Jan Dobrucki
Candidate for Huddersfield
General Election - 4 July 2024
I’ve lived in Huddersfield all my life and the town has been good to me. My father, a WWII RAF navigator, settled in Milnsbridge post-war, worked as a weaver, and integrated into the local Polish community. My mother worked as an ancillary nurse to learn the language. The Polish community was strong and formed a close-knit group based around the church on Fitzwilliam Street. I served as Treasurer for that community for several years. As a family we served the country, our community and we know the NHS.
I attended Harold Wilson’s primary school, did a Biology degree in London and eventually qualified as a Chartered Accountant after training locally. I am very aware of Huddersfield’s roots and I know London.
My career spanned British Telecom, Carlsberg, Equifax, and Wesco Aircraft. As Finance Director I contributed to significant business growth across EMEA. My work was recognized with awards for excellence in finance and leadership. I know how business works and I have extensive international experience from Los Angeles through to Bengaluru (Bangalore) and all points in between including Israel.
Brexit was my reason for joining the Liberal Democrats. People were misled about its consequences; the complexities of tariffs and trade impacts were downplayed, and promises about controlling immigration were not fulfilled, leaving many unprepared for the reality we face today.
The Liberal Democrat party is the only party advocating for the UK to re-join the EU Single Market to ease trade, allow free movement within the EU, and reduce the economic burden caused by Brexit.
On a personal note, I married a local girl over 30 years ago, who had a similar career to mine. We have a daughter who lives in London with her partner and takes every opportunity to educate us on all matters LGBTQ+.
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I'm voting Liberal Democrat
On 4 July, I'm voting Liberal Democrat for a fair deal.