Coronavirus Update (1st May 2020)

1 May 2020

This week our (1st May) update Coronavirus includes:

  1. Haringey Response Update
    1. Update on increasing pedestrian & cycling infrastructure to aid social distancing
    2. Update on Business Grant payments
    3. Fee-free crowdfunding for London Businesses
    4. Construction sites during COVID-19
    5. Reporting noisy neighbours and neighbours breaching social distancing rules
    6. Support for anyone suffering domestic abuse
    7. Bereavement support for children and young people
    8. Urgent Blood Donations needed
    9. Carer Job Opportunities
    10. Donations needed
    11. Local Food Banks in urgent need
    12. Volunteering opportunities
    13. Telephone befriending service
    14. Free “Surviving Lockdown” issue of Families North London Magazine to parents in North London
  2. How you can contact us
  3. National Response Update
    1. New Bounce-Back Business loans for small businesses
    2. Update on Haringey Lib Dems' call to support businesses excluded from the Government's business grants
    3. Coronavirus testing available again and expanded to more groups
    4. Pregnancy and Coronavirus
    5. New interpreting service for UK's Deaf community
    6. Google Video Conference Calling to be FREE for everyone
  4. Focus on Jacksons Lane and their COVID response across Haringey
    1. Supporting the Community
    2. Just for fun
  5. Help us to improve these emails
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1.1 Update on increasing pedestrian & cycling infrastructure to aid social distancing

Last week the Haringey Lib Dems wrote to Haringey Council asking them to look at how they could make walking and cycling easier and safer in the borough to aid social distancing (read more here). We believe that a combination of public health advice to maintain social distance and avoid non-essential public transport use, a reduction in road traffic volumes and new research showing a link between air pollution and covid-19 deaths mean local residents would welcome steps to make walking and cycling safer and more pleasant. It will also support the increasing number of key workers who are cycling to and from work instead of taking public transport.

The Council have responded and have asked officers to work with TfL and the GLA to explore opportunities to increase pedestrian and cycle capacity, particularly in areas of commercial activity and narrow footways.  We are pleased to see that Lambeth and Hackney Council have started this this week and we will continue to press the Council.
In the meantime please email us here if you would like to recommend a pavement or area that should be widened (perhaps near a shop that routinely has queues outside) or a road that would benefit from temporary cycle lanes.

1.2 Update on Business Grant payments

This week it was reported that Haringey has the second worst performance in London for paying the government's business support grants. The council have indicated that over 50% of eligible businesses should have received their grants by the end of this week but the borough still lags behind the most local authorities across the country.

This week we have called for an independent review into why the delivery of the grant payments process has lagged so badly - to commence as soon as internal council business returns to normal (more info here).

As your Haringey Lib Dem councillors we would like to know what your experience has been like when trying to get these lifeline grants from the Council so that we can provide evidence for this review. Have you had contact from Haringey Council about the support available? If you are a retail, hospitality or leisure business have you received help with your business rates? If you have applied for grants have these been paid yet?

Please get in touch with our Business Spokesperson, Cllr Paul Dennison at with your experience or if you are having trouble with getting information about the help that you have applied for so that we can help you.

To request an update on the status of your grant please email the council's business grants team at

1.3 Fee-free crowdfunding for London Businesses

The Mayor of London's Pay it Forward scheme is now live, giving businesses the ability to offer customers the option to buy goods & services in advance based on a promise to deliver in the future. The crowdfunding platform is fee-free and easy to setup for businesses. You can do so here.

To view a list of business you can support by buying goods and services now for redemption later click here.

1.4 Construction sites during COVID-19

Our councillors have been receiving complaints from residents about the operation of construction sites during the crisis. While the government has not banned construction sites from operating during the COVID-19 outbreak building work must be undertaken in a safe manner and workers must stick to social distancing otherwise works will be suspended and fines could be issued.

Residents should report concerns regarding social distancing on construction sites directly to the Health & Safety Executive (HSE) using their online e-form available here (for noise complaints relating to construction work see below).

