          |          |
              Susan Juned|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
            Tara Copeland|    246.47|      0.00|          |          |
               Tom Parkin|    121.22|      0.00|          |          |
            Will de Peyer|    139.14|      0.00|          |          |

Considering Alyssa Gilbert, Belinda Brooks-Gordon, Ben Rich, Christine Cheng, David John Barnsdale, Elizabeth Jewkes, Helen Cross, James Baillie, Janey Little, Jeremy Hargreaves, John Shreeve, Julie Adnams Hatch, Keith Melton, Luke Richards, Mohsin Khan, Oliver Jones-Lyons, Richard Cole, Richard Gadsden, Sally Burnell, Steve Mason, Tara Copeland, Tom Parkin and Will de Peyer for exclusion
No longer considering Christine Cheng due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Janey Little due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Tara Copeland due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Belinda Brooks-Gordon due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Ben Rich due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Helen Cross due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Jeremy Hargreaves due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Keith Melton due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Elizabeth Jewkes due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering John Shreeve due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Richard Cole due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering David John Barnsdale due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Julie Adnams Hatch due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Mohsin Khan due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Luke Richards due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Will de Peyer due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Oliver Jones-Lyons due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Sally Burnell due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering James Baillie due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Alyssa Gilbert due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Steve Mason due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Tom Parkin due to lead in stage 1
Excluding Richard Gadsden
Threshold recalculated as 309.33
Threshold recalculated as 309.23
Threshold recalculated as 309.21
12 position(s) remain to be filled


                    Stage : 14
                StageType : Elimination

                Candidate|     Tally|   Surplus|   Elected|  Excluded|
           Alyssa Gilbert|    115.95|      0.00|          |          |
    Belinda Brooks-Gordon|    244.74|      0.00|          |          |
                 Ben Rich|    239.91|      0.00|          |          |
          Christine Cheng|    312.38|      0.00|         X|          |
     David John Barnsdale|    169.45|      0.00|          |          |
             Duncan Brack|    319.19|      0.00|         X|          |
         Elizabeth Jewkes|    188.89|      0.00|          |          |
          Frances Kneller|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
              Helen Cross|    247.69|      0.00|          |          |
            James Baillie|    138.08|      0.00|          |          |
              James Bliss|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
           Jamie Dalzell |      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
             Janey Little|    287.45|      0.00|          |          |
        Jeremy Hargreaves|    230.51|      0.00|          |          |
             John Shreeve|    183.31|      0.00|          |          |
       Julie Adnams Hatch|    160.50|      0.00|          |          |
             Keith Melton|    214.58|      0.00|          |          |
           Kevin Langford|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
          Lucy Nethsingha|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
            Luke Richards|    152.94|      0.00|          |          |
            Mark Johnston|    316.33|      0.00|         X|          |
           Martin Horwood|    319.19|      0.00|         X|          |
       Michael Kilpatrick|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
              Mohsin Khan|    160.89|      0.00|          |          |
       Oliver Jones-Lyons|    134.50|      0.00|          |          |
         Philip Alexander|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
  Rachelle Shepherd-Dubey|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
             Richard Cole|    174.47|      0.00|          |          |
          Richard Gadsden|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
          Robert Harrison|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
            Sally Burnell|    132.47|      0.00|          |          |
              Steve Mason|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
              Susan Juned|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
            Tara Copeland|    248.70|      0.00|          |          |
               Tom Parkin|    124.22|      0.00|          |          |
            Will de Peyer|    142.14|      0.00|          |          |

