Together for Ely

We’re Chika Akinwale and Mary Wade, and we are standing to be the next City Councillors for Ely North and Ely East. The election is on Thursday 11 August 2022.
We both live in Ely, and think it’s a great place to live and work. We’re standing for election because we want to give something back to the city we call home, and because we’ve got so many ideas about how to make it an even better place.
We’re standing as Liberal Democrats, because that’s what we are. We don’t think City of Ely Council should become a party political battleground. Far from it. We think every city councillor should be committed first and foremost to working in the interests of Ely and all its residents. But we do think it’s more honest to be upfront about political party membership. And we don’t think candidates should hide their party allegiances and then claim that makes them independent.
We’ve both got young children, and we want Ely to be a place full of opportunity for everyone. It’s a small city, but it’s growing fast. It needs amenities to match the rising population, and more facilities open to people with disabilities. We’re shocked that the District Council didn’t even apply for money to create more fully accessible public toilets in this, one of the greatest tourist destinations in the country. We know there are calls for a children’s splash pad, and we want to help it find a home here in Ely.
The cost of living crisis is hitting families hard. It will only get worse with more energy price rises in autumn and winter, and ongoing increases in the cost of basic goods and services. Every level of government, including the City Council, needs to pull together to support struggling families, many of whom have never needed to seek help before. We are committed to ensuring the City Council works with our district and county councils as we care for each other.
The environmental and climate challenge is here, and it’s all around us. Ely is brilliantly placed to be an example of coordinated climate action. That means joining up disconnected cycle ways and footpaths, to encourage walking and cycling. It means a proper review of travel and transport in our city, from public transport and lorry routes to tackling parking problems in streets like Forehill. And we want to encourage Ely’s wonderful environmentally friendly businesses and help them grow and thrive.
If you share our vision for Ely, please vote for Chika in Ely North and Mary in Ely East on Thursday 11 August. Thank you.