Find out more on the Coronavirus (COVID-19): Construction page.
1.5 Reporting noisy neighbours and neighbours breaching social distancing rules
We are being contacted by residents about issues with noisy neighbours, and noise from building work during the lock down. Residents can continue to report excessive and persistent noise complaints to the Council. The service continues to operate normally and details on how to report a noise issue can be found on the council website here:

Residents can either report the complaint online, via the ‘Report IT’ app, or by calling either our Customer Services 020 8489 1335 during our normal office hours, or our out of hours service on 020 8489 0000 (Thursday to Sunday 6pm to 2am).

It is important that excessive and persistent noise complaints are reported so that the service has a full picture of where the issues are and can take the necessary action to tackle it.

If the noise complaint mainly relates to a social gathering in breach of social distancing rules then residents can contact the police on 101 or report this to the police online at:
1.6 Support for anyone suffering domestic abuse

We are aware that the measures taken to tackle COVID-19 are having serious impacts on the lives of those living with Domestic Abuse. For anyone experiencing or at risk of abuse, the Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) team at Haringey Council are working closely with service providers and partners to ensure that support remains available to all those in need.

To access support:
  • If you are in immediate danger, always ring the police on 999
    • If it is not safe for you to talk, you can press ‘55’ on a mobile phone and you will be connected to someone who can help you without having to speak
  • Haringey Domestic Abuse Helpline (Monday to Friday, 10am-5.30pm): 0300 012 0213
  • If you are concerned about your own abusive behaviour and want support to change, contact

1.7 Bereavement support for children and young people

Bereavement is a difficult experience under any situation. During the coronavirus outbreak, children and their families who experience loss as a consequence to COVID-19, or another cause, may experience increased trauma and could be cut off from some of their usual support network.

Haringey’s Educational Psychology Service has put together some information to help parents and guardians support their children through a bereavement or traumatic incident during this difficult time. It includes suggestions for how to talk to children and young people who have been bereaved, common questions and answers, and links to helplines and support. It is available here.

For more information please email the team at:

1.8 Urgent Blood Donations needed

Everyday thousands of people’s lives are saved or improved thanks to the generosity of blood donors but sadly there aren’t enough supplies. Blood banks need new blood donors from all backgrounds to ensure there is the right blood available for patients who need it. You can still give blood during the coronavirus pandemic, however please do not donate if you feel unwell.

If you are an existing blood donor, please continue to donate. New donors must be aged between 17-65. New or existing blood donors can use an online service to book an appointment to give blood.

For more information on how to donate, go to: or call 0300 123 23 23

1.9 Carer Job Opportunities

Now more than ever we need new recruits to the care sector. If you are a care worker, care manager, social worker, occupational therapist, chef or cleaner or anyone else and looking for work you can help save lives during this crisis.

Register on Proud to Care London (external link), a recruitment site for the sector, and you will be matched to crucial jobs in care.

1.10 Donations needed

Haringey Council’s food distribution hubs at the Tottenham Hotspur Stadium and Alexandra Palace are running low on supplies and are looking for businesses and the Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) to donate the following:
  • Food that can be stored (e.g. dry goods, tins, cans, packets – NO FROZEN FOOD)
  • Essential household items (e.g. sanitary products, soap, kitchen roll etc)
  • Cleaning products (for food preparation purposes)
  • Nappies, baby formula, milk
  • Plastic bags and boxes
  • Pet food
Due to government rules on social distancing and non-essential travel, the council is not asking for donations from individuals. Businesses and VCS organisations can contact to arrange a pick up.

Haringey Lib Dems are looking to raise £1,500 for Haringey Giving (a fund managed by people in the Haringey community and endorsed by Haringey Council) which is supporting the borough’s most vulnerable people and community initiatives in response to the Covid-19 crisis.

We are so close to reaching our target so if you can make a donation to our fundraiser please do so here:

1.11 Local Food Banks are in urgent need of supplies & monetary donations

Food banks continue to support residents across the borough and are seeing supplies running desperately low. If you are able to support them please consider doing so.
Muswell Hill Foodbank (The Trussell Trust)
  1. If you need food
    • The Muswell Hill Foodbank on Pembroke Road is open on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. You will need to get a  voucher from one of the Referral Agencies (Citizens Advice, Social Services, Job Centres, some schools and doctors surgeries and other local charities) before going to the foodbank. Strict social distancing is in place to ensure the safety of clients and volunteers.
  2. The foodbank urgently needs donations

