Coronavirus Update (3rd July 2020)


Our fortnightly update for the 3rd July includes:

  1. Haringey & London Response Update
    1. Update on COVID-19 "spike" in Haringey
    2. Haringey's Outbreak Management Plan
    3. Reopening Haringey's Sports Courts
    4. Businesses urged to keep following COVID-19 guidance
    5. Haringey businesses warned over COVID-19 testing scam
    6. Update on Libraries
    7. Support for those at risk of domestic abuse
    8. Reminder that Parking Enforcement set to resume imminently
    9. Congestion Charge changes
    10. Celebrating Haringey's unsung Heroes
    11. Local Food Banks still require urgent donations
    12. Volunteering opportunities for local residents
    13. Telephone befriending service
  2. Our Haringey Giving appeal
  3. How you can contact us
  4. National Response Update
    1. Changes to lockdown - from 4 July
    2. Updated social distancing guidance - from 4 July
    3. Shielding update - including translations and accessible formats
    4. New legislation set to be passed by Government for outside dining
    5. The NHS is open to support you
    6. Marie Curie Bereavement support
    7. MOT testing to be reintroduced

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1.1 Update on COVID-19 "spike" in Haringey

In response to recent news reports of a “spike” of COVID-19 cases in Haringey, please see the message below from Dr Will Maimaris, Director of Public Health at Haringey Council, which should reassure residents of the current situation of COVID-19 cases in the borough.

“We have no community outbreaks of COVID-19 in Haringey. The overall number of cases is very low (around 1 new case a day on average), so overall risk of being exposed to COVID-19 in Haringey is still low and much lower than other parts of the country. 

“There is always some fluctuation in case numbers from week to week, but this is from a very low base and within the realms of what we would expect. We will continue to monitor the situation.   

“While it is reassuring that that the number of new cases of COVID-19 continues to be low in Haringey, we must ensure we work together to keep it this way, by following public health guidance and acting with care and caution as we support our local businesses and schools to continue to open up. 

“Today we published our draft local COVID-19 outbreak management plan for Haringey. This plan outlines how Haringey Council will work with other agencies and other parts of the public health system to prevent and manage local outbreaks of COVID-19.”

Haringey Council have said: "It is vital that statistics are taken in context, and we are concerned by news reports which seem to be designed to scaremonger."

1.2 Haringey’s Outbreak Management Plan

On Monday the council published a new draft local COVID-19 Outbreak Management Plan for Haringey, which outlines how the council will work with agencies and other parts of the public health system to prevent and manage any local outbreaks of COVID-19.

The plan also seeks to understand the wider impact of COVID-19 on local communities, as well as provide a local infrastructure and oversight on outbreak prevention, which will then link into national programmes and neighbouring areas.
Priority areas include the local testing capacity, engaging with Haringey’s Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic communities, and supporting people to self-isolate.

View the COVID-19 Outbreak Management Plan.

1.3 Reopening Haringey's Sports Courts

Haringey are planning on reopening Sports Courts from 4th July. Due to the staff availability required to do this, and the changes needed to physical structures such as reinstalling basketball hoops, this reopening will be phased, and may draw out across many days.

Once open some courts will operate within certain hours only, and be supervised so that the Council can monitor the social distancing on the courts and if there is any immediate risk when back in use. Signs should be erected detailing opening times, and regarding any holiday programmes.

1.4 Businesses urged to keep following COVID-19 guidance

Haringey Council’s Environmental Health and Trading Standards team have been working closely with over 500 businesses throughout the borough to ensure correct guidelines are being followed during the COVID-19 outbreak.

The council is determined to stop the spread of the virus but unfortunately a minority of businesses have gone against government guidance and have continued to operate.

Officers from the Commercial and Environmental Health and Trading Standards have served Prohibition Notices to a number of premises asking them to stop any operation of the business. 

1.5 Haringey businesses warned over COVID-19 testing scam

Bogus letters about COVID-19 testing have been sent to businesses in the borough, with the Haringey Council logo on. All testing is carried out by the NHS, not the council, and businesses are urged to be vigilant.

