Federal Board 2022

The results of the elections to the Federal Board

ERS97 STV Count for Contest Federal Board in Event Federal Internal Election 2022
Count requested by : greg.foster
Number of positions to fill : 3

Count configuration
Alison Eden
Andrew MacGregor
April Preston
Callum Robertson
Candy Piercy
Caroline (Cass) Macdonald
John Shreeve
Joyce Onstad
Katharine Macy
Lisa-Maria Bornemann
Lucy Nethsingha
Neil Fawcett
Helen Belcher

                      Stage : 1
                  StageType : First

                  Candidate|     Tally|   Surplus|   Elected|  Excluded|
                Alison Eden|    412.00|      0.00|          |          |
           Andrew MacGregor|    179.00|      0.00|          |          |
              April Preston|    403.00|      0.00|          |          |
           Callum Robertson|    527.00|      0.00|          |          |
               Candy Piercy|    734.00|      0.00|          |          |
  Caroline (Cass) Macdonald|    122.00|      0.00|          |          |
               John Shreeve|    228.00|      0.00|          |          |
               Joyce Onstad|    503.00|      0.00|          |          |
             Katharine Macy|    155.00|      0.00|          |          |
       Lisa-Maria Bornemann|    321.00|      0.00|          |          |
            Lucy Nethsingha|   1679.25|     28.75|         X|          |
               Neil Fawcett|    897.00|      0.00|          |          |
              Helen Belcher|    528.00|      0.00|          |          |

Quota calculated as 1679.25
Lucy Nethsingha was elected with 1708 votes.
Lucy Nethsingha has a surplus of 28.75.
2 position(s) remain to be filled


                      Stage : 2
                  StageType : Elimination

                  Candidate|     Tally|   Surplus|   Elected|  Excluded|
                Alison Eden|    414.00|      0.00|          |          |
           Andrew MacGregor|    184.00|      0.00|          |          |
              April Preston|    412.00|      0.00|          |          |
           Callum Robertson|    537.00|      0.00|          |          |
               Candy Piercy|    744.00|      0.00|          |          |
  Caroline (Cass) Macdonald|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
               John Shreeve|    231.00|      0.00|          |          |
               Joyce Onstad|    524.00|      0.00|          |          |
             Katharine Macy|    164.00|      0.00|          |          |
       Lisa-Maria Bornemann|    342.00|      0.00|          |          |
            Lucy Nethsingha|   1679.25|     28.75|         X|          |
               Neil Fawcett|    912.00|      0.00|          |          |
              Helen Belcher|    534.00|      0.00|          |          |

Surpluses were deferred
Considering Alison Eden, Andrew MacGregor, April Preston, Callum Robertson, Candy Piercy, Caroline (Cass) Macdonald, John Shreeve, Joyce Onstad, Katharine Macy, Lisa-Maria Bornemann, Neil Fawcett and Helen Belcher for exclusion
No longer considering Neil Fawcett due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Candy Piercy due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Helen Belcher due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Callum Robertson due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Joyce Onstad due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Alison Eden due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering April Preston due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Lisa-Maria Bornemann due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering John Shreeve due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Andrew MacGregor due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Katharine Macy due to lead in stage 1
Excluding Caroline (Cass) Macdonald
Threshold recalculated as 1675.59
2 position(s) remain to be filled


                      Stage : 3
                  StageType : Transfer

                  Candidate|     Tally|   Surplus|   Elected|  Excluded|
                Alison Eden|    417.16|      0.00|          |          |
           Andrew MacGregor|    185.08|      0.00|          |          |
              April Preston|    413.02|      0.00|          |          |
           Callum Robertson|    540.68|      0.00|          |          |
               Candy Piercy|    746.56|      0.00|          |          |
  Caroline (Cass) Macdonald|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
               John Shreeve|    232.26|      0.00|          |          |
               Joyce Onstad|    528.84|      0.00|          |          |
             Katharine Macy|    164.86|      0.00|          |          |
       Lisa-Maria Bornemann|    344.02|      0.00|          |          |
            Lucy Nethsingha|   1679.25|      0.00|         X|          |
               Neil Fawcett|    916.54|      0.00|          |          |
              Helen Belcher|    536.86|      0.00|          |          |

Transferring surplus from Lucy Nethsingha
Threshold recalculated as 1675.3
2 position(s) remain to be filled


                      Stage : 4
                  StageType : Elimination

                  Candidate|     Tally|   Surplus|   Elected|  Excluded|
                Alison Eden|    429.22|      0.00|          |          |
           Andrew MacGregor|    189.08|      0.00|          |          |
              April Preston|    432.16|      0.00|          |          |
           Callum Robertson|    565.74|      0.00|          |          |
               Candy Piercy|    755.64|      0.00|          |          |
  Caroline (Cass) Macdonald|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
               John Shreeve|    238.34|      0.00|          |          |
               Joyce Onstad|    544.96|      0.00|          |          |
             Katharine Macy|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
       Lisa-Maria Bornemann|    352.06|      0.00|          |          |
            Lucy Nethsingha|   1679.25|      0.00|         X|          |
               Neil Fawcett|    930.66|      0.00|          |          |
              Helen Belcher|    555.96|      0.00|          |          |