Considering Alyssa Gilbert, Belinda Brooks-Gordon, Ben Rich, Christine Cheng, David John Barnsdale, Elizabeth Jewkes, Helen Cross, James Baillie, Janey Little, Jeremy Hargreaves, John Shreeve, Julie Adnams Hatch, Keith Melton, Luke Richards, Mohsin Khan, Oliver Jones-Lyons, Richard Cole, Sally Burnell, Steve Mason, Tara Copeland, Tom Parkin and Will de Peyer for exclusion
No longer considering Christine Cheng due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Janey Little due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Tara Copeland due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Belinda Brooks-Gordon due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Helen Cross due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Ben Rich due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Jeremy Hargreaves due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Keith Melton due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Elizabeth Jewkes due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering John Shreeve due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Richard Cole due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering David John Barnsdale due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Julie Adnams Hatch due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Mohsin Khan due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Luke Richards due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Will de Peyer due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering James Baillie due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Oliver Jones-Lyons due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Sally Burnell due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Tom Parkin due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Alyssa Gilbert due to lead in stage 1
Excluding Steve Mason
Threshold recalculated as 308.05
Christine Cheng was elected with 312.38 votes.
Christine Cheng has a surplus of 0.
Threshold recalculated as 307.62
11 position(s) remain to be filled


                    Stage : 15
                StageType : Elimination

                Candidate|     Tally|   Surplus|   Elected|  Excluded|
           Alyssa Gilbert|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
    Belinda Brooks-Gordon|    255.18|      0.00|          |          |
                 Ben Rich|    245.14|      0.00|          |          |
          Christine Cheng|    312.38|      0.00|         X|          |
     David John Barnsdale|    172.45|      0.00|          |          |
             Duncan Brack|    319.19|      0.00|         X|          |
         Elizabeth Jewkes|    189.89|      0.00|          |          |
          Frances Kneller|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
              Helen Cross|    255.13|      0.00|          |          |
            James Baillie|    139.08|      0.00|          |          |
              James Bliss|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
           Jamie Dalzell |      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
             Janey Little|    293.45|      0.00|          |          |
        Jeremy Hargreaves|    233.51|      0.00|          |          |
             John Shreeve|    184.31|      0.00|          |          |
       Julie Adnams Hatch|    161.50|      0.00|          |          |
             Keith Melton|    227.36|      0.00|          |          |
           Kevin Langford|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
          Lucy Nethsingha|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
            Luke Richards|    164.61|      0.00|          |          |
            Mark Johnston|    316.33|      0.00|         X|          |
           Martin Horwood|    319.19|      0.00|         X|          |
       Michael Kilpatrick|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
              Mohsin Khan|    171.79|      0.00|          |          |
       Oliver Jones-Lyons|    136.73|      0.00|          |          |
         Philip Alexander|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
  Rachelle Shepherd-Dubey|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
             Richard Cole|    174.47|      0.00|          |          |
          Richard Gadsden|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
          Robert Harrison|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
            Sally Burnell|    137.37|      0.00|          |          |
              Steve Mason|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
              Susan Juned|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
            Tara Copeland|    256.70|      0.00|          |          |
               Tom Parkin|    127.22|      0.00|          |          |
            Will de Peyer|    145.14|      0.00|          |          |

Considering Alyssa Gilbert, Belinda Brooks-Gordon, Ben Rich, David John Barnsdale, Elizabeth Jewkes, Helen Cross, James Baillie, Janey Little, Jeremy Hargreaves, John Shreeve, Julie Adnams Hatch, Keith Melton, Luke Richards, Mohsin Khan, Oliver Jones-Lyons, Richard Cole, Sally Burnell, Tara Copeland, Tom Parkin and Will de Peyer for exclusion
No longer considering Janey Little due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Tara Copeland due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Helen Cross due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Belinda Brooks-Gordon due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Ben Rich due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Jeremy Hargreaves due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Keith Melton due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Elizabeth Jewkes due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering John Shreeve due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Richard Cole due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering David John Barnsdale due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Mohsin Khan due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Julie Adnams Hatch due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Luke Richards due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Will de Peyer due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering James Baillie due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Oliver Jones-Lyons due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Sally Burnell due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Tom Parkin due to lead in stage 1
Excluding Alyssa Gilbert
Threshold recalculated as 306.04
Threshold recalculated as 306
Threshold recalculated as 305.92
11 position(s) remain to be filled