The letter is on counterfeit Haringey paper and claims the council is planning to run a series of tests to rule out problems and determine the nature of good health in the business. It also claims that it will be filmed for training purposes.

Officers from the council's Regulatory Service rarely notifies businesses of their visits and would normally just turn up when the premises is open for business. Where it is necessary to make an appointment, a mutually convenient date and time will be confirmed by phone or letter.

All officers will show an ID card with a picture and confirmation of their name and job title and any letters from the council will have a named director and full contact details for the officer/frontline team.

If in doubt you can call the offices and confirm the identification of the officer, prior to allowing them entry.

1.6 Update on Libraries

With the Government giving permission for Libraries to reopen this weekend, Haringey Council have provided the following update:

"We are currently considering plans to begin the resumption of some services across the borough’s libraries. 

"It is very important to note that our libraries will not be reopening in full yet and it will be some time before all facilities are restored to usual order.

"We realise that library users will be keen to resume using the libraries, but it is imperative that we ensure public safety is the number one priority. 

"We are looking into how we can begin reopening our library buildings to the public – in line with government guidelines on social distancing – and we will provide an update with further details on this as soon as they are available."

1.7 Support for those at risk of domestic abuse

We want to assure those at risk, or those experiencing domestic abuse, that support services remain available during the pandemic, at what we know will be an even more difficult time for many.

Local support is available in Haringey and you can find out more on the council’s Violence Against Women and Girls pages:

You can ring the Haringey Domestic Abuse Helpline on 0300 012 0213, available Monday to Friday 10am-5.30pm or email:

There is also a freephone, 24-hour National Domestic Abuse Helpline number - 0808 2000 247 - run by Refuge.

1.8 Reminder that Parking Enforcement set to resume imminently
Haringey Council have announced that parking enforcement is set to resume in a phased approach starting this week:
  • Week commencing 29 June: The new one-day £15 parking charge comes into effect and most parking contraventions will be enforced. Enforcement of loading bays, temporary  traffic orders and suspended bays will also begin.
  • Monday 6 July: Full enforcement will resume on the 6 July. This includes the restart of Penalty Charge Notices (PCN) enforcement of permit bays, shared-use  and pay by phone bays and public car parks.
Therefore please ensure any expired permits are renewed before the 6th July, and visitor permits are used in line with the dates above.
More info and details on how to renew here:

1.9 Congestion Charge changes

As lockdown begins to ease, congestion in central London continues to rise. Transport for London say there are now as many cars in the congestion zone as there were before the lockdown began, even with many people working from home.

TfL have now announced that the daily charge will increase from £11.50 to £15 per day (£17.50 for those paying during the three days after the day of travel) and charge hours will be extended to 07:00 to 22:00 from the current hours of 07:00 to 18:00, to reflect peak traffic hours during the pandemic. The scheme will operate seven days a week and all year around except Christmas Day.

Read more about Congestion Charge changes

1.10 Celebrating Haringey’s unsung Heroes

Do you know someone making a difference in the community during the coronavirus pandemic?

The Mayor of Haringey, Sheila Peacock has announced a new ‘Haringey Heroes Awards’ to celebrate Haringey’s unsung heroes. To find out more or make your nomination, click here.

1.11 Local Food Banks still require urgent donations

Food banks continue to support residents across the borough and are seeing supplies running desperately low. If you are able to support them please consider doing so.

Muswell Hill Foodbank (The Trussell Trust)
  1. If you need food
    • The Muswell Hill Foodbank on Pembroke Road is open on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. You will need to get a  voucher from one of the Referral Agencies (Citizens Advice, Social Services, Job Centres, some schools and doctors surgeries and other local charities) before going to the foodbank. Strict social distancing is in place to ensure the safety of clients and volunteers.
  2. The foodbank urgently needs donations