The Holy Trinity Food Bank Stroud Green
  • Open every Sunday from 1.30pm – 3.30pm.
  • Please drop off donations at the food bank between 1.30pm - 3.30pm on Sundays. Alternatively there are dedicated collection bins at:
    • Sainsbury’s, 175-179 Stroud Green Road, N4 3PZ
    • Londis, 9-11 Ferme Park Road, N4 4DS
If you would like to make a monetary donation please email: and for more information visit:

Other Local Foodbanks
1.12 Volunteering opportunities for local residents

Our voluntary organisations are working under huge pressure and looking for more help from the community:
1.13 Telephone befriending service

Staying at home can be lonely and it can be difficult to connect socially. As the lockdown continues this becomes ever more difficult for some of our residents.

Haringey Reach and Connect offer free calls to people in Haringey who would like to receive regular weekly calls from a friendly and supportive volunteer. The calls last approximately 30 minutes, and take place on the same day, at the same time, each week.  

They match older people and volunteers carefully, to ensure they have some common interests and friendships are reviewed regularly, to ensure that both parties find them enjoyable.  

If you would be interested in becoming or having a telephone befriender, please contact Reach and Connect who are running a special expanded service to respond to COVID-19, using this link:

1.14 Free “Surviving Lockdown” issue of Families North London Magazine to parents in North London

"In normal times, Families North London distributes over 25,000 copies of our printed magazine, 6 times per year across North London and is run by just us – two local mums. Unfortunately, we now cannot get our magazine out as it is distributed by schools, nurseries, libraries - all the places now closed!

However, we are still trying to operate some form of service to our community and are continuing to provide parents with valuable and useful information in our ‘lockdown’ digital issue. It is full of helpful ideas for parents including home learning resources, family health, pre-school play, activities and much more."
The digital magazine can be viewed and/or downloaded at FAMILIES NORTH LONDON LOCKDOWN ISSUE 1.


We continue to operate our surgeries via telephone, and not in-person. To find you local councillor, their surgery details, and details on how to contact them any time by email, please refer to our Councillors webpage.

Alternatively if you have any questions about COVID-19, or need to get in touch for support on any other issue and are not represented by a Lib Dem councillor where you live but would like for us to assist you, please email me directly at


3.1 New Bounce-Back Business loans for small businesses

On Monday the Government announced a new 100% government-backed loan scheme to provide additional support for small businesses affected by the coronavirus pandemic. This includes businesses that may have been ineligible for the grant scheme for a variety of reasons (see below).

Businesses will be able to borrow between £2,000 and £50,000 and should be able to access the cash within days. Loans will be interest free for the first 12 months, and businesses can apply online through a short and simple form. The scheme is set to go live on Monday (4th May).

Further information can be found here

3.2 Update on Haringey Lib Dems’ call to support businesses excluded from the Government’s business grants

Last week the Haringey Lib Dems wrote to the Chancellor of the Exchequer asking for financial help to be extended to the many businesses in shared premises or those whose landlords are the business rate payer (view letter here) and who are currently not eligible for any grants. We also launched a petition which can be signed here:

Whilst the above bounce-back loans will go some way to support businesses that have not been able to receive a grant to date, many businesses will need help via grants to survive.

This week London Councils have also written to the Chancellor asking that these businesses are included in the Small Business Grant scheme (view letter here) which we hope will put further pressure on the Government to help our local businesses as well as businesses across the country who are being prevented from accessing relief during the Covid-19 crisis. We will keep you updated on any responses we receive or updates to the system.

3.3 Coronavirus testing available again and expanded to more groups

Last week we included information regarding Government testing for all essential workers in England and members of their households who are showing symptoms of coronavirus will now be able to get tested.

Due to high demand when the service was launched, many essential workers were unable to book a test. However the website now appears to be functioning well and field tests are available to book once more, and testing has now been expanded to:
  • Everyone in England aged 65 and over with coronavirus symptoms, along with symptomatic members of their household
  • Symptomatic workers who are unable to work from home (not just key workers)
  • All asymptomatic NHS and social care staff and care home residents also being rolled out
Anyone eligible can book a test using the governments online portal.

