Coronavirus Update (5th June 2020)

Lib Dem logo bird projected on blockwork

Our update for the 5th June includes:

  1. Haringey & London Response Update
    1. Fighting racial inequality and supporting Black Lives Matter - Our Statement
    2. Controlled Parking Zone enforcement update
    3. Beware of bogus callers
    4. One-off green waste collection
    5. Safer streets for walking and cycling could be coming to Haringey - Have your say!
    6. Haringey businesses - discretionary grant fund update
    7. Changes to the Freedom Pass
    8. Restore Free Travel for Under 18s in London
    9. Celebrating Haringey's unsung Heroes
    10. Haringey in Bloom competition
    11. Support for those with learning disabilities during COVID-19
    12. Local Food Banks still require urgent donations
    13. Volunteering opportunities for local residents
    14. Telephone befriending service
  2. Our Haringey Giving appeal
  3. How you can contact us
  4. National Response Update
    1. Easing of restrictions - what can you do that you couldn't do before?
    2. Extremely vulnerable people who have been "shielding" are now able to spend time outdoors
    3. Facemasks compulsory on public transport from June 15
    4. Changes to furlough and self-employment schemes
    5. Retail businesses start to re-open
    6. Dental practices can reopen from June 8
    7. NHS Test and Trace launched
    8. NHS calling for recovered Covid-19 patients for national plasma trial
    9. Changes to the EU Settlement Scheme and the EU
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1.1 Fighting racial inequality and supporting Black Lives Matter - Our Statement

Yesterday Haringey Lib Dems released a statement on fighting racial inequality and supporting Black Lives Matter. You can read it here.

1.2 Controlled Parking Zone Enforcement update

There have been a number of reports on social media that parking enforcement for Haringey Controlled Parking Zones have either already recommenced, or will recommence from Mon 8th June. These reports are false.

The council has yet to announce a date for when parking enforcement will resume (although the intention is by the end of June), however sufficient notice will be given to residents, and we will provide an update here as soon as we have firm details.

Traffic enforcement officers continue to operate across Haringey as they have done throughout the lockdown for infringements such as parking on double yellow lines, zebra crossings, corners etc so you may continue to see them about before enforcement resumes.

1.3 Beware of bogus callers

We’ve received reports that some Haringey residents have been visited at home by people falsely claiming to be Connected Communities staff, who say they've been sent to check on residents' wellbeing.

Please be aware that the council's Connected Communities team do not knock on doors randomly. If you receive a visit from anyone claiming to be from the council, please be wary and ask for ID. If you believe you have received a bogus visit then please contact the police.

If you are vulnerable, require assistance or if you know someone else who does, please see Haringey Council’s Connected Communities pages call their Connected Communities line on 020 8489 4431. The line is open Monday to Friday 8.30am to 6.30pm.

1.4 One-off green waste collection

With residents still urged to stay at home as much as possible, Haringey Council are now offering a limited one-off green waste collection service, directly from your home.

Until the end of June, Veolia will take up to 15 bags of garden waste away for a one-off fee of £20. You can add other bulky waste items to the collection too, although there are a few things you will need to know first. More details are available on the Veolia website: To book a collection, contact the Veolia Contact Centre on 020 8885 7700.

Please note that garden waste collected via this service will not be able to be sent for composting.

Alternatively, if you regularly have garden waste that you need to dispose of, you can sign up to the council's weekly green waste collection service for £55 or £75 a year, depending on your requirements, or you can take green waste to the Reuse and Recycling Centre on Western Road (booking must be made in advance here).

1.5 Safer Streets for walking and cycling could be coming to Haringey - Have your say!

You will recall that in previous editions of our newsletter we have reported on our calls to the council for safer streets for pedestrians and cyclists through reduction in speed limits, pavement widening, temporary cycle lanes and filtering roads so cars can travel to, but not through, busy rat-runs. This will aid social distancing and create safe spaces for travel, with public transport capacity severely reduced.

After weeks of pressure, Haringey have finally announced that they are considering these recommendations, and have launched an online map for residents to submit their suggestions for improvements. Please do take the time to engage with this by adding your recommendations here:
If you are unable to operate the map successfully please submit your comments to us with the exact location and we will upload these comments for you. For more information on what Haringey are considering please see here.

1.6 Haringey businesses - discretionary grant fund update

We have previously provided details on a follow-up government funding scheme for some small businesses that were not eligible for the initial grant scheme. Originally called top-up grants, this is now called the discretionary grant scheme and is primarily aimed at the following businesses with fewer than 50 employees:

  • Small businesses in shared offices or other flexible workspaces
  • Regular market traders with fixed building costs, such as rent, who do not have their own business rates assessment
  • Bed & Breakfasts which pay Council Tax instead of business rates
  • Charity properties in receipt of charitable business rates relief which would otherwise have been eligible for Small Business Rates Relief
The Government have now provided further guidance on how local authorities should run the scheme, however as the funds provided by the government are just 5% of the original grant scheme, Haringey council are having to work through a system of how businesses will be prioritised, and who will be considered eligible. We expect further information on this in coming weeks and will provide further updates as we have them.

