Federal Election Results 2016

For the term starting 2017

Vote Elected Results
Federal Board (15)
  • Elaine Bagshaw
  • Dinesh Dhamija
  • Neil Fawcett
  • Helen Flynn
  • James Gurling
  • Nassar Kessell
  • Caron Lindsay
  • Gordon Lishman
  • Victoria Marsom
  • Joyce Onstad
  • Mark Pack
  • Pauline Pearce
  • Candy Piercy
  • Alice Thomas
  • Gerald Vernon-Jackson
Full election results below
Federal Conference Committee (12)
  • Qassim Afzal
  • Victor Chamberlain
  • Nicholas Da Costa
  • Alexander Hegenbarth
  • James Holt
  • Cara Jenkinson
  • Liz Lynne 
  • Chris Maines
  • Zoe O'Connell
  • Geoff Payne
  • Mary Reid
  • Andrew Wiseman
Full election results
Federal Policy Committee (15)
  • Duncan Brack
  • Belinda Brooks-Gordon
  • Sally Burnell
  • Christine Cheng
  • Richard Cole
  • Jeremy Hargreaves
  • Antony Hook
  • Kamran Hussain
  • Elizabeth Jewkes
  • Susan Juned
  • Alisdair McGregor
  • Catherine Royce
  • David Weston
  • Chris White
  • Jim Williams
Full election results below
International Relations Committee (6)
  • Philip Bennion
  • Merlene Emerson
  • Jonathan Fryer
  • Paul Reynolds
  • Mark Valladares
  • Robert Woodthorpe Browne
Full election results below
ALDE Delegation (5)
  • Philip Bennion
  • Belinda Brooks-Gordon
  • Dinesh Dhamija
  • Jonathon Fryer
  • Peter Price
Full election results below
Principle Councillor Representative to the Federal Board Chris White Full election results below
Principle Councillor Representatives to the Federal Policy Committee

Heather Kidd

Paul Tilsley

Full election results below
Members of the Federal Finance and Resource Committee (5)
  • Richard Flowers
  • Glen Hughes
  • Gordon Lishman
  • Mark Pack
  • Gerald Vernon-Jackson
Full election results
Members of the Standing Associated Organisations Specified Associated Organisations (AOSAO) (4)
  • Toby Keynes
  • Caron Lindsay
  • Gordon Lishman
  • Tim Pickstone
Full election results below
Members of the People Development Committee (6)
  • Sarah Green
  • Claire Halliwell
  • Louise Bloom
  • Adrian Hyyrylainen-Trett
  • Steve Jolly
  • Miranda Roberts
Full election results below
Members of the Federal Campaigns and Elections Committee

Neil Fawcett

Victoria Marsom

Full election results below

Looking for something specific?

You can use the links below to jump to the relevant section.

  • Federal Board 
  • Federal Policy Committee
  • International Relations Commmittee
  • ALDE Delegation
  • Principle Councillor Representative to the Federal Board 
  • Principle Councillor Representatives to the Federal Policy Committee
  • Members of the Standing Associated Organisations Specified Associated Organisations (AOSAO)
  • Members of the People Development Committee
  • Members of the Federal Campaigns and Elections Committee