The Holy Trinity Food Bank Stroud Green
  • Open every Sunday from 1.30pm – 3.30pm.
  • Please drop off donations at the food bank between 1.30pm - 3.30pm on Sundays. Alternatively there are dedicated collection bins at:
    • Sainsbury’s, 175-179 Stroud Green Road, N4 3PZ
    • Londis, 9-11 Ferme Park Road, N4 4DS
If you would like to make a monetary donation please email: and for more information visit:

The Gospel Centre Food Bank corner of Raleigh Road / Wightman Road, N8 OLT
  • Open Tuesday 6.30-8.30pm or Sunday 11.30-1pm.
  • Requires donations of non perishable food
  • Supporting those in need, especially from N8, N4 and N22 – no referral required
Enquiries to

Other Local Foodbanks
1.12 Volunteering opportunities for local residents

Our voluntary organisations are working under huge pressure and looking for more help from the community:
1.13 Telephone befriending service

Staying at home can be lonely and it can be difficult to connect socially. As the lockdown continues this become ever more difficult for some of our residents.

Haringey Reach and Connect offer free calls to people in Haringey who would like to receive regular weekly calls from a friendly and supportive volunteer. The calls last approximately 30 minutes, and take place on the same day, at the same time, each week.  

They match older people and volunteers carefully, to ensure they have some common interests and friendships are reviewed regularly, to ensure that both parties find them enjoyable.  

If you would be interested in becoming or having a telephone befriender, please contact Reach and Connect who are running a special expanded service to respond to COVID-19, using this link:


Please help us reach our new target of £5,000 for Haringey Giving, a fund managed by people in the Haringey community and endorsed by Haringey Council, which is supporting the borough’s most vulnerable people and community initiatives in response to the Covid-19 crisis.
You can see all the great projects that Haringey Giving Have donated to through the first wave of funding here and highlights of some of the outstanding projects and initiatives here.
Donations can be made here or by clicking the button below

Click here to donate whatever you can to our fundraiser appeal


We continue to operate our surgeries via telephone, and not in-person. To find you local councillor, their surgery details, and details on how to contact them any time by email, please refer to our Councillors webpage.

Alternatively if you have any questions about COVID-19, or need to get in touch for support on any other issue and are not represented by a Lib Dem councillor where you live but would like for us to assist you, please email me directly at for more information.


4.1 Changes to lockdown – from 4 July

Last week the Prime Minister set out further changes to lockdown measures.

From Saturday 4 July:
  • Pubs, restaurants and hairdressers will be able to reopen, providing they adhere to COVID Secure guidelines.
  • People will be able to enjoy staycations in England with the reopening of accommodation sites
  • Some leisure facilities and tourist attractions may also reopen, if they can do so safely 
Venues such as nightclubs, soft-play areas, indoor gyms, swimming pools, water parks, bowling alleys and spas remain closed for now. 

The details are set out in the Prime Minister’s full speech from last week (available here).

The Government has said it will keep all measures under constant review and “will not hesitate to apply the handbrake, or reverse measures, should the virus begin to run out of control”.

Please continue to be respectful of others, stay a safe distance and wash your hands regularly.

4.2 Updated social distancing guidance – from 4 July

Updated social distancing guidance comes into force on Saturday ( - but the key message remains that we should all still be staying at least 2 metres away from others wherever possible.

As of Saturday 4 July, the government has stated:
  • You can meet in groups of up to two households (your support bubble counts as one household) in any location - public or private, indoors or outdoors. You do not always have to meet with the same household - you can meet with different households at different times. However, it remains the case - even inside someone’s home - that you should socially distance from anyone not in your household or bubble. This change also does not affect the support you receive from your carers.
  • When you are outside you can continue to meet in groups of up to six people from different households, following social distancing guidelines
  • Those who have been able to form a support bubble (i.e. those in single adult households) can continue to have close contact as if they live with the other people in the bubble, but you should not change who you have formed a support bubble with
  • You can stay overnight away from your home with your own household or support bubble, or with members of one other household (where you need to keep social distancing)
From 4 July, where it is not possible to stay two metres apart, guidance will allow people to keep a social distance of ‘one metre plus’. This means staying one metre apart, plus mitigations which reduce the risk of transmission.