To learn more, and for the latest info please see the business grants page on the Haringey Council website here:

1.7 Changes to the Freedom Pass 
From Monday 15 June passengers with an Older Person’s Freedom Pass, 60+ Oyster photocard or English National Concessionary Scheme pass will not be able to use those passes during morning peak hours (4.30am – 9am)
Older Person’s Freedom Pass, 60+ Oyster photocard or English National Concessionary Scheme passes will continue to be valid from 9am on weekdays and all day on weekends and Bank Holidays.
Passengers with a Disabled Freedom Pass are unaffected and will, as usual, still be able to travel at all times using their Freedom Pass, if they have to use public transport for their journey.
These temporary arrangements are designed to reduce the risk of crowding at the busiest times, which would make social distancing more difficult to maintain. All passengers are reminded to only use public transport if absolutely essential and maintain two metres social distancing wherever possible
1.8 Restore Free Travel for Under 18s in London

In a previous newsletter we informed you that free travel for under 18s in London would be suspended indefinitely following the government bail-out agreement of TfL.

The Lib Dems have launched a campaign to reverse this decision, which will impact the capitals poorest families most. Lib Dem Mayoral candidate, Siobhan Benita, in a letter to the Transport Secretary Grant Shapps said: "Many young Londoners rely on free travel to attend school in a safe and environmentally responsible way. In normal times, around 1.5 million journeys made in the capital are for educational purposes. These journeys are essential and removing this concession will be a disaster for our capital’s poorest families."

If you would like to support the campaign to reverse this decision please click the image below to sign the petition:


1.9 Celebrating Haringey’s unsung Heroes

Do you know someone making a difference in the community during the coronavirus pandemic?

The Mayor of Haringey, Sheila Peacock has announced a new ‘Haringey Heroes Awards’ to celebrate Haringey’s unsung heroes. To find out more or make your nomination, click here.

1.10 Haringey in Bloom competition

To adhere to social distancing rules, Homes for Haringey's annual Haringey in Bloom competition is changing. Instead of visiting the gardens, this year Homes for Haringey are asking entrants to submit photographs of their fabulous flowers and foliage.

To enter, simply send Homes for Haringey your name, address, contact details including email and phone number and return it with two pictures of the garden by Friday 24 July 2020 to or speak to your Community Relations Officer. Alternatively, contact Homes for Haringey on 020 8489 4463 to enter or for further information.

Winners will be promoted and invited to a celebration in September (subject to social distancing guidance). The competition is open to all residents, residents’ associations, schools, and communities across the borough.

1.11 Support for those with learning disabilities during COVID-19

The coronavirus outbreak can be confusing and difficult to understand. The outbreak can also cause increased stress and anxiety at this difficult time. 

Haringey Council has an easy read guide to support those with learning difficulties in our community: Advice for Groups with Learning Disabilities and Autism - COVID-19. The guide has useful information about the coronavirus, what symptoms to look out for and how to get help if someone becomes unwell. 

NHS England has released new guidance on Looking After Your Feelings and Your Body, which provides useful information to help support mental health and wellbeing. 

Mencap is also able to provide accessible support and resources for the people in our community who have a learning disability.
If you have a learning disability, and you’re worried about paying your bills, get in touch with the Haringey Learning Disabilities Team who can offer support and advice to help you. They can be reached on 0208 489 1384 - the line is open Monday - Friday, 9am - 4.30pm. Find out more on Haringey Council's Adult Social Care Support and Services page.

1.12 Local Food Banks still require urgent donations

Food banks continue to support residents across the borough and are seeing supplies running desperately low. If you are able to support them please consider doing so.

Muswell Hill Foodbank (The Trussell Trust)
  1. If you need food
    • The Muswell Hill Foodbank on Pembroke Road is open on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. You will need to get a  voucher from one of the Referral Agencies (Citizens Advice, Social Services, Job Centres, some schools and doctors surgeries and other local charities) before going to the foodbank. Strict social distancing is in place to ensure the safety of clients and volunteers.
  2. The foodbank urgently needs donations

The Holy Trinity Food Bank Stroud Green
  • Open every Sunday from 1.30pm – 3.30pm.
  • Please drop off donations at the food bank between 1.30pm - 3.30pm on Sundays. Alternatively there are dedicated collection bins at:
    • Sainsbury’s, 175-179 Stroud Green Road, N4 3PZ
    • Londis, 9-11 Ferme Park Road, N4 4DS
If you would like to make a monetary donation please email: and for more information visit:

The Gospel Centre Food Bank corner of Raleigh Road / Wightman Road, N8 OLT
  • Open Tuesday 6.30-8.30pm or Sunday 11.30-1pm.
  • Requires donations of non perishable food
  • Supporting those in need, especially from N8, N4 and N22 – no referral required
Enquiries to

Other Local Foodbanks
1.13 Volunteering opportunities for local residents

Our voluntary organisations are working under huge pressure and looking for more help from the community:
1.14 Telephone befriending service

Staying at home can be lonely and it can be difficult to connect socially. As the lockdown continues this become ever more difficult for some of our residents.