Federal Board 2017 Results

Election for Federal Board - Recount due to resignation
Date 29/10/18
Number to be elected 15
Valid votes 7318
Invalid votes 169
Quota 457.38
STV2000 (c) Keith Edkins 1.44
Election rules ERS97
    Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5
Surplus of
Exclusion of
Surplus of
Surplus of
Qassim AFZAL 148 +12.20 160.20 +2.00 162.20 +0.45 162.65 +0.22 162.87
Nigel ASHTON 209 +14.64 223.64 +7.00 230.64 +0.45 231.09 +0.09 231.18
Elaine BAGSHAW 358 +64.05 422.05 +6.00 428.05 +1.80 429.85 +0.20 430.05
Jean DAVIS 191 +16.47 207.47 +2.00 209.47 +0.30 209.77 +0.32 210.09
Ramesh DEWAN 166 +11.59 177.59 +4.00 181.59 +0.30 181.89 +0.20 182.09
Dinesh DHAMIJA 465   465.00   465.00   465.00 -7.62 457.38
Joshua DIXON 275 +26.23 301.23 +2.00 303.23 +0.45 303.68 +0.15 303.83
Pete DOLLIMORE 141 +14.64 155.64 +5.00 160.64 +0.15 160.79 +0.07 160.86
Richard FAGENCE 69 +1.22 70.22 -70.22 -   -   -
Neil FAWCETT 370 +48.19 418.19 +9.00 427.19 +0.75 427.94 +0.13 428.07
Helen FLYNN  
James GURLING 272 +43.92 315.92   315.92 +1.20 317.12 +0.37 317.49
Alexander HEGENBARTH 251 +20.74 271.74 +2.00 273.74 +0.30 274.04 +0.32 274.36
Antony HOOK  
Nassar KESSELL  
Caron LINDSAY 377 +46.36 423.36 +2.00 425.36 +0.60 425.96 +0.24 426.20
Gordon LISHMAN 389 +34.16 423.16 +3.00 426.16 +1.65 427.81 +0.10 427.91
Victoria MARSOM 296 +27.45 323.45 +4.00 327.45 +0.45 327.90 +0.20 328.10
Joyce ONSTAD 329 +34.16 363.16 +4.00 367.16 +0.45 367.61 +0.61 368.22
Mark PACK 1105 -647.62 457.38   457.38   457.38   457.38
Pauline PEARCE 359 +30.50 389.50 +1.00 390.50 +0.60 391.10 +0.34 391.44
Candy PIERCY 358 +61.00 419.00 +2.00 421.00 +2.25 423.25 +0.31 423.56
Keith SHARP 137 +18.91 155.91 +0.61 156.52 +0.60 157.12 +0.23 157.35
Rachelle SHEPHERD-DUBEY 172 +9.15 181.15 +3.00 184.15 +0.60 184.75 +0.04 184.79
Ross SHIPMAN 200 +16.47 216.47 +2.00 218.47   218.47 +0.15 218.62
Alice THOMAS 272 +23.18 295.18 +3.61 298.79 +0.90 299.69 +0.18 299.87
Gerald VERNON-JACKSON 409 +62.83 471.83   471.83 -14.45 457.38   457.38
Non-transferable 0 +9.56 9.56 +6.00 15.56 +0.20 15.76 +3.15 18.91
Totals 7318   7318.00   7318.00   7318.00   7318.00
  Stage Stage 6 Stage 7 Stage 8
  5 Exclusion of
Exclusion of
Exclusion of
Qassim AFZAL
Qassim AFZAL 162.87 +5.00 167.87 +5.00 172.87 -172.87 -
Nigel ASHTON 231.18 +2.76 233.94 +6.02 239.96 +7.23 247.19
Elaine BAGSHAW 430.05 +7.38 437.43 +15.61 453.04 +4.00 457.04
Jean DAVIS 210.09 +11.22 221.31 +5.01 226.32 +6.78 233.10
Ramesh DEWAN 182.09 +6.61 188.70 +6.00 194.70 +18.63 213.33
Dinesh DHAMIJA 457.38   457.38   457.38   457.38
Joshua DIXON 303.83 +5.22 309.05 +7.00 316.05 +6.24 322.29
Pete DOLLIMORE 160.86 +6.01 166.87 -166.87 -   -
Richard FAGENCE -   -   -   -
Neil FAWCETT 428.07 +6.61 434.68 +9.38 444.06 +9.44 453.50
Helen FLYNN Withdrawn Withdrawn
James GURLING 317.49 +16.83 334.32 +10.61 344.93 +14.64 359.57
Alexander HEGENBARTH 274.36 +14.62 288.98 +3.62 292.60 +4.17 296.77
Antony HOOK Withdrawn Withdrawn
Nassar KESSELL Withdrawn Withdrawn
Caron LINDSAY 426.20 +3.03 429.23 +8.22 437.45 +10.44 447.89
Gordon LISHMAN 427.91 +8.61 436.52 +7.22 443.74 +9.00 452.74
Victoria MARSOM 328.10 +5.02 333.12 +11.61 344.73 +6.24 350.97
Joyce ONSTAD 368.22 +8.25 376.47 +11.62 388.09 +15.04 403.13
Mark PACK 457.38   457.38   457.38   457.38
Pauline PEARCE 391.44 +14.99 406.43 +6.61 413.04 +9.65 422.69
Candy PIERCY 423.56 +5.22 428.78 +14.05 442.83 +12.00 454.83
Keith SHARP 157.35 -157.35 -   -   -
Rachelle SHEPHERD-DUBEY 184.79 +3.63 188.42 +8.23 196.65 +6.62 203.27
Ross SHIPMAN 218.62 +2.62 221.24 +9.61 230.85 +6.98 237.83
Alice THOMAS 299.87 +11.25 311.12 +12.61 323.73 +3.77 327.50
Gerald VERNON-JACKSON 457.38   457.38   457.38   457.38
Non-transferable 18.91 +12.47 31.38 +8.84 40.22 +22.00 62.22
Totals 7318.00   7318.00   7318.00   7318.00
  Stage Stage 9 Stage 10 Stage 11 Stage 12 Stage 13  
  8 Exclusion of
Exclusion of
Ramesh DEWAN
Surplus of
Pauline PEARCE
Exclusion of
Exclusion of
Nigel ASHTON 247.19 +7.00 254.19 +8.04 262.23 +0.60 262.83 +20.11 282.94 -264.00 18.94  
Elaine BAGSHAW 457.04   457.04   457.04   457.04   457.04   457.04 Elected
Jean DAVIS 233.10 +5.61 238.71 +15.23 253.94 +0.30 254.24 -254.24 -   -  
Ramesh DEWAN 213.33 +6.61 219.94 -219.94 -   -   -   -  
Dinesh DHAMIJA 457.38   457.38   457.38   457.38   457.38   457.38 Elected
Joshua DIXON 322.29 +18.23 340.52 +11.63 352.15 +2.40 354.55 +13.26 367.81 +44.00 411.81 Elected
Neil FAWCETT 453.50   453.50   453.50   453.50   453.50   453.50 Elected
James GURLING 359.57 +5.63 365.20 +27.89 393.09 +1.20 394.29 +37.49 431.78   431.78 Elected
Alexander HEGENBARTH 296.77 +11.23 308.00 +16.45 324.45 +2.10 326.55 +25.94 352.49 +31.00 383.49 Elected
Caron LINDSAY 447.89 +12.00 459.89   459.89   459.89   459.89   459.89 Elected
Gordon LISHMAN 452.74   452.74   452.74   452.74   452.74   452.74 Elected
Victoria MARSOM 350.97 +10.62 361.59 +25.41 387.00 +0.60 387.60 +41.22 428.82   428.82 Elected
Joyce ONSTAD 403.13 +16.52 419.65 +18.00 437.65   437.65   437.65   437.65 Elected
Mark PACK 457.38   457.38   457.38   457.38   457.38   457.38 Elected
Pauline PEARCE 422.69 +47.00 469.69   469.69 -12.31 457.38   457.38   457.38 Elected
Candy PIERCY 454.83   454.83   454.83   454.83   454.83   454.83 Elected
Rachelle SHEPHERD-DUBEY 203.27 -203.27 -   -   -   -   -  
Ross SHIPMAN 237.83 +9.14 246.97 +16.84 263.81 +0.90 264.71 +34.08 298.79 +50.00 348.79  
Alice THOMAS 327.50 +25.85 353.35 +16.23 369.58 +4.20 373.78 +34.66 408.44 +45.00 453.44 Elected
Gerald VERNON-JACKSON 457.38   457.38   457.38   457.38   457.38   457.38 Elected
Non-transferable 62.22 +27.83 90.05 +64.22 154.27 +0.01 154.28 +47.48 201.76 +94.00 295.76  
Totals 7318.00   7318.00   7318.00   7318.00   7318.00   7318.00  

* Note: Antony Hook was withdrawn from the election due to being elected to another Federal Committee to which he expressed a higher preference.  Federal Constitution clause 7.2 & Helen Flynn and Nassar Kessell were withdrawn due to resignation from the committee

Previous Results

Election for Federal Board - Recount due to resignation
Date 21/08/18
Number to be elected 15
Valid votes 7328
Invalid votes 159
Quota 458.00
STV2000 (c) Keith Edkins 1.44
Election rules


    Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6 Stage 7 Stage 8
Surplus of
Exclusion of
Surplus of
Exclusion of
Exclusion of
Exclusion of
Qassim AFZAL
Exclusion of
Qassim AFZAL 145 +10.80 155.80 +2.00 157.80 +0.68 158.48 +3.80 162.28 +5.00 167.28 -167.28 -   -
Nigel ASHTON 204 +11.40 215.40 +7.00 222.40 +0.34 222.74 +2.60 225.34 +6.00 231.34 +6.20 237.54 +4.00 241.54
Elaine BAGSHAW 343 +57.00 400.00 +5.00 405.00 +2.04 407.04 +7.20 414.24 +14.60 428.84 +4.60 433.44 +6.60 440.04
Jean DAVIS 183 +14.40 197.40 +2.00 199.40 +0.68 200.08 +10.60 210.68 +5.00 215.68 +5.60 221.28 +3.60 224.88
Ramesh DEWAN 163 +9.00 172.00 +3.00 175.00 +0.34 175.34 +4.00 179.34 +6.00 185.34 +16.60 201.94 +2.60 204.54
Dinesh DHAMIJA 441 +38.40 479.40   479.40 -21.40 458.00   458.00   458.00   458.00   458.00
Joshua DIXON 246 +22.80 268.80 +2.00 270.80 +0.34 271.14 +3.60 274.74 +6.00 280.74 +6.20 286.94 +11.00 297.94
Pete DOLLIMORE 133 +14.40 147.40 +5.00 152.40   152.40 +5.00 157.40 -157.40 -   -   -
Richard FAGENCE 67 +1.20 68.20 -68.20 -   -   -   -   -   -
Neil FAWCETT 363 +45.00 408.00 +6.00 414.00 +0.34 414.34 +4.00 418.34 +7.20 425.54 +7.94 433.48 +7.60 441.08
Helen FLYNN Withdrawn
James GURLING 269 +34.80 303.80   303.80 +2.72 306.52 +15.80 322.32 +10.60 332.92 +14.00 346.92 +4.00 350.92
Alexander HEGENBARTH 241 +16.80 257.80 +2.00 259.80 +1.02 260.82 +13.60 274.42 +2.60 277.02 +4.00 281.02 +9.60 290.62
Antony HOOK Withdrawn
Nassar KESSELL 275 +23.40 298.40 +1.00 299.40 +3.74 303.14 +6.80 309.94 +3.60 313.54 +12.20 325.74 +13.20 338.94
Caron LINDSAY 364 +45.00 409.00 +2.00 411.00   411.00 +3.00 414.00 +7.60 421.60 +9.80 431.40 +7.00 438.40
Gordon LISHMAN 382 +32.40 414.40 +3.00 417.40   417.40 +8.60 426.00 +7.20 433.20 +9.80 443.00 +4.60 447.60
Victoria MARSOM 288 +23.40 311.40 +4.00 315.40 +1.02 316.42 +4.00 320.42 +10.60 331.02 +5.60 336.62 +7.34 343.96
Joyce ONSTAD 318 +24.00 342.00 +3.00 345.00 +2.04 347.04 +7.20 354.24 +10.60 364.84 +13.00 377.84 +12.60 390.44
Mark PACK 1085 -627.00 458.00   458.00   458.00   458.00   458.00   458.00   458.00
Pauline PEARCE 343 +22.80 365.80 +1.00 366.80 +1.36 368.16 +12.20 380.36 +6.60 386.96 +6.60 393.56 +43.00 436.56
Candy PIERCY 330 +55.20 385.20 +2.00 387.20 +1.70 388.90 +5.20 394.10 +12.00 406.10 +10.20 416.30 +14.00 430.30
Keith SHARP 132 +16.80 148.80 +0.60 149.40   149.40 -149.40 -   -   -   -
Rachelle SHEPHERD-DUBEY 167 +7.80 174.80 +3.00 177.80 +0.34 178.14 +3.60 181.74 +7.20 188.94 +5.34 194.28 -194.28 -
Ross SHIPMAN 196 +13.80 209.80 +2.00 211.80 +1.02 212.82 +2.00 214.82 +8.60 223.42 +5.60 229.02 +4.60 233.62
Alice THOMAS 256 +20.40 276.40 +3.60 280.00 +1.02 281.02 +11.20 292.22 +12.60 304.82 +3.00 307.82 +18.60 326.42
Gerald VERNON-JACKSON 394 +58.20 452.20 +3.00 455.20 +0.34 455.54 +5.00 460.54   460.54   460.54   460.54
Non-transferable 0 +7.80 7.80 +6.00 13.80 +0.32 14.12 +10.40 24.52 +7.80 32.32 +21.00 53.32 +20.34 73.66
Totals 7328   7328.00   7328.00   7328.00   7328.00   7328.00   7328.00   7328.00
  Stage Stage 9 Stage 10 Stage 11 Stage 12 Stage 13  
  8 Exclusion of
Ramesh DEWAN
Surplus of
Exclusion of
Exclusion of
Exclusion of
Nigel ASHTON 241.54   241.54 +0.95 242.49 +15.00 257.49 -257.49 -   -  
Elaine BAGSHAW 440.04 +12.00 452.04   452.04   452.04   452.04   452.04 Elected
Jean DAVIS 224.88 +8.20 233.08   233.08 -233.08 -   -   -  
Ramesh DEWAN 204.54 -204.54 -   -   -   -   -  
Dinesh DHAMIJA 458.00   458.00   458.00   458.00   458.00   458.00 Elected
Joshua DIXON 297.94 +6.00 303.94   303.94 +8.60 312.54 +28.80 341.34 +33.40 374.74  
Neil FAWCETT 441.08 +9.00 450.08   450.08   450.08   450.08   450.08 Elected
James GURLING 350.92 +16.20 367.12 +1.90 369.02 +26.80 395.82 +27.95 423.77 +26.00 449.77 Elected
Alexander HEGENBARTH 290.62 +7.54 298.16   298.16 +14.80 312.96 +14.60 327.56 +70.80 398.36 Elected
Nassar KESSELL 338.94 +8.60 347.54   347.54 +24.00 371.54 +18.94 390.48 +44.00 434.48 Elected
Caron LINDSAY 438.40 +10.00 448.40   448.40   448.40   448.40   448.40 Elected
Gordon LISHMAN 447.60 +18.00 465.60 -7.60 458.00   458.00   458.00   458.00 Elected
Victoria MARSOM 343.96 +11.60 355.56 +1.90 357.46 +25.60 383.06 +21.00 404.06 +27.00 431.06 Elected
Joyce ONSTAD 390.44 +10.20 400.64 +0.95 401.59 +39.88 441.47 +29.00 470.47   470.47 Elected
Mark PACK 458.00   458.00   458.00   458.00   458.00   458.00 Elected
Pauline PEARCE 436.56 +12.00 448.56   448.56   448.56   448.56   448.56 Elected
Candy PIERCY 430.30 +26.00 456.30   456.30   456.30   456.30   456.30 Elected
Ross SHIPMAN 233.62 +9.20 242.82   242.82 +21.80 264.62 +29.80 294.42 -293.40 1.02  
Alice THOMAS 326.42 +6.60 333.02 +1.90 334.92 +20.40 355.32 +22.20 377.52 +37.00 414.52 Elected
Gerald VERNON-JACKSON 460.54   460.54   460.54   460.54   460.54   460.54 Elected
Non-transferable 73.66 +33.40 107.06   107.06 +36.20 143.26 +65.20 208.46 +55.20 263.66  
Totals 7328.00   7328.00   7328.00   7328.00   7328.00   7328.00  

* Note: Antony Hook was withdrawn from the election due to being elected to another Federal Committee to which he expressed a higher preference.  Federal Constitution clause 7.2 & Helen Flynn was withdrawn due to resignation from the committee