Considering Alison Eden, Andrew MacGregor, April Preston, Callum Robertson, Candy Piercy, John Shreeve, Joyce Onstad, Katharine Macy, Lisa-Maria Bornemann, Neil Fawcett and Helen Belcher for exclusion
No longer considering Neil Fawcett due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Candy Piercy due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Callum Robertson due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Helen Belcher due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Joyce Onstad due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Alison Eden due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering April Preston due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Lisa-Maria Bornemann due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering John Shreeve due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Andrew MacGregor due to lead in stage 1
Excluding Katharine Macy
Threshold recalculated as 1664.63
Threshold recalculated as 1664.61
2 position(s) remain to be filled


                      Stage : 5
                  StageType : Elimination

                  Candidate|     Tally|   Surplus|   Elected|  Excluded|
                Alison Eden|    459.34|      0.00|          |          |
           Andrew MacGregor|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
              April Preston|    440.24|      0.00|          |          |
           Callum Robertson|    584.84|      0.00|          |          |
               Candy Piercy|    772.66|      0.00|          |          |
  Caroline (Cass) Macdonald|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
               John Shreeve|    262.40|      0.00|          |          |
               Joyce Onstad|    570.08|      0.00|          |          |
             Katharine Macy|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
       Lisa-Maria Bornemann|    363.24|      0.00|          |          |
            Lucy Nethsingha|   1679.25|      0.00|         X|          |
               Neil Fawcett|    951.78|      0.00|          |          |
              Helen Belcher|    572.16|      0.00|          |          |

Considering Alison Eden, Andrew MacGregor, April Preston, Callum Robertson, Candy Piercy, John Shreeve, Joyce Onstad, Lisa-Maria Bornemann, Neil Fawcett and Helen Belcher for exclusion
No longer considering Neil Fawcett due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Candy Piercy due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Callum Robertson due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Helen Belcher due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Joyce Onstad due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering April Preston due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Alison Eden due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Lisa-Maria Bornemann due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering John Shreeve due to lead in stage 1
Excluding Andrew MacGregor
Threshold recalculated as 1658.94
Threshold recalculated as 1658.92
2 position(s) remain to be filled


                      Stage : 6
                  StageType : Elimination

                  Candidate|     Tally|   Surplus|   Elected|  Excluded|
                Alison Eden|    488.38|      0.00|          |          |
           Andrew MacGregor|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
              April Preston|    463.28|      0.00|          |          |
           Callum Robertson|    616.96|      0.00|          |          |
               Candy Piercy|    798.84|      0.00|          |          |
  Caroline (Cass) Macdonald|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
               John Shreeve|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
               Joyce Onstad|    598.34|      0.00|          |          |
             Katharine Macy|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
       Lisa-Maria Bornemann|    377.36|      0.00|          |          |
            Lucy Nethsingha|   1679.25|      0.00|         X|          |
               Neil Fawcett|    996.98|      0.00|          |          |
              Helen Belcher|    591.32|      0.00|          |          |

Considering Alison Eden, April Preston, Callum Robertson, Candy Piercy, John Shreeve, Joyce Onstad, Lisa-Maria Bornemann, Neil Fawcett and Helen Belcher for exclusion
No longer considering Neil Fawcett due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Candy Piercy due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Callum Robertson due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Helen Belcher due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Joyce Onstad due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Alison Eden due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering April Preston due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Lisa-Maria Bornemann due to lead in stage 1
Excluding John Shreeve
Threshold recalculated as 1643.92
Threshold recalculated as 1643.82
2 position(s) remain to be filled


                      Stage : 7
                  StageType : Elimination

                  Candidate|     Tally|   Surplus|   Elected|  Excluded|
                Alison Eden|    523.80|      0.00|          |          |
           Andrew MacGregor|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
              April Preston|    496.34|      0.00|          |          |
           Callum Robertson|    670.08|      0.00|          |          |
               Candy Piercy|    830.14|      0.00|          |          |
  Caroline (Cass) Macdonald|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
               John Shreeve|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
               Joyce Onstad|    691.76|      0.00|          |          |
             Katharine Macy|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
       Lisa-Maria Bornemann|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
            Lucy Nethsingha|   1679.25|      0.00|         X|          |
               Neil Fawcett|   1026.16|      0.00|          |          |
              Helen Belcher|    627.76|      0.00|          |          |

Considering Alison Eden, April Preston, Callum Robertson, Candy Piercy, Joyce Onstad, Lisa-Maria Bornemann, Neil Fawcett and Helen Belcher for exclusion
No longer considering Neil Fawcett due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Candy Piercy due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Callum Robertson due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Joyce Onstad due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Helen Belcher due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Alison Eden due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering April Preston due to lead in stage 1
Excluding Lisa-Maria Bornemann
Threshold recalculated as 1622.16
Threshold recalculated as 1622.02
2 position(s) remain to be filled


