Coronavirus Update (31st July 2020)


Our fortnightly COVID-19 update for the 31st July includes:

  1. Haringey & London Response Update
    1. Haringey's weekly COVID-19 figures
    2. Community Organisations Support Grants
    3. Good Thinking - Digital Mental Wellbeing in London
    4. Parking Permits - issues and feedback
    5. Silver Active
    6. Update Libraries
    7. Care homes visits to restart
    8. Pavement licenses for Haringey businesses
    9. Playgrounds, outdoor gyms and council managed sports courts
    10. Places of worship security funding
    11. Haringey Book of Remembrance launched
    12. Tesco Bags of Help COVID-19 Communities Fund
    13. Local Food Banks still require urgent donations
    14. Volunteering opportunities for local residents
    15. Telephone befriending service
  2. Our Haringey Giving appeal
  3. How you can contact us
  4. National Response Update
    1. Face masks and coverings update
    2. Eat Out to Help Out discount scheme launches on Monday
    3. Upcoming changes to lockdown
    4. Self-isolation period extended
    5. Spain removed from travel corridors exemption list
    6. Flu Vaccine programme to be expanded this winter

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1.1 Haringey's weekly COVID figures

You can find the latest COVID-19 figures for Haringey (as of 29th Jul) here.

1.2 Community Organisations Support Grants

Haringey Council have launched the Community Organisations Support Grants programme.

We would encourage you to apply for the funding if your organisation is eligible and in need of it. The funding is for unavoidable running and core operational costs arising from Covid-19 and is not intended to pay for services, including services responding directly to the impacts of Covid-19.

The Community Organisations Support Grants are open to community organisations whose operations have been difficult to adapt to lockdown, including service delivery or income-generating activity, including:

  • Charities and voluntary sector organisations 
  • Social enterprises (not in shared workspaces)
  • Community organisations (which are not charities or voluntary sector organisations)
  • Places of worship and faith groups

For more information and to apply, please follow this link.

1.3 Good Thinking - Digital Mental Wellbeing for London

Good Thinking provides digital mental wellbeing support for London. This includes free NHS-approved apps to help you deal with stress, anxiety, low mood and poor sleep. Their website is constantly updated with new resources in relation to coronavirus and they have a number of mobile apps for further support.

Click here to find out more.

1.4 Parking Permits - issues and feedback

As parking enforcement as recommenced we have been contacted by a large number of residents who are having difficulty in obtaining a new parking permit. The council has acknowledged that they have been overwhelmed by applications which has severely impacted the service.

If you have experienced a wait of more than 14 days for your permit please get in touch with us by replying to this email so that we can try and assist with getting any problems resolved.

Later this year Haringey Council will be implementing of a major new IT system that will aim to resolve the issues in obtaining a parking permit, as well as managing parking fines and enforcement.

They are asking for feedback from residents on what you feel needs to improve. Please complete this 5-minute online survey ( ) to tell them about your experience of parking services in Haringey and what changes you would suggest, to make the process easier.

The Parking Customer Survey will be available for you to complete for a period of 6 weeks, from Tuesday 28th July to Friday 4th September.

You can read about this survey and other parking consultations here

1.5 Silver Active

Haringey's Silver Active summer programme is now live, providing Hub and Cluster sheltered housing residents with weekly activity sessions to keep busy, boost morale and interact with new people. 

Residents can enjoy Stretch and Strengthen fitness or Reggaetivity dance classes on Zoom, or a simple group chat and mini quiz over the telephone. All options allow residents who may be shielding to keep in touch with others and make new friends!

Find the programme Silver Active summer programme

1.6 Update on Libraries

The phased reopening of Haringey Libraries continues with most of them now offering the following services:
  • Drop Box - users can return books in a designed ‘drop box’ situated just inside the library.
  • Click and collect - collection of books that have been pre-ordered online or by phone
  • Grab and Go - grab a self-selection of books by customers but with no provision to sit or stay to browse
  • Ready Reads - a new way to borrow books from Haringey libraries. Simply submit your Haringey Library card details and let us know what you like to read using the dedicated Ready Reads order form, and we’ll choose a selection of books for you. You won’t be able to request specific authors or titles, but we’ll do our best to find books you’ll enjoy.
    • You can also book via the dedicated phone line - you can call 020 8489 2700, open Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.
  • Limited Computer use - the number of computers available in each library will be limited and customers will be able to use them for up to one hour.
Click this link to view the revised library opening times, services on offer, as well as the online library services.


