Congestion charge: decision-makers must take time to reflect

Commenting on the publication of the public responses to the Greater Cambridge Partnership Making Connections consultation, East Cambridgeshire’s Liberal Democrat parliamentary candidate Charlotte Cane said:
“Decision-makers must show that they have heard what the public have said, and will reflect on it. The public agrees about the need for better public transport, but is clearly concerned about the proposed charging scheme. Franchising of bus services would help by bringing routes, timetables and fares under public control—but would need a reliable source of income to fund it. The Greater Cambridge Partnership must think again, and find an acceptable way to fund the public transport improvements local people want and need.”
East Cambridgeshire District Council Liberal Democrat group leader Lorna Dupré added:
“Doing nothing is not an option. Development is proceeding apace, from Trumpington to Waterbeach and beyond. Two more hospitals are coming to Cambridge. All this will generate significantly more journeys. These cannot all be by car, or Cambridge will be completely choked and commuters’ journeys made unbearable. But the public has made clear that it is unfair to put the entire burden on individual car drivers to fund the public transport improvements we need. The Greater Cambridge Partnership must work with the County Council and Combined Authority to achieve a fairer solution.”