                    Stage : 16
                StageType : Elimination

                Candidate|     Tally|   Surplus|   Elected|  Excluded|
           Alyssa Gilbert|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
    Belinda Brooks-Gordon|    258.41|      0.00|          |          |
                 Ben Rich|    252.14|      0.00|          |          |
          Christine Cheng|    312.38|      0.00|         X|          |
     David John Barnsdale|    175.45|      0.00|          |          |
             Duncan Brack|    319.19|      0.00|         X|          |
         Elizabeth Jewkes|    192.89|      0.00|          |          |
          Frances Kneller|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
              Helen Cross|    258.13|      0.00|          |          |
            James Baillie|    141.08|      0.00|          |          |
              James Bliss|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
           Jamie Dalzell |      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
             Janey Little|    303.45|      0.00|         X|          |
        Jeremy Hargreaves|    241.18|      0.00|          |          |
             John Shreeve|    190.31|      0.00|          |          |
       Julie Adnams Hatch|    164.94|      0.00|          |          |
             Keith Melton|    230.59|      0.00|          |          |
           Kevin Langford|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
          Lucy Nethsingha|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
            Luke Richards|    167.05|      0.00|          |          |
            Mark Johnston|    316.33|      0.00|         X|          |
           Martin Horwood|    319.19|      0.00|         X|          |
       Michael Kilpatrick|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
              Mohsin Khan|    178.79|      0.00|          |          |
       Oliver Jones-Lyons|    149.17|      0.00|          |          |
         Philip Alexander|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
  Rachelle Shepherd-Dubey|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
             Richard Cole|    178.47|      0.00|          |          |
          Richard Gadsden|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
          Robert Harrison|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
            Sally Burnell|    138.37|      0.00|          |          |
              Steve Mason|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
              Susan Juned|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
            Tara Copeland|    269.58|      0.00|          |          |
               Tom Parkin|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
            Will de Peyer|    149.69|      0.00|          |          |

Considering Belinda Brooks-Gordon, Ben Rich, David John Barnsdale, Elizabeth Jewkes, Helen Cross, James Baillie, Janey Little, Jeremy Hargreaves, John Shreeve, Julie Adnams Hatch, Keith Melton, Luke Richards, Mohsin Khan, Oliver Jones-Lyons, Richard Cole, Sally Burnell, Tara Copeland, Tom Parkin and Will de Peyer for exclusion
No longer considering Janey Little due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Tara Copeland due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Belinda Brooks-Gordon due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Helen Cross due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Ben Rich due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Jeremy Hargreaves due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Keith Melton due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Elizabeth Jewkes due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering John Shreeve due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Richard Cole due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering David John Barnsdale due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Mohsin Khan due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Luke Richards due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Julie Adnams Hatch due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Will de Peyer due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering James Baillie due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Sally Burnell due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Oliver Jones-Lyons due to lead in stage 1
Excluding Tom Parkin
Threshold recalculated as 303.42
Janey Little was elected with 303.45 votes.
Janey Little has a surplus of 0.
Threshold recalculated as 303.34
Threshold recalculated as 303.3
10 position(s) remain to be filled