1.7 Care homes visits to restart

People will soon be able to visit their loved ones in care homes, following the publication of new guidance.

Local directors of public health will lead assessments locally, ensuring that a measured, risk-assessed approach is taken before visits can commence. See the government’s full announcement and read the guidance.

Earlier this month Healthwatch Haringey produced a report into how Haringey's Care Homes had managed through the pandemic. To find out more and read the report click here.

1.8 Pavement licenses for Haringey businesses

From the end of July 2020 the council will be starting its Pavement Licence application process, in line with the government’s new legislation under the Business and Planning Act 2020  – making it quicker and cheaper for businesses, such as cafes, restaurants and bars, to provide adequate social distancing through additional seating outside.
Pavement Licences under the new Act will be more streamlined and quicker to apply for, with the consultation process being cut down to 14 working days compared to the current 28-day period. The fee will also be capped at £100.
The move will allow businesses to secure licences in time for the summer, to protect hospitality jobs and to help businesses provide income over the remainder of the summer.For more information and updates, visit the council’s pavement licences webpage.

1.9 Playgrounds, outdoor gyms and council managed sports courts

All sports courts in parks, including ball courts, tennis courts and multi-use games areas, are now open, with the last few outdoor gyms and playgrounds also being opened up by the weekend.

If you plan to use any of these facilities please remember:

  • Please do not use if you feel ill or are self-isolating
  • Sanitise your hands regularly whilst using the equipment and remember to wash your hands as soon as you are able to do so after use
  • Stay at least 2 metres away from others
  • Do not eat or drink within the facilities
  • If the facility is busy, wait patiently until you can use it safely, or come back when less busy

1.10 Places of worship security funding

The Home Office has announced that the fifth round of the Places of Worship (POW) Protective Security Funding Scheme is now open for applications until 23:59 on the 9 August 2020. 
The Places of Worship Protective Security Funding Scheme is a key commitment of the 2016-2020 Hate Crime Action Plan and more than 180 places of worship have been awarded grants to install measures such as protective alarms, security lighting and access controls.
The scheme is open to places of worship and associated faith community centres (we define this as a community centre run by a place of worship or near a place of worship that is faith based, and where regular worship takes place) across England and Wales. 
Further details of the funding scheme and how to apply are provided via the link below.
If you need support to apply please email:

1.11 Haringey Book of Remembrance launched

To honour those we have lost during the coronavirus pandemic, a virtual book of remembrance has been launched in Haringey.

Family, friends and carers now have a special designated place to pay tribute to loved ones who were living in Haringey, with a photo and a short, written message. Please share your tributes to loved ones.

Learn more and visit the dedicated website to sign the book of remembrance to honor a loved one.

1.12 Tesco Bags of Help COVID-19 Communities Fund

Tesco Bags of Help has responded to the current COVID-19 crisis by setting up a new fund to support local communities. In order to respond quickly to the emergency they have created a streamlined application and payment process to make it easier to get funds out.

The programme will provide a single payment award of £500 to organisations who are supporting vulnerable groups, as part of their emergency response in supporting local communities.

Typically, the fund will support organisations that have experienced;
  • Increased demand –  a holiday hunger club needs more resources to support children through the summer months or  a food bank whose stocks are running low and needs an immediate donation to enable the food bank to restock.
  • Disrupted services – a  local charity setting up a delivery service  to replace its monthly lunch club, or a charity needing to set up a telephone service to support beneficiaries.
  • New services – a health focused charity having to set up a new online patient service requires new IT equipment or a mental health charity developing a new service.
Click here to find out more and to apply.

1.13 Local Food Banks still require urgent donations

Food banks continue to support residents across the borough and are seeing supplies running desperately low. If you are able to support them please consider doing so.