Election for Federal Board
Date 17/12/16
Number to be elected 15
Valid votes 7347
Invalid votes 140
Quota 459.19
STV2000 (c) Keith Edkins 1.44
Election rules ERS97
    Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6 Stage 7 Stage 8
Surplus of
Exclusion of
Surplus of
Exclusion of
Exclusion of
Exclusion of
Qassim AFZAL
Exclusion of
Qassim AFZAL 142 +10.62 152.62 +2.00 154.62 +0.18 154.80 +3.77 158.57 +4.00 162.57 -162.57 -   -
Nigel ASHTON 196 +10.62 206.62 +6.00 212.62 +0.09 212.71 +2.00 214.71 +5.00 219.71 +6.18 225.89 +3.00 228.89
Elaine BAGSHAW 327 +53.10 380.10 +4.00 384.10 +0.54 384.64 +6.18 390.82 +12.59 403.41 +4.59 408.00 +6.59 414.59
Jean DAVIS 168 +14.16 182.16 +2.00 184.16 +0.18 184.34 +7.59 191.93 +3.00 194.93 +4.59 199.52 +1.59 201.11
Ramesh DEWAN 157 +8.26 165.26 +3.00 168.26 +0.09 168.35 +3.00 171.35 +4.00 175.35 +15.59 190.94 +2.00 192.94
Dinesh DHAMIJA 428 +37.17 465.17   465.17 -5.98 459.19   459.19   459.19   459.19   459.19
Joshua DIXON 241 +22.42 263.42 +2.00 265.42 +0.09 265.51 +3.59 269.10 +6.00 275.10 +6.18 281.28 +11.00 292.28
Pete DOLLIMORE 124 +14.16 138.16 +5.00 143.16   143.16 +5.00 148.16 -148.16 -   -   -
Richard FAGENCE 66 +1.18 67.18 -67.18 -   -   -   -   -   -
Neil FAWCETT 352 +44.25 396.25 +6.00 402.25 +0.09 402.34 +4.00 406.34 +5.59 411.93 +7.59 419.52 +6.59 426.11
Helen FLYNN 323 +14.16 337.16 +2.00 339.16 +0.09 339.25 +5.59 344.84 +5.00 349.84 +7.86 357.70 +8.00 365.70
James GURLING 268 +32.45 300.45   300.45 +0.72 301.17 +14.77 315.94 +9.59 325.53 +14.00 339.53 +3.00 342.53
Alexander HEGENBARTH 231 +16.52 247.52 +2.00 249.52 +0.27 249.79 +12.59 262.38 +2.59 264.97 +3.00 267.97 +7.59 275.56
Antony HOOK * Withdrawn
Nassar KESSELL 268 +22.42 290.42 +1.00 291.42 +0.99 292.41 +5.77 298.18 +3.59 301.77 +10.59 312.36 +13.18 325.54
Caron LINDSAY 346 +43.07 389.07 +2.00 391.07   391.07 +1.00 392.07 +5.59 397.66 +9.77 407.43 +6.00 413.43
Gordon LISHMAN 318 +25.96 343.96 +3.00 346.96   346.96 +7.59 354.55 +6.59 361.14 +9.18 370.32 +4.59 374.91
Victoria MARSOM 276 +22.42 298.42 +4.00 302.42 +0.18 302.60 +4.00 306.60 +10.59 317.19 +4.59 321.78 +6.09 327.87
Joyce ONSTAD 300 +23.01 323.01 +2.00 325.01 +0.54 325.55 +4.00 329.55 +9.59 339.14 +10.00 349.14 +12.59 361.73
Mark PACK 1061 -601.81 459.19   459.19   459.19   459.19   459.19   459.19   459.19
Pauline PEARCE 328 +21.24 349.24 +1.00 350.24 +0.36 350.60 +12.18 362.78 +5.59 368.37 +6.59 374.96 +40.36 415.32
Candy PIERCY 324 +51.33 375.33 +2.00 377.33 +0.36 377.69 +4.59 382.28 +11.95 394.23 +10.18 404.41 +14.00 418.41
Keith SHARP 124 +15.34 139.34 +0.59 139.93   139.93 -139.93 -   -   -   -
Rachelle SHEPHERD-DUBEY 159 +7.08 166.08 +3.00 169.08 +0.09 169.17 +3.59 172.76 +5.59 178.35 +5.09 183.44 -183.44 -
Ross SHIPMAN 188 +13.57 201.57 +2.00 203.57 +0.27 203.84 +2.00 205.84 +8.59 214.43 +5.00 219.43 +4.59 224.02
Alice THOMAS 245 +19.47 264.47 +3.59 268.06 +0.27 268.33 +11.18 279.51 +8.00 287.51 +2.00 289.51 +17.59 307.10
Gerald VERNON-JACKSON 387 +53.69 440.69 +3.00 443.69 +0.09 443.78 +6.18 449.96 +7.36 457.32   457.32   457.32
Non-transferable 0 +4.14 4.14 +6.00 10.14 +0.49 10.63 +9.77 20.40 +7.77 28.17 +20.00 48.17 +15.09 63.26
Totals 7347   7347.00   7347.00   7347.00   7347.00   7347.00   7347.00   7347.00
  Stage Stage 9 Stage 10 Stage 11 Stage 12 Stage 13 Stage 14 Stage 15
  8 Exclusion of
Ramesh DEWAN
Exclusion of
Exclusion of
Exclusion of
Surplus of
Exclusion of
Joshua DIXON
Surplus of
Nigel ASHTON 228.89   228.89 +5.00 233.89 -233.89 -   -   -   -   -
Elaine BAGSHAW 414.59 +12.18 426.77 +12.18 438.95 +15.00 453.95   453.95   453.95   453.95   453.95
Jean DAVIS 201.11 +6.18 207.29 -207.29 -   -   -   -   -   -
Ramesh DEWAN 192.94 -192.94 -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Dinesh DHAMIJA 459.19   459.19   459.19   459.19   459.19   459.19   459.19   459.19
Joshua DIXON 292.28 +5.00 297.28 +3.00 300.28 +11.77 312.05 +15.00 327.05 +2.25 329.30 -329.30 -   -
Neil FAWCETT 426.11 +10.18 436.29 +10.77 447.06 +25.00 472.06   472.06 -12.87 459.19   459.19   459.19
Helen FLYNN 365.70 +8.59 374.29 +18.36 392.65 +15.68 408.33 +20.18 428.51 +1.50 430.01 +35.00 465.01   465.01
James GURLING 342.53 +15.59 358.12 +18.77 376.89 +10.36 387.25 +12.00 399.25 +1.50 400.75 +28.00 428.75   428.75
Alexander HEGENBARTH 275.56 +4.00 279.56 +9.59 289.15 +4.59 293.74 +45.54 339.28 +1.50 340.78 +49.47 390.25 +4.16 394.41
Nassar KESSELL 325.54 +8.00 333.54 +13.36 346.90 +10.59 357.49 +29.95 387.44 +0.75 388.19 +78.00 466.19 -7.00 459.19
Caron LINDSAY 413.43 +9.18 422.61 +19.18 441.79 +24.00 465.79   465.79   465.79   465.79   465.79
Gordon LISHMAN 374.91 +16.00 390.91 +4.18 395.09 +43.18 438.27 +17.00 455.27   455.27   455.27   455.27
Victoria MARSOM 327.87 +9.59 337.46 +8.59 346.05 +10.36 356.41 +18.36 374.77 +0.75 375.52 +22.88 398.40 +2.56 400.96
Joyce ONSTAD 361.73 +9.59 371.32 +19.77 391.09 +12.59 403.68 +33.27 436.95 +3.75 440.70   440.70   440.70
Mark PACK 459.19   459.19   459.19   459.19   459.19   459.19   459.19   459.19
Pauline PEARCE 415.32 +12.09 427.41 +10.18 437.59 +11.00 448.59   448.59   448.59   448.59   448.59
Candy PIERCY 418.41 +24.00 442.41 +13.00 455.41   455.41   455.41   455.41   455.41   455.41
Ross SHIPMAN 224.02 +7.00 231.02 +12.59 243.61 +8.18 251.79 -251.79 -   -   -   -
Alice THOMAS 307.10 +5.59 312.69 +8.18 320.87 +8.00 328.87 +28.18 357.05 +0.75 357.80 +63.78 421.58   421.58
Gerald VERNON-JACKSON 457.32   457.32   457.32   457.32   457.32   457.32   457.32   457.32
Non-transferable 63.26 +30.18 93.44 +20.59 114.03 +23.59 137.62 +32.31 169.93 +0.12 170.05 +52.17 222.22 +0.28 222.50
Totals 7347.00   7347.00   7347.00   7347.00   7347.00   7347.00   7347.00   7347.00
  Stage Stage 16  
  15 Surplus of
Elaine BAGSHAW 453.95   453.95 Elected
Dinesh DHAMIJA 459.19   459.19 Elected
Neil FAWCETT 459.19   459.19 Elected
Helen FLYNN 465.01   465.01 Elected
James GURLING 428.75   428.75 Elected
Alexander HEGENBARTH 394.41 +3.30 397.71  
Nassar KESSELL 459.19   459.19 Elected
Caron LINDSAY 465.79 -6.60 459.19 Elected
Gordon LISHMAN 455.27   455.27 Elected
Victoria MARSOM 400.96 +3.30 404.26 Elected
Joyce ONSTAD 440.70   440.70 Elected
Mark PACK 459.19   459.19 Elected
Pauline PEARCE 448.59   448.59 Elected
Candy PIERCY 455.41   455.41 Elected
Alice THOMAS 421.58   421.58 Elected
Gerald VERNON-JACKSON 457.32   457.32 Elected
Non-transferable 222.50   222.50  
Totals 7347.00   7347.00  