3.4 Pregnancy and coronavirus

If you’re pregnant you are no more likely to contract the infection than the general population. If you are infected, you are most likely to have no symptoms or a mild illness from which you will make a full recovery.

As a precautionary measure it has been advised that pregnant women, especially those above 28 weeks’ gestation engage fully with social distancing measures to reduce the risk of infection.

If you develop severe symptoms or your recovery is delayed you should contact NHS 111 or your maternity unit for further information and advice.
To find out more about how your maternity care will change read the Your pregnancy and coronavirus leaflet (PDF, 3MB).

3.5 New interpreting service for UK’s Deaf community

Charity, SignHealth, and online interpreting company, InterpreterNow, have created a brand-new, on-demand service for the UK’s Deaf community to support them during the coronavirus outbreak.

Many Deaf people rely on lip reading and support from family and friends to interpret for them - but this has become increasingly difficult during the outbreak with the current social distancing measure in place. Most health services have now been moved to over the phone and PPE being worn in health settings has also significantly reduced face-to face interpretation.

The new service enables the provision of free, on demand access to British Sign Language (BSL) interpreters – giving the Deaf community and health professionals the assistance they need to communicate effectively whilst adhering to government social distancing measures.
The service is available in the form of the InterpreterNow App or accessed on the BSLHealthAccess website on a PC.

3.6 Google Video Conference Calling to be FREE for everyone

Google is opening up its Google Meet video-conferencing service to anybody who wants to use it, instead of just offering it to enterprise and education customers via G Suite. From Monday anybody with a Google account should be able to create free meetings of up to 100 people that can last any amount of time.

With many people staying in touch via paid services such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams and Skype, this could be a good way to save some money during the lockdown.


Jacksons Lane in Highgate is one of Haringey’s flagship arts venues and even during quarantine, they are still providing fun, entertainment and assistance for the local community.
4.1 Supporting the Community
Christmas Day follow-up
We welcome around 100 older and disabled neighbours, who’d otherwise spend the day alone, to Jacksons Lane on Christmas Day for a celebration. In response to Covid-19 we’ve launched Feeling Good, a service to re-engage with these guests at this especially isolating period, to connect them with services or people to talk to. Find how you can support Feeling Good on our website.
Social Lunch
We’ve moved our monthly Social Lunch for over 55s online - and made them fortnightly! One of our longest-standing events, the lunches are a lifeline of companionship and culture for Haringey’s older residents. Email to join our next Social Lunch.
We've launched a brand new initiative, Befriending, in which we match up volunteers with residents of Haringey's housing schemes who we normally work with in our Broadway Brunches. These volunteers, many of whom are performers, call the residents to chat, sing and support them. If you want to volunteer as a Befriender, please email
Coffee and Computers
This local group, initially launched through Jacksons Lane and now based across Haringey, helps older residents master technology, and they’re busier than ever now. We’re connecting Coffee and Computers volunteers with our older service users to great effect. Check out the Coffee and Computers website for more information.
JL Circus
Our Youth Circus groups JL Circus, based in Tottenham and Wood Green, are also moving online. In-person sessions are replaced by live 30-minute video lessons by circus practitioners and Zoom discussions. Sign up to JL Circus by emailing
4.2 Just for fun
Our Classes and Courses page is filling up again, as our class leaders - from yoga instructors to dance tutors to children's arts tutors - are finding inventive ways to present their material online. Doodle Arts have created an entire free Resource Pack for teaching Art at home.o You can see all current Classes and Courses on our website

Watch #JLShorts episodes online.
#JLShorts: Working with our associate artists, we’ve created a channel of short, creative tutorials teaching circus and movement skills, which can be practised from the comfort of home.

JL Circus
We’re making the 30-minute video classes for our Youth Circus accessible to everyone, so you can join in and practise with our young performers. Keep an eye on our social channels to join in with the classes
We’re emailing our database of audiences with fun, positive content by our associate artists and companies to help lift their spirits and, where relevant, to keep their children occupied. Sign up to our newsletter to receive these emails

Our regular Scratch Night (a medley of work-in-progress performances), Tilted Circus Scratch, has gone digital. 7 performers have sent in their latest works-in-progress, mostly from their living rooms! Watch Tilted Circus Scratch online


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