*NEW* Hornsey Foodbank Campsbourne School, N8 7AF
  • Open to all every Thursday 11am-1pm throughout July and August
  • Accepting everyone that needs a foodbank (no voucher required)
  • Campsbourne School - please use the Eastfield Road entrance

Muswell Hill Foodbank (The Trussell Trust)
  1. If you need food
    • The Muswell Hill Foodbank on Pembroke Road is open on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. You will need to get a  voucher from one of the Referral Agencies (Citizens Advice, Social Services, Job Centres, some schools and doctors surgeries and other local charities) before going to the foodbank. Strict social distancing is in place to ensure the safety of clients and volunteers.
  2. The foodbank urgently needs donations

The Holy Trinity Food Bank Stroud Green
  • Open every Sunday from 1.30pm – 3.30pm.
  • Please drop off donations at the food bank between 1.30pm - 3.30pm on Sundays. Alternatively there are dedicated collection bins at:
    • Sainsbury’s, 175-179 Stroud Green Road, N4 3PZ
    • Londis, 9-11 Ferme Park Road, N4 4DS
If you would like to make a monetary donation please email: and for more information visit:

The Gospel Centre Food Bank corner of Raleigh Road / Wightman Road, N8 OLT
  • Open Tuesday 6.30-8.30pm or Sunday 11.30-1pm.
  • Requires donations of non perishable food
  • Supporting those in need, especially from N8, N4 and N22 – no referral required
Enquiries to

Bounds Green Food Bank Shaftesbury Hall, Herbert Road, Bounds Green, N11 2QN
  • Open 2pm-4pm every Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday
  • Accepting everyone that needs a foodbank (no voucher required)
  • Food donations accepted in the two hours before opening
Enquiries to

Other Local Foodbanks
1.14 Volunteering opportunities for local residents

Our voluntary organisations are working under huge pressure and looking for more help from the community:
1.15 Telephone befriending service

Staying at home can be lonely and it can be difficult to connect socially. As the lockdown continues this become ever more difficult for some of our residents.

Haringey Reach and Connect offer free calls to people in Haringey who would like to receive regular weekly calls from a friendly and supportive volunteer. The calls last approximately 30 minutes, and take place on the same day, at the same time, each week.  

They match older people and volunteers carefully, to ensure they have some common interests and friendships are reviewed regularly, to ensure that both parties find them enjoyable.  

If you would be interested in becoming or having a telephone befriender, please contact Reach and Connect who are running a special expanded service to respond to COVID-19, using this link:


Please help us reach our new target of £5,000 for Haringey Giving, a fund managed by people in the Haringey community and endorsed by Haringey Council, which is supporting the borough’s most vulnerable people and community initiatives in response to the Covid-19 crisis.
You can see all the great projects that Haringey Giving Have donated to through the first wave of funding here and highlights of some of the outstanding projects and initiatives here.
Donations can be made here or by clicking the button below

Click here to donate whatever you can to our fundraiser appeal


We continue to operate our surgeries via telephone, and not in-person. To find you local councillor, their surgery details, and details on how to contact them any time by email, please refer to our Councillors webpage.

Alternatively if you have any questions about COVID-19, or need to get in touch for support on any other issue and are not represented by a Lib Dem councillor where you live but would like for us to assist you, please email me directly at for more information.


4.1 Face masks and coverings update

UPDATE from Midday today:

The prime minister says the rules on face coverings will be extended "to other indoor settings where you're likely to come into contact with people you do not normally meet such as museums, galleries, cinemas and places of worship."

"We now recommend face coverings are worn in these settings and this will become enforceable in law from the 8 August," he says.

Further to this face masks are now compulsory in shops in England.

Should an individual without an exemption refuse to wear a face covering, a shop can refuse them entry and can call the police if people refuse to comply, who will be able to issue fines of £100.Children under 11 and those with certain disabilities will be exempt.

Please see here for advice on how to make your own cloth face covering.

4.2 Eat Out to Help Out discount scheme launches on Monday

More than 53,000 outlets across the UK have so far signed up to the UK government’s Eat Out to Help Out scheme - and a new official government online finder is available to help diners locate them.

The scheme, which starts on Monday, means diners who eat-in will benefit from a 50% discount, up to a maximum of £10 per person, on food and non-alcoholic drinks, any Monday to Wednesday in August 2020 – and no voucher is required (although it only applies at participating sites). Diners can take advantage of the offer as many times as they like during the month.