* Note: Antony Hook was withdrawn from the election due to being elected to another Federal Committee to which he expressed a higher preference.  Federal Constitution clause 7.2

Federal Policy Committee

Election for Federal Policy Committee
Date 17/12/16
Number to be elected 15
Valid votes 5848
Invalid votes 184
Quota 365.50
STV2000 (c) Keith Edkins 1.44
Election rules ERS97
    Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6 Stage 7 Stage 8
Surplus of
Christine CHENG
Surplus of
Duncan BRACK
Surplus of
Antony HOOK
Surplus of
Surplus of
Exclusion of
Exclusion of
Robert ADAMSON 87 +3.90 90.90 +6.84 97.74 +1.33 99.07 +2.88 101.95   101.95 +2.16 104.11 +1.19 105.30
Qassim AFZAL * Withdrawn
Duncan BRACK 544   544.00 -178.50 365.50   365.50   365.50   365.50   365.50   365.50
Belinda BROOKS-GORDON 430   430.00   430.00   430.00 -64.50 365.50   365.50   365.50   365.50
Sally BURNELL 320 +38.22 358.22 +12.92 371.14   371.14   371.14 -5.64 365.50   365.50   365.50
Christine CHENG 587 -221.50 365.50   365.50   365.50   365.50   365.50   365.50   365.50
Richard COLE 198 +3.51 201.51 +9.12 210.63 +6.08 216.71 +0.96 217.67   217.67 +3.57 221.24 +3.19 224.43
David CRADDOCK 85 +5.85 90.85 +3.42 94.27 +0.19 94.46 +1.60 96.06 +0.19 96.25 +1.16 97.41 +1.00 98.41
Alec DAUNCEY 151 +8.19 159.19 +5.70 164.89 +1.90 166.79 +1.60 168.39   168.39 +1.00 169.39 +1.00 170.39
Jay DIAS 89 +10.14 99.14 +3.80 102.94 +1.52 104.46 +1.76 106.22 +0.19 106.41 +3.58 109.99 +1.16 111.15
Richard FAGENCE 53 +1.95 54.95 +1.14 56.09 +1.90 57.99 +0.80 58.79   58.79 -58.79 -   -
Jeremy HARGREAVES 239 +10.53 249.53 +23.18 272.71 +5.51 278.22 +6.24 284.46 +0.57 285.03 +3.00 288.03 +6.57 294.60
Anthony HARRIS 108 +5.85 113.85 +5.70 119.55 +1.71 121.26 +1.92 123.18 +0.38 123.56   123.56 +3.38 126.94
Alexander HEGENBARTH 134 +2.34 136.34 +0.76 137.10 +2.28 139.38 +2.08 141.46   141.46 +5.00 146.46 +2.00 148.46
Antony HOOK 430   430.00   430.00 -64.50 365.50   365.50   365.50   365.50   365.50
Kamran HUSSAIN 275 +15.60 290.60 +6.46 297.06 +2.09 299.15 +2.72 301.87 +0.19 302.06 +2.38 304.44 +4.38 308.82
Elizabeth JEWKES 227 +14.04 241.04 +13.30 254.34 +4.75 259.09 +5.12 264.21 +0.95 265.16 +3.19 268.35 +7.19 275.54
Susan JUNED 239 +15.99 254.99 +17.86 272.85 +3.42 276.27 +4.32 280.59 +0.95 281.54 +1.16 282.70 +1.38 284.08
Michael KILPATRICK 108 +4.68 112.68 +3.04 115.72 +1.14 116.86 +0.64 117.50 +0.19 117.69 +2.00 119.69 +9.38 129.07
Gordon LISHMAN * Withdrawn
Simon MACKENZIE 113 +5.46 118.46 +1.52 119.98 +2.28 122.26 +1.12 123.38 +0.19 123.57 +0.39 123.96 +2.00 125.96
Alisdair MCGREGOR 159 +7.41 166.41 +3.80 170.21 +2.66 172.87 +3.20 176.07   176.07 +0.38 176.45 +3.00 179.45
Simon PIKE 60 +4.29 64.29 +2.66 66.95 +2.85 69.80 +0.96 70.76   70.76 +1.19 71.95   71.95
Adam PRITCHARD 151 +0.78 151.78 +2.28 154.06 +0.38 154.44 +0.32 154.76   154.76   154.76 +0.58 155.34
Catherine ROYCE 249 +19.11 268.11 +11.40 279.51 +7.41 286.92 +8.96 295.88 +0.38 296.26 +7.39 303.65 +2.57 306.22
Keith SHARP 57 +0.78 57.78 +3.80 61.58 +1.52 63.10 +0.16 63.26 +0.38 63.64 +2.00 65.64 -65.64 -
Rachelle SHEPHERD-DUBEY 149 +8.97 157.97 +2.66 160.63 +2.28 162.91 +5.44 168.35   168.35 +3.38 171.73 +3.00 174.73
David WESTON 240 +14.43 254.43 +4.94 259.37 +3.04 262.41 +3.20 265.61 +0.38 265.99 +2.35 268.34 +3.38 271.72
Chris WHITE 200 +6.63 206.63 +25.46 232.09 +6.84 238.93 +3.84 242.77 +0.57 243.34 +2.39 245.73 +2.76 248.49
Jim WILLIAMS 166 +8.19 174.19 +3.42 177.61 +1.33 178.94 +1.92 180.86   180.86 +1.16 182.02 +1.38 183.40
Non-transferable 0 +4.66 4.66 +3.32 7.98 +0.09 8.07 +2.74 10.81 +0.13 10.94 +9.96 20.90 +5.15 26.05
Totals 5848   5848.00   5848.00   5848.00   5848.00   5848.00   5848.00   5848.00
  Stage Stage 9 Stage 10 Stage 11 Stage 12 Stage 13 Stage 14 Stage 15
  8 Exclusion of
Simon PIKE
Exclusion of
Exclusion of
Exclusion of
Exclusion of
Exclusion of
Exclusion of
Robert ADAMSON 105.30 +0.38 105.68   105.68 -105.68 -   -   -   -   -
Duncan BRACK 365.50   365.50   365.50   365.50   365.50   365.50   365.50   365.50
Belinda BROOKS-GORDON 365.50   365.50   365.50   365.50   365.50   365.50   365.50   365.50
Sally BURNELL 365.50   365.50   365.50   365.50   365.50   365.50   365.50   365.50
Christine CHENG 365.50   365.50   365.50   365.50   365.50   365.50   365.50   365.50
Richard COLE 224.43 +0.57 225.00 +5.00 230.00 +5.08 235.08 +2.00 237.08 +4.16 241.24 +7.39 248.63 +6.77 255.40
David CRADDOCK 98.41 +2.38 100.79 -100.79 -   -   -   -   -   -
Alec DAUNCEY 170.39 +6.00 176.39 +10.90 187.29 +3.92 191.21 +3.58 194.79 +8.38 203.17 +10.57 213.74 +3.19 216.93
Jay DIAS 111.15 +2.38 113.53 +5.56 119.09 +5.73 124.82 -124.82 -   -   -   -
Jeremy HARGREAVES 294.60 +2.93 297.53 +8.16 305.69 +6.95 312.64 +7.12 319.76 +13.39 333.15 +8.15 341.30 +25.00 366.30
Anthony HARRIS 126.94 +8.35 135.29 +6.38 141.67 +2.12 143.79 +5.56 149.35 +8.94 158.29 +7.55 165.84 +4.00 169.84
Alexander HEGENBARTH 148.46 +1.19 149.65 +1.00 150.65 +9.99 160.64 +4.12 164.76 +1.00 165.76 +19.94 185.70 +0.38 186.08
Antony HOOK 365.50   365.50   365.50   365.50   365.50   365.50   365.50   365.50
Kamran HUSSAIN 308.82 +1.16 309.98 +3.55 313.53 +8.69 322.22 +14.66 336.88 +5.78 342.66 +12.36 355.02 +12.00 367.02
Elizabeth JEWKES 275.54 +4.71 280.25 +7.55 287.80 +4.77 292.57 +10.24 302.81 +13.07 315.88 +7.11 322.99 +3.34 326.33
Susan JUNED 284.08 +4.77 288.85 +11.74 300.59 +7.38 307.97 +12.78 320.75 +17.76 338.51 +8.55 347.06 +10.00 357.06
Michael KILPATRICK 129.07 +3.55 132.62 +3.54 136.16 +5.00 141.16 +2.36 143.52 +9.78 153.30 -153.30 -   -
Simon MACKENZIE 125.96 +4.19 130.15 +5.39 135.54 +1.00 136.54 +1.58 138.12 -138.12 -   -   -
Alisdair MCGREGOR 179.45 +1.39 180.84 +4.00 184.84 +7.39 192.23 +6.71 198.94 +6.55 205.49 +9.00 214.49 +5.16 219.65
Simon PIKE 71.95 -71.95 -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Adam PRITCHARD 155.34 +1.00 156.34 +0.16 156.50 +3.38 159.88 +1.16 161.04 +1.00 162.04 +0.19 162.23 -162.23 -
Catherine ROYCE 306.22 +6.55 312.77 +0.94 313.71 +6.70 320.41 +10.84 331.25 +14.94 346.19 +7.29 353.48 +10.00 363.48
Rachelle SHEPHERD-DUBEY 174.73 +2.76 177.49 +1.00 178.49 +8.87 187.36 +8.55 195.91   195.91 +1.00 196.91 +5.00 201.91
David WESTON 271.72 +2.38 274.10 +6.25 280.35 +4.70 285.05 +9.74 294.79 +3.73 298.52 +10.78 309.30 +10.16 319.46
Chris WHITE 248.49 +6.19 254.68 +8.74 263.42 +5.46 268.88 +5.58 274.46 +10.35 284.81 +8.15 292.96 +12.14 305.10
Jim WILLIAMS 183.40 +2.58 185.98 +4.00 189.98   189.98 +6.14 196.12 +9.72 205.84 +6.38 212.22 +4.77 216.99
Non-transferable 26.05 +6.54 32.59 +6.93 39.52 +8.55 48.07 +12.10 60.17 +9.57 69.74 +28.89 98.63 +50.32 148.95
Totals 5848.00   5848.00   5848.00   5848.00   5848.00   5848.00   5848.00   5848.00
  Stage Stage 16 Stage 17 Stage 18 Stage 19 Stage 20  
  15 Exclusion of
Anthony HARRIS
Exclusion of
Exclusion of
Surplus of
Surplus of
Duncan BRACK 365.50   365.50   365.50   365.50   365.50   365.50 Elected
Belinda BROOKS-GORDON 365.50   365.50   365.50   365.50   365.50   365.50 Elected
Sally BURNELL 365.50   365.50   365.50   365.50   365.50   365.50 Elected
Christine CHENG 365.50   365.50   365.50   365.50   365.50   365.50 Elected
Richard COLE 255.40 +11.70 267.10 +9.70 276.80 +22.00 298.80   298.80   298.80 Elected
Alec DAUNCEY 216.93 +16.13 233.06 +16.07 249.13 +21.41 270.54 +0.76 271.30 +0.16 271.46  
Jeremy HARGREAVES 366.30   366.30   366.30   366.30   366.30 -0.80 365.50 Elected
Anthony HARRIS 169.84 -169.84 -   -   -   -   -  
Alexander HEGENBARTH 186.08 +4.51 190.59 -190.59 -   -   -   -  
Antony HOOK 365.50   365.50   365.50   365.50   365.50   365.50 Elected
Kamran HUSSAIN 367.02   367.02   367.02   367.02 -1.52 365.50   365.50 Elected
Elizabeth JEWKES 326.33 +21.00 347.33   347.33   347.33   347.33   347.33 Elected
Susan JUNED 357.06   357.06   357.06   357.06   357.06   357.06 Elected
Alisdair MCGREGOR 219.65 +7.86 227.51 +18.59 246.10 +81.00 327.10   327.10   327.10 Elected
Catherine ROYCE 363.48   363.48   363.48   363.48   363.48   363.48 Elected
Rachelle SHEPHERD-DUBEY 201.91 +5.15 207.06 +29.27 236.33 -236.33 -   -   -  
David WESTON 319.46 +17.06 336.52 +17.00 353.52   353.52   353.52   353.52 Elected
Chris WHITE 305.10 +14.29 319.39 +9.00 328.39   328.39   328.39   328.39 Elected
Jim WILLIAMS 216.99 +19.07 236.06 +16.27 252.33 +18.40 270.73 +0.76 271.49 +0.56 272.05 Elected
Non-transferable 148.95 +53.07 202.02 +74.69 276.71 +93.52 370.23   370.23 +0.08 370.31  
Totals 5848.00   5848.00   5848.00   5848.00   5848.00   5848.00  