The rules remain that people should avoid public transport where possible and work from home if they can - for those who must travel on public transport, face coverings must be worn.

People are advised to get tested immediately if they have symptoms - and to self-isolate if instructed by NHS Test and Trace.

4.3 Shielding update – including translations and accessible formats

New guidance was provided to those who are shielding on how they will be able to spend more time outside their homes from Monday 6 July.

The new guidance also means that those shielding will be able to gather in groups of up to six people outdoors, whilst maintaining social distancing, and those who live alone or are single parents with children will be able to form a ‘support bubble’ with another household.  For now, the guidance remains the same - stay at home and only go outside to exercise or to spend time outdoors with a member of your household, or with one other person from another household if you live alone.

Government’s shielding support package will remain in place until the end of July when people will no longer be advised to shield, and support will remain available from NHS volunteers and local councils. People will retain their priority for supermarket delivery slots, and will still be able to access help with food shopping, medication, phone calls and transport to medical appointments.

From 1 August, those who need to work and cannot do so from home will be able to return to work, as long as their workplace is COVID secure, adhering to the guidance available.

Those identified as clinically extremely vulnerable should continue to remain at home as much as possible, taking particular care to minimise contact with others outside their household and practice good, frequent handwashing.

4.4 New legislation set to be passed by Government for outside dining

A new bill is set to be passed in the coming weeks entitled the Business and Planning Bill, which is set to alter planning and licensing laws until September 2021 to make it easier for businesses to use outdoor space for eating and drinking. If passed the bill would:
  • reduce the consultation period for applications for pavement licences from 28 calendar days to 5 working days, and grant consent after 10 working days if the council does not issue a decision
  • set a lower application fee for a pavement and street cafe licence of up to £100
  • remove the need for a planning application for outdoor markets and marquees, meaning they can be set up for longer
  • provide more freedoms for areas to hold car-boot sales and summer fairs
This could allow hospitality businesses that have had to reduce the number of tables inside inline with social distancing rules, to add additional tables outside to trade from. However business would still have to follow licensing rules when applying to the Council, such as providing a seating plan, details of toilet provision, hours of operation and more, and would have to receive further permissions from the council if they wish to utilise the public highway.

More details are available here:

4.5 The NHS is open to support you

If you’re worried about cancer symptoms, or if you need to book a cervical screening during the coronavirus pandemic, the NHS is open to support you. 

If you are experiencing unusual symptoms that could be cancer, you should contact your local GP practice. Telephone and video consultations with GPs are available and patients will only be asked to come to their local GP practice or go to hospital if it is safe to do so. Early detection of cancer greatly increases the chances for successful treatment. Watch the video at the following link for more information:

Those who have been invited to a cervical screening test are encouraged to contact their local GP practice and book an appointment. Although the cervical screening programme had paused during the early stage of the pandemic, the programme has now resumed.

4.6 Marie Curie Bereavement support

Grieving can feel isolating enough without social distancing. Many people bereaved during lockdown have been unable to properly say goodbye to loved ones, comfort or even hug each other. If they can't get the support they need, they will be more likely to struggle with the long term effects of grief.

To help, Marie Curie offers a free bereavement support service. Anyone who is grieving can access up to six telephone sessions with a matched volunteer by calling 0800 090 2309. Further details as well as online information and support is available here:

4.7 MOT testing to be reintroduced

Mandatory MOT testing is to be reintroduced from 1 August 2020, as COVID-19 restrictions are slowly lifted. MOT centres are open now for you to get an MOT – all drivers whose car, motorcycle or van is due for a MOT test from 1 August will be required to get a test certificate to continue driving their vehicle. 

Drivers with an MOT due date before 1 August will still receive a 6-month exemption from testing. 
You should not take your vehicle for its MOT if you’re self-isolating as you or someone you live with has coronavirus symptoms, or if you’re being advised to shield as you are extremely vulnerable from coronavirus. 

Read the full government guidance about the reintroduction of MOT testing

Please let us know of any further issues you want us to look into and help remedy by emailing and we will do our best to help.



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