To find out if a restaurant is participating in the Eat Out to Help Out scheme you can use the online restaurant finder now live on GOV.UK. Simply enter your postcode, or one near to where you want to eat out, to get a list of participating outlets within a 5-mile radius.

If you are a business that wishes to take part, please see the following link for further information including how to register and make a claim.

4.3 Upcoming changes to lockdown

In the Prime Minister’s update on progress on 17 July, he set out the next stages of our roadmap.

In a further update delivered at midday today, some of the changes proposed for tomorrow (1st August) have now been postponed for a fortnight. As such the latest roadmap from what we understand is:

From 1 August, subject to rates of transmission closer to the time and further announcements:
  • employers will have more discretion, in consultation with their employees, on how to ensure people can work safely – working from home is one way to do this, but workplaces can also be made safe by following COVID-19 Secure guidelines
  • the clinically extremely vulnerable will no longer need to follow advice on shielding, though should still take particular care to follow the social distancing guidelines when meeting people
From 15th August (was 1 August), subject to rates of transmission closer to the time:
  • bowling alleys, skating rinks and casinos can open
  • conference and exhibition centres will be able to reopen in order to enable pilots for business events to take place – they should not yet be open fully to host events more widely
  • indoor performances to a live audience can begin to take place, in line with COVID-19 Secure guidelines and subject to the success of pilots that are taking place as soon as possible
  • further pilots of larger events can take place in venues, including in sports stadia and business conferences
  • small wedding receptions - sit-down meals for no more than 30 people – can take place, subject to COVID-19 Secure guidance
  • all remaining close contact services – such as facial treatment and make up application – can restart, in line with COVID-19 Secure guidelines
From 1 September:
  • schools, nurseries and colleges will open for all children and young people on a full-time basis
  • universities are working to reopen as fully as possible
From 1 October, if prevalence remains around or below current levels:
  • we will bring back audiences in stadiums, and allow conferences and other business events to recommence in a COVID-19 Secure way
In November, the Government aims to scale back remaining social distancing measures, contingent on a number of factors, including consideration of the specific challenges as we move into winter.

It remains against the law for gatherings of more than 30 people to take place in private homes (including gardens and other outdoor spaces). Businesses and venues following COVID-19 Secure guidelines can host larger groups provided they comply with the law. This can include weddings, civil partnership ceremonies and funerals (which we advise should be limited to no more than 30 people), religious ceremonies and services, community activities and support groups. If attending a place or event that is following COVID-19 Secure guidelines, you should take care to limit your interactions with anyone outside of your group and you should continue to maintain social distancing from those that you do not live with. It is critical that you follow these guidelines to keep both yourself and others safe.

4.4 Self-isolation period extended

The self-isolation period has been extended from 7 to 10 days for those in the community who have coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms or a positive test result.

If you have coronavirus symptoms, you need to get a test done as soon as possible. You need to get the test done in the first 5 days of having symptoms.

If you’re getting a test because you have symptoms, you and anyone you live with must self-isolate until you get your result. This also applies to anyone in your support bubble (where someone who lives alone - or just with their children - can meet people from 1 other household).

To book or request a test click here.

4.5 Spain removed from travel corridors exemption list

People returning to the UK from Spain (including islands) will now need to self-isolate for 2 weeks, with the country removed from the travel corridors list.

People currently on holiday in Spain are encouraged to follow the local rules, return home as normal and check the FCO’s travel advice pages on GOV.UK for further information.

If you are planning on going on holiday we would encourage you to first review the list of countries where people do not have to self-isolate when arriving into the UK.

4.6 Flu Vaccine programme to be expanded this winter

A significant new group will be eligible for the free flu vaccine as people aged 50 to 64 will be invited later in the season for a vaccination.

As part of a drive to release pressure on the NHS in preparation for continued COVID-19 cases, a free flu vaccine will also be available to:
  • people who are on the shielded patient list and members of their household
  • all school year groups up to year 7
  • people aged over 65, pregnant women, those with pre-existing conditions including at-risk under 2s
Once vaccination of the most ‘at-risk’ groups is well underway, the department will work with clinicians to decide when to open the programme to invite people aged 50 to 64, with further details to be announced.

The NHS will contact people directly, including information about where to go to get the vaccine.

Please let us know of any further issues you want us to look into and help remedy by emailing and we will do our best to help.



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