* Note: Qassim AFZAL and Gordon LISHMAN were withdrawn from the election due to being elected to another Federal Committee to which they expressed a higher preference.  Federal Constitution clause 7.2

International Relations Committee

Election for International Relations Committee
Date 17/12/16
Number to be elected 6
Valid votes 5387
Invalid votes 311
Quota 769.58
STV2000 (c) Keith Edkins 1.44
Election rules ERS97
    Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6 Stage 7  
Surplus of
Exclusion of
2 candidates
Surplus of
Jonathan FRYER
Exclusion of
Exclusion of
Exclusion of
Jonathan BROWN
Qassim AFZAL Withdrawn
Irfan AHMED 304 +62.10 366.10 +24.70 390.80 +0.96 391.76 +45.68 437.44 +71.28 508.72 +72.60 581.32  
Phillip BENNION 572 +49.50 621.50 +30.70 652.20 +1.28 653.48 +27.90 681.38 +34.58 715.96 +83.00 798.96 Elected
Jonathan BROWN 291 +32.40 323.40 +21.25 344.65 +0.88 345.53 +15.98 361.51 +33.93 395.44 -394.40 1.04  
Aaron CHAHAL 228 +49.50 277.50 +23.60 301.10 +0.80 301.90 +26.17 328.07 -328.07 -   -  
Luke CHAPMAN 107 +10.80 117.80 -117.80 -   -   -   -   -  
Merlene EMERSON 1266 -496.42 769.58   769.58   769.58   769.58   769.58   769.58 Elected
Richard FAGENCE 120 +13.05 133.05 -133.05 -   -   -   -   -  
Jonathan FRYER 705 +76.05 781.05   781.05 -11.47 769.58   769.58   769.58   769.58 Elected
Alexander HEGENBARTH 240 +24.75 264.75 +28.35 293.10 +1.60 294.70 -294.70 -   -   -  
Joyce ONSTAD * Withdrawn
Paul REYNOLDS 408 +52.20 460.20 +17.80 478.00 +1.84 479.84 +17.98 497.82 +34.38 532.20 +112.20 644.40 Elected
Catherine ROYCE * Withdrawn
Mark VALLADARES 555 +61.65 616.65 +28.60 645.25 +2.48 647.73 +51.07 698.80 +47.00 745.80   745.80 Elected
Robert WOODTHORPE BROWNE 591 +54.45 645.45 +22.25 667.70 +1.20 668.90 +22.86 691.76 +36.30 728.06   728.06 Elected
Non-transferable 0 +9.97 9.97 +53.60 63.57 +0.43 64.00 +87.06 151.06 +70.60 221.66 +126.60 348.26  
Totals 5387   5387.00   5387.00   5387.00   5387.00   5387.00   5387.00  