                      Stage : 8
                  StageType : Elimination

                  Candidate|     Tally|   Surplus|   Elected|  Excluded|
                Alison Eden|    563.00|      0.00|          |          |
           Andrew MacGregor|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
              April Preston|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
           Callum Robertson|    742.24|      0.00|          |          |
               Candy Piercy|    888.32|      0.00|          |          |
  Caroline (Cass) Macdonald|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
               John Shreeve|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
               Joyce Onstad|    752.00|      0.00|          |          |
             Katharine Macy|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
       Lisa-Maria Bornemann|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
            Lucy Nethsingha|   1679.25|      0.00|         X|          |
               Neil Fawcett|   1140.30|      0.00|          |          |
              Helen Belcher|    707.96|      0.00|          |          |

Considering Alison Eden, April Preston, Callum Robertson, Candy Piercy, Joyce Onstad, Neil Fawcett and Helen Belcher for exclusion
No longer considering Neil Fawcett due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Candy Piercy due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Joyce Onstad due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Callum Robertson due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Helen Belcher due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Alison Eden due to lead in stage 1
Excluding April Preston
Threshold recalculated as 1598.02
Threshold recalculated as 1597.94
2 position(s) remain to be filled


                      Stage : 9
                  StageType : Elimination

                  Candidate|     Tally|   Surplus|   Elected|  Excluded|
                Alison Eden|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
           Andrew MacGregor|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
              April Preston|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
           Callum Robertson|    828.70|      0.00|          |          |
               Candy Piercy|    925.76|      0.00|          |          |
  Caroline (Cass) Macdonald|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
               John Shreeve|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
               Joyce Onstad|    907.82|      0.00|          |          |
             Katharine Macy|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
       Lisa-Maria Bornemann|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
            Lucy Nethsingha|   1679.25|      0.00|         X|          |
               Neil Fawcett|   1203.90|      0.00|          |          |
              Helen Belcher|    775.66|      0.00|          |          |

Considering Alison Eden, Callum Robertson, Candy Piercy, Joyce Onstad, Neil Fawcett and Helen Belcher for exclusion
No longer considering Neil Fawcett due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Candy Piercy due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Joyce Onstad due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Callum Robertson due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Helen Belcher due to lead in stage 1
Excluding Alison Eden
Threshold recalculated as 1547.61
Threshold recalculated as 1547.28
2 position(s) remain to be filled


                      Stage : 10
                  StageType : Elimination

                  Candidate|     Tally|   Surplus|   Elected|  Excluded|
                Alison Eden|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
           Andrew MacGregor|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
              April Preston|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
           Callum Robertson|    986.56|      0.00|          |          |
               Candy Piercy|   1032.50|      0.00|          |          |
  Caroline (Cass) Macdonald|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
               John Shreeve|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
               Joyce Onstad|   1053.04|      0.00|          |          |
             Katharine Macy|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
       Lisa-Maria Bornemann|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
            Lucy Nethsingha|   1679.25|      0.00|         X|          |
               Neil Fawcett|   1372.76|      0.00|          |          |
              Helen Belcher|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|

Considering Callum Robertson, Candy Piercy, Joyce Onstad, Neil Fawcett and Helen Belcher for exclusion
No longer considering Neil Fawcett due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Candy Piercy due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Joyce Onstad due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Callum Robertson due to lead in stage 1
Excluding Helen Belcher
Threshold recalculated as 1481.95
Threshold recalculated as 1481.62
2 position(s) remain to be filled


                      Stage : 11
                  StageType : Elimination

                  Candidate|     Tally|   Surplus|   Elected|  Excluded|
                Alison Eden|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
           Andrew MacGregor|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
              April Preston|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
           Callum Robertson|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
               Candy Piercy|   1165.60|      0.00|          |          |
  Caroline (Cass) Macdonald|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
               John Shreeve|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
               Joyce Onstad|   1328.24|      0.00|         X|          |
             Katharine Macy|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
       Lisa-Maria Bornemann|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|
            Lucy Nethsingha|   1679.25|      0.00|         X|          |
               Neil Fawcett|   1639.76|      0.00|         X|          |
              Helen Belcher|      0.00|      0.00|          |         X|

Considering Callum Robertson, Candy Piercy, Joyce Onstad and Neil Fawcett for exclusion
No longer considering Neil Fawcett due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Joyce Onstad due to lead in stage 1
No longer considering Candy Piercy due to lead in stage 1
Excluding Callum Robertson
Threshold recalculated as 1378.62
Neil Fawcett was elected with 1639.76 votes.
Neil Fawcett has a surplus of 0.
Threshold recalculated as 1246.92
Joyce Onstad was elected with 1328.24 votes.
Joyce Onstad has a surplus of 0.
Threshold recalculated as 1165.6
All positions filled, count completed


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