                    Stage : 17
                StageType : Elimination

                Candidate|     Tally|   Surplus|   Elected|  Excluded|
           Alyssa Gilbert|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
    Belinda Brooks-Gordon|    266.31|      0.00|          |          |
                 Ben Rich|    262.71|      0.00|          |          |
          Christine Cheng|    312.38|      0.00|         X|          |
     David John Barnsdale|    175.45|      0.00|          |          |
             Duncan Brack|    319.19|      0.00|         X|          |
         Elizabeth Jewkes|    200.77|      0.00|          |          |
          Frances Kneller|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
              Helen Cross|    267.57|      0.00|          |          |
            James Baillie|    147.54|      0.00|          |          |
              James Bliss|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
           Jamie Dalzell |      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
             Janey Little|    303.45|      0.00|         X|          |
        Jeremy Hargreaves|    252.41|      0.00|          |          |
             John Shreeve|    193.75|      0.00|          |          |
       Julie Adnams Hatch|    170.17|      0.00|          |          |
             Keith Melton|    236.05|      0.00|          |          |
           Kevin Langford|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
          Lucy Nethsingha|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
            Luke Richards|    170.05|      0.00|          |          |
            Mark Johnston|    316.33|      0.00|         X|          |
           Martin Horwood|    319.19|      0.00|         X|          |
       Michael Kilpatrick|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
              Mohsin Khan|    190.55|      0.00|          |          |
       Oliver Jones-Lyons|    152.05|      0.00|          |          |
         Philip Alexander|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
  Rachelle Shepherd-Dubey|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
             Richard Cole|    184.14|      0.00|          |          |
          Richard Gadsden|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
          Robert Harrison|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
            Sally Burnell|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
              Steve Mason|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
              Susan Juned|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
            Tara Copeland|    278.48|      0.00|          |          |
               Tom Parkin|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
            Will de Peyer|    158.01|      0.00|          |          |

Considering Belinda Brooks-Gordon, Ben Rich, David John Barnsdale, Elizabeth Jewkes, Helen Cross, James Baillie, Jeremy Hargreaves, John Shreeve, Julie Adnams Hatch, Keith Melton, Luke Richards, Mohsin Khan, Oliver Jones-Lyons, Richard Cole, Sally Burnell, Tara Copeland and Will de Peyer for exclusion
No longer considering Tara Copeland due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Belinda Brooks-Gordon due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Helen Cross due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Ben Rich due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Jeremy Hargreaves due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Keith Melton due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Elizabeth Jewkes due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering John Shreeve due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Mohsin Khan due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Richard Cole due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering David John Barnsdale due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Luke Richards due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Julie Adnams Hatch due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Will de Peyer due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Oliver Jones-Lyons due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering James Baillie due to lead in stage 1
Excluding Sally Burnell
Threshold recalculated as 300.57
Threshold recalculated as 300.55
10 position(s) remain to be filled


                    Stage : 18
                StageType : Elimination

                Candidate|     Tally|   Surplus|   Elected|  Excluded|
           Alyssa Gilbert|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
    Belinda Brooks-Gordon|    282.31|      0.00|          |          |
                 Ben Rich|    271.15|      0.00|          |          |
          Christine Cheng|    312.38|      0.00|         X|          |
     David John Barnsdale|    175.45|      0.00|          |          |
             Duncan Brack|    319.19|      0.00|         X|          |
         Elizabeth Jewkes|    204.21|      0.00|          |          |
          Frances Kneller|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
              Helen Cross|    273.01|      0.00|          |          |
            James Baillie|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
              James Bliss|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
           Jamie Dalzell |      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
             Janey Little|    303.45|      0.00|         X|          |
        Jeremy Hargreaves|    260.73|      0.00|          |          |
             John Shreeve|    193.75|      0.00|          |          |
       Julie Adnams Hatch|    176.40|      0.00|          |          |
             Keith Melton|    243.05|      0.00|          |          |
           Kevin Langford|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
          Lucy Nethsingha|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
            Luke Richards|    176.28|      0.00|          |          |
            Mark Johnston|    316.33|      0.00|         X|          |
           Martin Horwood|    319.19|      0.00|         X|          |
       Michael Kilpatrick|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
              Mohsin Khan|    207.77|      0.00|          |          |
       Oliver Jones-Lyons|    160.49|      0.00|          |          |
         Philip Alexander|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
  Rachelle Shepherd-Dubey|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
             Richard Cole|    187.14|      0.00|          |          |
          Richard Gadsden|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
          Robert Harrison|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
            Sally Burnell|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
              Steve Mason|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
              Susan Juned|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
            Tara Copeland|    307.48|      0.00|         X|          |
               Tom Parkin|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
            Will de Peyer|    161.45|      0.00|          |          |