* Note: Joyce ONSTAD and Catherine ROYCE were withdrawn from the election due to being elected to another Federal Committee to which they expressed a higher preference.  Federal Constitution clause 7.2

ALDE Delegation

Election for ALDE Delegation 
Date 17/12/16
Number to be elected 5
Valid votes 5588
Invalid votes 146
Quota 1117.60
STV2000 (c) Keith Edkins 1.44
Election rules ERS97
    Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6 Stage 7  
Surplus of
Exclusion of
Exclusion of
Exclusion of
Exclusion of
Exclusion of
Phillip BENNION 613 +30.25 643.25 +16.75 660.00 +23.75 683.75 +31.50 715.25 +113.25 828.50 +254.00 1082.50 Elected
Belinda BROOKS-GORDON 1434 -316.40 1117.60   1117.60   1117.60   1117.60   1117.60   1117.60 Elected
Dinesh DHAMIJA 582 +61.50 643.50 +26.75 670.25 +42.25 712.50 +82.25 794.75 +93.50 888.25 +152.00 1040.25 Elected
Richard FAGENCE 147 +10.25 157.25 -157.25 -   -   -   -   -  
Jonathan FRYER 794 +41.25 835.25 +12.25 847.50 +38.00 885.50 +105.75 991.25 +94.00 1085.25   1085.25 Elected
Alexander HEGENBARTH 224 +25.25 249.25 +8.75 258.00 -258.00 -   -   -   -  
Peter PRICE 492 +34.50 526.50 +18.25 544.75 +12.50 557.25 +40.50 597.75 +121.00 718.75 -670.00 48.75 Elected under election rule 10(b)
Brian STOKES 336 +32.75 368.75 +15.00 383.75 +40.25 424.00 -424.00 -   -   -  
Mark VALLADARES 508 +45.00 553.00 +12.25 565.25 +24.00 589.25 +53.25 642.50 +88.75 731.25 +119.00 850.25  
Robert WOODTHORPE BROWNE 458 +33.75 491.75 +19.00 510.75 +18.50 529.25 +37.00 566.25 -566.25 -   -  
Non-transferable 0 +1.90 1.90 +28.25 30.15 +58.75 88.90 +73.75 162.65 +55.75 218.40 +145.00 363.40  
Totals 5588   5588.00   5588.00   5588.00   5588.00   5588.00   5588.00  

Election Rule 10(b) "As required by the September 1992 conference motion elections to the ALDE Council delegation shall include a minimum of one person from each State Party and one person under the age of 26 at the time of election."

Recount for one less space on delegation September 2017 

Election for ALDE Delegation - All confirmed ballots
Date 17/12/16
Number to be elected 3
Valid votes 5588
Invalid votes 146
Quota 1397.00
STV2000 (c) Keith Edkins 1.44
Election rules ERS97
    Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6 Stage 7 Stage 8
Exclusion of
Exclusion of
Exclusion of
Surplus of
Exclusion of
Exclusion of
Exclusion of
Phillip BENNION 613 +16.00 629.00 +23.00 652.00 +27.00 679.00 +4.35 683.35 +104.99 788.34 +108.20 896.54 +268.00 1164.54
Belinda BROOKS-GORDON 1434   1434.00   1434.00   1434.00 -37.00 1397.00   1397.00   1397.00   1397.00
Dinesh DHAMIJA 582 +25.00 607.00 +36.00 643.00 +77.00 720.00 +8.97 728.97 +84.96 813.93 +137.98 951.91 +163.00 1114.91
Richard FAGENCE 147 -147.00 -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Jonathan FRYER 794 +11.00 805.00 +34.00 839.00 +100.00 939.00 +6.27 945.27 +94.69 1039.96 +196.13 1236.09 +196.00 1432.09
Alexander HEGENBARTH 224 +8.00 232.00 -232.00 -   -   -   -   -   -
Peter PRICE 492 +17.00 509.00 +11.00 520.00 +36.00 556.00 +5.01 561.01 +114.78 675.79 +100.14 775.93 -769.00 6.93
Brian STOKES 336 +14.00 350.00 +36.00 386.00 -386.00 -   -   -   -   -
Mark VALLADARES 508 +11.00 519.00 +21.00 540.00 +44.00 584.00 +7.02 591.02 +81.78 672.80 -672.80 -   -
Robert WOODTHORPE BROWNE 458 +18.00 476.00 +17.00 493.00 +33.00 526.00 +4.83 530.83 -530.83 -   -   -
Non-transferable 0 +27.00 27.00 +54.00 81.00 +69.00 150.00 +0.55 150.55 +49.63 200.18 +130.35 330.53 +142.00 472.53
Totals 5588   5588.00   5588.00   5588.00   5588.00   5588.00   5588.00   5588.00
Phillip BENNION 1164.54 Elected
Belinda BROOKS-GORDON 1397.00 Elected
Dinesh DHAMIJA 1114.91  
Jonathan FRYER 1432.09


Peter Price  

Elected under election rule 10(b)

Non-transferable 472.53  
Totals 5588.00  

Election Rule 10(b) "As required by the September 1992 conference motion elections to the ALDE Council delegation shall include a minimum of one person from each State Party and one person under the age of 26 at the time of election."


Principle Councillor Representative to the Federal Board

Election for

Principle Councillor Representative to the Federal Board (1 Space)

Date 17/12/16
Number to be elected 1
Valid votes 286
Invalid votes 32
Quota 143.00
STV2000 (c) Keith Edkins 1.44
Election rules ERS97
Rabi Martins 39  
Rachelle Shepherd-Dubey 80  
Gerald Vernon-Jackson * Withdrawn
Chris White 167 Elected
Non-transferable 0  
Totals 286  

* Note: Gerald Vernon-Jackson withdrew from this election due to being directly elected to the Federal Board in the all member Federal Board election.