Haringey Reach and Connect offer free calls to people in Haringey who would like to receive regular weekly calls from a friendly and supportive volunteer. The calls last approximately 30 minutes, and take place on the same day, at the same time, each week.  

They match older people and volunteers carefully, to ensure they have some common interests and friendships are reviewed regularly, to ensure that both parties find them enjoyable.  

If you would be interested in becoming or having a telephone befriender, please contact Reach and Connect who are running a special expanded service to respond to COVID-19, using this link:


Last month we launched a fundraising appeal for Haringey Giving, a fund managed by people in the Haringey community and endorsed by Haringey Council, which is supporting the borough’s most vulnerable people and community initiatives in response to the Covid-19 crisis.

Within just 10 days we smashed our initial fundraising target of £1,500 thanks to the incredibly generous support of people like you.
We are therefore boldly increasing our target to £5,000. If you haven’t yet donated or are able to donate again please do so here:

So far Haringey Giving have raised over £103,000 for 23 different projects and are also looking to raise more money through business and corporate sponsors.

Click here to donate whatever you can to our fundraiser appeal


We continue to operate our surgeries via telephone, and not in-person. To find you local councillor, their surgery details, and details on how to contact them any time by email, please refer to our Councillors webpage.

Alternatively if you have any questions about COVID-19, or need to get in touch for support on any other issue and are not represented by a Lib Dem councillor where you live but would like for us to assist you, please email me directly at


4.1 Easing of restrictions - what can you do that you couldn’t do before?

From Monday 1 June, there are now a limited number of things you will be able to do in England that you could not do before:
  • spend time outdoors, including private gardens and other outdoor spaces, in groups of up to six people from different households, following social distancing guidelines. Guidance on using green spaces can be found here
  • visit car showrooms and outdoor markets
  • in line with the arrangements made by your school, send your child to school or nursery if they are in early years, reception, year 1 or year 6, if you could not before
  • if you are an elite athlete as defined by this guidance, train and compete using the specified gyms, pools and sports facilities you need
At all times, you should continue to adhere to strict social distancing guidelines when you are outside your home, particularly ensuring you are two metres away from anyone outside your household.
You cannot:
  • visit friends and family inside their homes
  • stay overnight away from your own home, except for in a limited set of circumstances, such as for work purposes
  • exercise in an indoor sports court, gym or leisure centre, or go swimming in a public pool
  • use an outdoor gym or playground
  • gather outdoors in a group of more than six (excluding members of your own household)
More detailed guidance about what you can and can’t do can be found here

4.2 Extremely vulnerable people who have been “shielding” are now able to spend time outdoors.

Social distancing guidelines have been relaxed by the government for those who are part of the shielded group, including clinically extremely vulnerable people and those with special needs.

The advice is that those in the shielded group should continue to take precautions and stay at home as much as possible. However, those shielding can now go outside with members of their household, while continuing to follow social distancing guidelines. Those who live alone can meet outside with one other person from another household. Ideally, this should be the same person each time. If you do go out, please take extra care to minimise contact with others by keeping 2 metres apart.

4.3 Facemasks compulsory on public transport from June 15

Yesterday the Transport Secretary, Grant Shapps, announced that it will be mandatory for passengers to wear face coverings when using all forms of public transport in England – from June 15

The Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) has set out that using face coverings in this setting can provide some small additional protection to fellow passengers and can help people to avoid unknowingly spreading the virus if they are suffering from coronavirus, but not showing symptoms.

Wherever possible people should continue to avoid public transport and walk, cycle or drive, but for some people this may not be an option. Transport usage has been slowly increasing, including on the tube which has seen around a 20% rise this week compared to last week.

4.4 Changes to furlough and self-employment schemes

The Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme

From 1 July 2020 the furlough scheme will allow employers to decide the right arrangements for them and their furloughed staff, meaning furloughed staff could return on a part-time basis, while still being able to claim CJRS for their normal hours not worked.

From August HMRC will not reimburse any pension or national insurance costs. From September employers will start being required to pay a proportion of furloughed workers' wages (10%) and this proportion will increase in October (to 20%). 
Self-Employment Income Support Scheme Extended

The Chancellor announced on 31 May 2020 that the self-employment income support scheme will be extended. Applications will open in August. The second final grant will be paid out in a single instalment covering three months’ worth of average monthly profits, capped at £6,570 in total.

Visit Haringey Council’s dedicated business support webpage for updates and guidance.

4.5 Retail businesses start to re-open

The Government has set out a timeline for retail businesses to reopen in June:
  • Outdoor markets and car showrooms were able to reopen from Monday this week as soon as they are able to meet the Covid-19 secure guidelines to protect shoppers and workers
  • All other non-essential retail including shops selling clothes, shoes, toys, furniture, books, and electronics, plus tailors, auction houses, photography studios, and indoor markets, will be expected to be able to reopen from 15 June 2020 if the Government’s five tests are met and they follow the Covid-19 secure guidelines
  • Hairdressers, nail bars and beauty salons, and the hospitality sector, remain closed, because the risk of transmission in these environments is higher where long periods of person to person contact is required.
Government guidance for people who work in or run shops, branches, stores or similar environments.

4.6 Dental Practices can reopen from June 8

In a


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