Considering Belinda Brooks-Gordon, Ben Rich, David John Barnsdale, Elizabeth Jewkes, Helen Cross, James Baillie, Jeremy Hargreaves, John Shreeve, Julie Adnams Hatch, Keith Melton, Luke Richards, Mohsin Khan, Oliver Jones-Lyons, Richard Cole, Tara Copeland and Will de Peyer for exclusion
No longer considering Tara Copeland due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Helen Cross due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Belinda Brooks-Gordon due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Ben Rich due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Jeremy Hargreaves due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Keith Melton due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Elizabeth Jewkes due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering John Shreeve due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Mohsin Khan due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Richard Cole due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering David John Barnsdale due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Julie Adnams Hatch due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Luke Richards due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Will de Peyer due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Oliver Jones-Lyons due to lead in stage 1
Excluding James Baillie
Threshold recalculated as 298.37
Tara Copeland was elected with 307.48 votes.
Tara Copeland has a surplus of 0.
Threshold recalculated as 297.37
Threshold recalculated as 297.32
9 position(s) remain to be filled


                    Stage : 19
                StageType : Elimination

                Candidate|     Tally|   Surplus|   Elected|  Excluded|
           Alyssa Gilbert|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
    Belinda Brooks-Gordon|    292.31|      0.00|         X|          |
                 Ben Rich|    278.61|      0.00|          |          |
          Christine Cheng|    312.38|      0.00|         X|          |
     David John Barnsdale|    180.45|      0.00|          |          |
             Duncan Brack|    319.19|      0.00|         X|          |
         Elizabeth Jewkes|    207.44|      0.00|          |          |
          Frances Kneller|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
              Helen Cross|    281.45|      0.00|          |          |
            James Baillie|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
              James Bliss|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
           Jamie Dalzell |      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
             Janey Little|    303.45|      0.00|         X|          |
        Jeremy Hargreaves|    267.73|      0.00|          |          |
             John Shreeve|    200.75|      0.00|          |          |
       Julie Adnams Hatch|    184.84|      0.00|          |          |
             Keith Melton|    257.20|      0.00|          |          |
           Kevin Langford|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
          Lucy Nethsingha|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
            Luke Richards|    186.72|      0.00|          |          |
            Mark Johnston|    316.33|      0.00|         X|          |
           Martin Horwood|    319.19|      0.00|         X|          |
       Michael Kilpatrick|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
              Mohsin Khan|    230.09|      0.00|          |          |
       Oliver Jones-Lyons|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
         Philip Alexander|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
  Rachelle Shepherd-Dubey|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
             Richard Cole|    189.14|      0.00|          |          |
          Richard Gadsden|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
          Robert Harrison|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
            Sally Burnell|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
              Steve Mason|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
              Susan Juned|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
            Tara Copeland|    307.48|      0.00|         X|          |
               Tom Parkin|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
            Will de Peyer|    164.68|      0.00|          |          |

Considering Belinda Brooks-Gordon, Ben Rich, David John Barnsdale, Elizabeth Jewkes, Helen Cross, Jeremy Hargreaves, John Shreeve, Julie Adnams Hatch, Keith Melton, Luke Richards, Mohsin Khan, Oliver Jones-Lyons, Richard Cole and Will de Peyer for exclusion
No longer considering Belinda Brooks-Gordon due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Helen Cross due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Ben Rich due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Jeremy Hargreaves due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Keith Melton due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Mohsin Khan due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Elizabeth Jewkes due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering John Shreeve due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Richard Cole due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Julie Adnams Hatch due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Luke Richards due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering David John Barnsdale due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Will de Peyer due to lead in stage 1
Excluding Oliver Jones-Lyons
Threshold recalculated as 292.32
Threshold recalculated as 292.19
Belinda Brooks-Gordon was elected with 292.31 votes.
Belinda Brooks-Gordon has a surplus of 0.
Threshold recalculated as 292.13
8 position(s) remain to be filled