Principle Councillor Representatives to the Federal Policy Committee

Election for

Principle Councillor Representative to the Federal Policy Committee (2 Spaces)

Date 17/12/16
Number to be elected 2
Valid votes 311
Invalid votes 7
Quota 103.67
STV2000 (c) Keith Edkins 1.44
Election rules ERS97
Rachelle Shepherd-Dubey 25  
Neil Hughes 33  
Heather Kidd 120 Elected
Paul Tilsley 133 Elected
Non-transferable 0  
Totals 311  


Members of the Standing Associated Organisations Specified Associated Organisations (AOSAO)

Election for 4 members of the standing Associated Organisations / Specified Associated Organisations (AO/SAO)
Date 14/02/17
Number to be elected 4
Valid votes 28
Invalid votes 0
Quota 5.60
STV2000 (c) Keith Edkins 1.44
Election rules ERS97
    Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5  
Surplus of
Caron Lindsay
Exclusion of
2 candidates
Exclusion of
Nassar Kessell
Surplus of
Tim Pickstone
Joe Chan 1   1.00 -1.00 -   -   -  
Nassar Kessell 3   3.00 +1.00 4.00 -4.00 -   -  
Toby Keynes 4 +0.60 4.60   4.60 +1.00 5.60   5.60 Elected
Caron Lindsay 7 -1.40 5.60   5.60   5.60   5.60 Elected
Gordon Lishman 4   4.00   4.00   4.00 +1.20 5.20 Elected
Rabi Martins 2   2.00 -2.00 -   -   -  
Geoff Payne 4   4.00 +1.00 5.00   5.00   5.00  
Tim Pickstone 3 +0.80 3.80 +1.00 4.80 +2.00 6.80 -1.20 5.60 Elected
Non-transferable 0   0.00   0.00 +1.00 1.00   1.00  
Totals 28   28.00   28.00   28.00   28.00  


Members of the People Development Committee

Election for 6 members of the Federal People Development Committee
Date 14/08/18
Number to be elected 6
Valid votes 28
Invalid votes 0
Quota 4.00
STV2000 (c) Keith Edkins 1.44
Election rules ERS97
    Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6 Stage 7 Stage 8
Surplus of
Steve Jolly
Surplus of
Claire Halliwell
Exclusion of
2 candidates
Exclusion of
Anthony Fairclough
Surplus of
Louise Bloom
Surplus of
Miranda Roberts
Exclusion of
Nassar Kessell
Sarah Brown 1 +0.42 1.42 +0.20 1.62   1.62   1.62   1.62 +0.24 1.86 +0.42 2.28
Jane Dodds 0 +0.42 0.42   0.42 -0.42 -   -   -   -   -
Anthony Fairclough 1   1.00 +0.20 1.20   1.20 -1.20 -   -   -   -
Sarah Green 3 +0.42 3.42   3.42 +0.20 3.62 +0.20 3.82   3.82   3.82   3.82
Claire Halliwell 5   5.00 -1.00 4.00   4.00   4.00   4.00   4.00   4.00
Louise Bloom 3   3.00 +0.40 3.40   3.40 +1.00 4.40 -0.40 4.00   4.00   4.00
Adrian Hyyrylainen-Trett Withdrawn
Steve Jolly 7 -3.00 4.00   4.00   4.00   4.00   4.00   4.00   4.00
Nassar Kessell 1 +0.42 1.42   1.42 +0.42 1.84   1.84   1.84   1.84 -1.84 -
Mohsin Khan 0   0.00 +0.20 0.20 -0.20 -   -   -   -   -
Gordon Lishman 2   2.00   2.00   2.00   2.00 +0.40 2.40   2.40 +0.42 2.82
Miranda Roberts 3 +1.26 4.26   4.26   4.26   4.26   4.26 -0.26 4.00   4.00
Paul Williams 2   2.00   2.00   2.00   2.00   2.00   2.00   2.00
Non-transferable 0 +0.06 0.06   0.06   0.06   0.06   0.06 +0.02 0.08 +1.00 1.08
Totals 28   28.00   28.00   28.00   28.00   28.00   28.00   28.00
  Stage Stage 9  
  8 Exclusion of
Paul Williams
Sarah Brown 2.28 +1.00 3.28  
Sarah Green 3.82   3.82 Elected
Claire Halliwell 4.00   4.00 Elected
Louise Bloom 4.00   4.00 Elected
Steve Jolly 4.00   4.00 Elected
Gordon Lishman 2.82 +1.00 3.82 Elected
Miranda Roberts 4.00   4.00 Elected
Paul Williams 2.00 -2.00 -  
Non-transferable 1.08   1.08  
Totals 28.00   28.00  

* Note: Adrian Hyyrylainen-Trett was withdrawn due to resignation from the committee.

Previous Results

Election for 6 members of the Federal People Development Committee
Date 14/02/17
Number to be elected 6
Valid votes 28
Invalid votes 0
Quota 4.00
STV2000 (c) Keith Edkins 1.44
Election rules ERS97
    Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6 Stage 7 Stage 8
Surplus of
Steve Jolly
Surplus of
Claire Halliwell
Exclusion of
2 candidates
Exclusion of
Anthony Fairclough
Surplus of
Miranda Roberts
Exclusion of
Paul Williams
Exclusion of
Sarah Brown
Sarah Brown 1 +0.42 1.42   1.42   1.42   1.42   1.42   1.42 -1.42 -
Jane Dodds 0 +0.42 0.42   0.42 -0.42 -   -   -   -   -
Anthony Fairclough 1   1.00   1.00   1.00 -1.00 -   -   -   -
Sarah Green 3 +0.42 3.42   3.42   3.42   3.42   3.42   3.42   3.42
Claire Halliwell 5   5.00 -1.00 4.00   4.00   4.00   4.00   4.00   4.00
Louise Bloom 3   3.00 +0.20 3.20   3.20   3.20 +0.44 3.64   3.64 +0.42 4.06
Adrian Hyyrylainen-Trett 3 +0.42 3.42 +0.20 3.62   3.62   3.62   3.62   3.62 +1.00 4.62
Steve Jolly 7 -3.00 4.00   4.00   4.00   4.00   4.00   4.00   4.00
Nassar Kessell 1 +0.42 1.42   1.42 +0.42 1.84   1.84   1.84   1.84   1.84
Mohsin Khan 0   0.00   0.00   -   -   -   -   -
Gordon Lishman 1   1.00   1.00   1.00   1.00   1.00 +1.00 2.00   2.00
Miranda Roberts 2 +0.84 2.84 +0.60 3.44   3.44 +1.00 4.44 -0.44 4.00   4.00   4.00
Paul Williams 1   1.00   1.00   1.00   1.00   1.00 -1.00 -   -
Non-transferable 0 +0.06 0.06   0.06   0.06   0.06   0.06   0.06   0.06
Totals 28   28.00   28.00   28.00   28.00   28.00   28.00   28.00
  Stage Stage 9 Stage 10  
  8 Surplus of
Adrian Hyyrylainen-Trett
Exclusion of
Gordon Lishman
Sarah Green 3.42   3.42 +2.00 5.42 Elected
Claire Halliwell 4.00   4.00   4.00 Elected
Louise Bloom 4.06   4.06   4.06 Elected
Adrian Hyyrylainen-Trett 4.62 -0.62 4.00   4.00 Elected
Steve Jolly 4.00   4.00   4.00 Elected
Nassar Kessell 1.84 +0.62 2.46   2.46  
Gordon Lishman 2.00   2.00 -2.00 -  
Miranda Roberts 4.00   4.00   4.00 Elected
Non-transferable 0.06   0.06   0.06  
Totals 28.00   28.00   28.00  


Members of the Federal Campaigns and Elections Committee

Election for 2 members of the Federal Campaigns and Elections Committee
Date 14/02/17
Number to be elected 2
Valid votes 27
Invalid votes 1
Quota 9.00
STV2000 (c) Keith Edkins 1.44
Election rules ERS97
    Stage 2  
Exclusion of
Candy Piercy
Neil Fawcett 8 +3.00 11.00 Elected
Victoria Marsom 7 +3.00 10.00 Elected
Candy Piercy 6 -6.00 -  
Gerald Vernon-Jackson 6   6.00  
Non-transferable 0   0.00  
Totals 27   27.00

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