                    Stage : 20
                StageType : Elimination

                Candidate|     Tally|   Surplus|   Elected|  Excluded|
           Alyssa Gilbert|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
    Belinda Brooks-Gordon|    292.31|      0.00|         X|          |
                 Ben Rich|    296.61|      0.00|         X|          |
          Christine Cheng|    312.38|      0.00|         X|          |
     David John Barnsdale|    184.45|      0.00|          |          |
             Duncan Brack|    319.19|      0.00|         X|          |
         Elizabeth Jewkes|    212.55|      0.00|          |          |
          Frances Kneller|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
              Helen Cross|    296.45|      0.00|         X|          |
            James Baillie|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
              James Bliss|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
           Jamie Dalzell |      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
             Janey Little|    303.45|      0.00|         X|          |
        Jeremy Hargreaves|    296.73|      0.00|         X|          |
             John Shreeve|    206.63|      0.00|          |          |
       Julie Adnams Hatch|    189.95|      0.00|          |          |
             Keith Melton|    260.66|      0.00|          |          |
           Kevin Langford|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
          Lucy Nethsingha|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
            Luke Richards|    198.60|      0.00|          |          |
            Mark Johnston|    316.33|      0.00|         X|          |
           Martin Horwood|    319.19|      0.00|         X|          |
       Michael Kilpatrick|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
              Mohsin Khan|    251.31|      0.00|          |          |
       Oliver Jones-Lyons|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
         Philip Alexander|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
  Rachelle Shepherd-Dubey|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
             Richard Cole|    196.37|      0.00|          |          |
          Richard Gadsden|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
          Robert Harrison|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
            Sally Burnell|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
              Steve Mason|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
              Susan Juned|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
            Tara Copeland|    307.48|      0.00|         X|          |
               Tom Parkin|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
            Will de Peyer|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|

Considering Ben Rich, David John Barnsdale, Elizabeth Jewkes, Helen Cross, Jeremy Hargreaves, John Shreeve, Julie Adnams Hatch, Keith Melton, Luke Richards, Mohsin Khan, Richard Cole and Will de Peyer for exclusion
No longer considering Helen Cross due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Ben Rich due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Jeremy Hargreaves due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Keith Melton due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Mohsin Khan due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Elizabeth Jewkes due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering John Shreeve due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Richard Cole due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Luke Richards due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Julie Adnams Hatch due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering David John Barnsdale due to lead in stage 1
Excluding Will de Peyer
Threshold recalculated as 288.24
Jeremy Hargreaves was elected with 296.73 votes.
Jeremy Hargreaves has a surplus of 0.
Ben Rich was elected with 296.61 votes.
Ben Rich has a surplus of 0.
Helen Cross was elected with 296.45 votes.
Helen Cross has a surplus of 0.
Threshold recalculated as 283.62
Threshold recalculated as 283.42
5 position(s) remain to be filled


                    Stage : 21
                StageType : Elimination

                Candidate|     Tally|   Surplus|   Elected|  Excluded|
           Alyssa Gilbert|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
    Belinda Brooks-Gordon|    292.31|      0.00|         X|          |
                 Ben Rich|    296.61|      0.00|         X|          |
          Christine Cheng|    312.38|      0.00|         X|          |
     David John Barnsdale|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
             Duncan Brack|    319.19|      0.00|         X|          |
         Elizabeth Jewkes|    252.43|      0.00|          |          |
          Frances Kneller|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
              Helen Cross|    296.45|      0.00|         X|          |
            James Baillie|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
              James Bliss|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
           Jamie Dalzell |      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
             Janey Little|    303.45|      0.00|         X|          |
        Jeremy Hargreaves|    296.73|      0.00|         X|          |
             John Shreeve|    216.63|      0.00|          |          |
       Julie Adnams Hatch|    203.95|      0.00|          |          |
             Keith Melton|    287.66|      0.00|         X|          |
           Kevin Langford|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
          Lucy Nethsingha|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
            Luke Richards|    205.50|      0.00|          |          |
            Mark Johnston|    316.33|      0.00|         X|          |
           Martin Horwood|    319.19|      0.00|         X|          |
       Michael Kilpatrick|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
              Mohsin Khan|    261.31|      0.00|          |          |
       Oliver Jones-Lyons|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
         Philip Alexander|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
  Rachelle Shepherd-Dubey|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
             Richard Cole|    196.37|      0.00|          |          |
          Richard Gadsden|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
          Robert Harrison|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
            Sally Burnell|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
              Steve Mason|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
              Susan Juned|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
            Tara Copeland|    307.48|      0.00|         X|          |
               Tom Parkin|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
            Will de Peyer|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|

Considering David John Barnsdale, Elizabeth Jewkes, John Shreeve, Julie Adnams Hatch, Keith Melton, Luke Richards, Mohsin Khan and Richard Cole for exclusion
No longer considering Keith Melton due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Mohsin Khan due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Elizabeth Jewkes due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering John Shreeve due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Luke Richards due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Richard Cole due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Julie Adnams Hatch due to lead in stage 1
Excluding David John Barnsdale
Threshold recalculated as 270.76
Keith Melton was elected with 287.66 votes.
Keith Melton has a surplus of 0.
Threshold recalculated as 267.29
Threshold recalculated as 267.24
4 position(s) remain to be filled


                    Stage : 22
                StageType : Elimination

                Candidate|     Tally|   Surplus|   Elected|  Excluded|
           Alyssa Gilbert|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
    Belinda Brooks-Gordon|    292.31|      0.00|         X|          |
                 Ben Rich|    296.61|      0.00|         X|          |
          Christine Cheng|    312.38|      0.00|         X|          |
     David John Barnsdale|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
             Duncan Brack|    319.19|      0.00|         X|          |
         Elizabeth Jewkes|    270.43|      0.00|         X|          |
          Frances Kneller|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
              Helen Cross|    296.45|      0.00|         X|          |
            James Baillie|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
              James Bliss|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
           Jamie Dalzell |      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
             Janey Little|    303.45|      0.00|         X|          |
        Jeremy Hargreaves|    296.73|      0.00|         X|          |
             John Shreeve|    223.51|      0.00|         X|          |
       Julie Adnams Hatch|    213.83|      0.00|          |          |
             Keith Melton|    287.66|      0.00|         X|          |
           Kevin Langford|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
          Lucy Nethsingha|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
            Luke Richards|    222.94|      0.00|         X|          |
            Mark Johnston|    316.33|      0.00|         X|          |
           Martin Horwood|    319.19|      0.00|         X|          |
       Michael Kilpatrick|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
              Mohsin Khan|    291.31|      0.00|         X|          |
       Oliver Jones-Lyons|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
         Philip Alexander|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
  Rachelle Shepherd-Dubey|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
             Richard Cole|      3.45|      0.00|          |         X|
          Richard Gadsden|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
          Robert Harrison|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
            Sally Burnell|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
              Steve Mason|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
              Susan Juned|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
            Tara Copeland|    307.48|      0.00|         X|          |
               Tom Parkin|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
            Will de Peyer|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|

Considering Elizabeth Jewkes, John Shreeve, Julie Adnams Hatch, Luke Richards, Mohsin Khan and Richard Cole for exclusion
No longer considering Mohsin Khan due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Elizabeth Jewkes due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering John Shreeve due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Luke Richards due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Julie Adnams Hatch due to lead in stage 1
Excluding Richard Cole
Threshold recalculated as 246.24
Mohsin Khan was elected with 291.31 votes.
Mohsin Khan has a surplus of 0.
Elizabeth Jewkes was elected with 270.43 votes.
Elizabeth Jewkes has a surplus of 0.
Threshold recalculated as 221.25
John Shreeve was elected with 223.51 votes.
John Shreeve has a surplus of 0.
Luke Richards was elected with 222.94 votes.
Luke Richards has a surplus of 0.
Threshold recalculated as 217.28
All positions filled, count completed


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